- Acton, Lord, on political violence, 66
- Adult Suffrage Bill, 1909, 70
- —— 1912, 78-82
- America, Women's Suffrage in, 89
- Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, 22
- Anderson, Mrs. Garrett, M.D. See Garrett
- Anti-Corn Law League, 13
- Anti-slavery movement in America, 5
- —— Congress, 13
- Anti-Suffrage League, the, 46
- Anti-Suffrage Review, quoted, 47, 52, 77
- Anti-suffragists, arguments of, 14
- —— and the Insurance Bill, 57
- —— and municipal franchise, 50, 51, 52
- —— letter against Conciliation Bill, 55, 56
- —— movement in United States, 47
- —— protest in Nineteenth Century (1889), 46
- —— tactics of, 33, 34, 35, 51-54
- Ashton, Miss Margaret, 51
- Asquith, Mr., on facilities for Suffrage Bill, 68, 77, 78
- —— on position of women under Manhood Suffrage Bill, 78, 80, 81
- —— on women's political activity, 32
- —— on Women's Suffrage, 35, 70, 71, 80
- Australia, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 40, 42, 43, 59, 89
- Bannerman, Sir H. Campbell, on Women's Suffrage, 69
- Becker, Miss Lydia, 10, 21
- Begg, Mr. Faithfull, Women's Suffrage Bill of, 34, 60
- Birrell, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 76
- Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth, 22
- Blake, Miss Jex, 22
- Bodichon, Mrs., 20, 22
- Borthwick, Sir Algernon, 24, 30
- Brailsford, Mr. H. N., 73, 85
- Bright, Mr. Jacob, 23
- Bright, John, on Parliamentary Reform, Mott, Lucretia, 14
- MÜller, Mrs., 37
- Municipal Corporation Act, 1835, 9
- Municipal suffrage, 9, 20, 48
- —— Anti-Suffragist support of, 47
- National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 21, 22, 62, 81, 85
- —— election policy, of 67
- —— protests against militant tactics, 63
- National Women's Liberal Association, 31
- New Zealand, Women's Suffrage in, 35, 36, 37, 89
- —— electoral roll of, 41
- Nightingale, Miss Florence, 14, 20
- Northcote, Sir Stafford, 24
- Norton, Hon. Mrs., 11, 12
- Norway, Women's Suffrage in, 51, 59, 89
- Pankhurst, Dr., 10
- Pankhurst, Mrs. and Miss, 60
- People's Suffrage Federation, 78, 87
- Peterloo Massacre, the, 7
- Petitions from Town Councils, 55, 88
- Pochin, Mrs., 22
- Poor Law Guardians, qualifications of, 50
- Primrose League, the, 5, 30
- Public meetings and demonstrations, 76, 86
- Rathbone, Miss Eleanor, 51
- Reeves, W. P., on Women's Suffrage, 38
- Reform Acts, exclusion of females, 9
- Reform Bill, 1832 and 1867, 6, 7, 9
- —— 1884, 27-29
- —— 1912, 78-82
- Rollit, Sir A., Women's Suffrage Bill (1892) introduced by, 33, 34
- Royal Astronomical Society, women members of, 12
- Runciman, Mr., on Women's Suffrage, 76
- School Boards, women members of, 20, 21
- Seddon, Mr. Richard, 37
- Serjeant Talfourd's Act, 1839, 12
- Shackleton, Mr., Conciliation Bill, 1910, 55, 75, Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co.
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