AUTHOR OF "SECRET CHAMBERS AND HIDING PLACES" "PICTURESQUE OLD HOUSES" "FLIGHT OF THE KING" ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHSBY THE AUTHORNEW YORKCHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS1908TOMY OLD FRIENDSEYMOUR LUCAS, R.A., F.S.A.THIS BOOKIS AFFECTIONATELYINSCRIBEDA recent glance over some old Ordnance Maps, the companions of many a ramble in the corners of Old England, has suggested the idea of jotting down a few fragmentary notes, which we trust may be of interest. Upon a former occasion we wandered with pencil and camera haphazard off the beaten track mainly in the counties surrounding the great Metropolis; and though there are several tempting "Nooks" still near at hand, we have now extended our range of exploration. We only trust the reader will derive a little of the pleasure we have found in compiling this little volume. A. F. |