DEDICATORY PREFACE TO THOSE WHO MADE THE DREAM COME TRUE CHAPTER II THE DEFEAT OF THE CONCILIATION BILL CHAPTER III THE ELECTION FIGHTING FUND CHAPTER IV THE FIASCO OF THE GOVERNMENT REFORM BILL CHAPTER V THE PILGRIMAGE AND THE DERBY DAY, 1913 CHAPTER VI THE TURN OF THE TIDE CHAPTER VII THE WORLD WAR AND WOMEN'S WAR WORK CHAPTER VIII WOMEN'S WAR WORK AS IT AFFECTED PUBLIC OPINION CHAPTER X THE DIFFERENCE THE VOTE HAS MADE APPENDIX A List of Acts of Parliament specially affecting the "When there is a fervent aspiration after better things, springing from a strong feeling of human brotherhood and a firm belief in the goodness and righteousness of God, such aspiration carries with it an invincible confidence that somehow, somewhere, somewhen, it must receive its complete fulfilment; for it is prompted by the Spirit which fills and orders the Universe throughout its whole development." J. B. Mayor: Virgil's Messianic Eclogue. "AT LAST!" (Reproduced by special permission of the Proprietors of Punch.) Punch, January 23, 1918.] [Frontispiece. The Women's Victory—and After: By Millicent Garrett Fawcett, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd. First published in 1920 |