- Aberconway, Lord, 151-152
- Acland, Mr. F. D., 32-48
- Alberta, province of, returns a woman member of L.A., 119
- Anderson, Dr. L. G., 97
- Antisuffrage press, 71
- Antisuffragist Association, 11, 41, 43
- —— —— meeting, 70
- Antisuffragist Association Review, 71
- Antisuffragists, calumnies of, 26 n.
- —— rapid conversion of, 117-118
- Archbishops, the, support women's suffrage, 149
- Asquith, Mr. H. H., rooted hostility to women's suffrage, 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 44
- —— becomes Prime Minister, 2
- —— announces intention of bringing in a Reform Bill, 2, 39, 49
- —— characteristic blow from, 7, 8
- —— speech on second reading of Reform Bill, 1912, 27
- —— Punch's pictures of, 16, 52
- —— promises regarding women's suffrage, 5, 49
- —— deputations to, of suffragists, 8, 17, 18, 61
- —— —— of antisuffragists, 11
- —— questions addressed to him by N.U.W.S.S., 9
- —— forms Coalition Government, 124
- —— compares himself to Orpheus, 15
- —— —— —— to Stesichorus, 144
- —— ceases to be Prime Minister, 139
- —— contrasted with the third Duke of Devonshire, 52, 53
- —— conversion of, to women's suffrage, 133, 144
- —— speech on the death of Edith Cavell, 115
- —— moves women's suffrage resolution in House of Commons, 144
- —— speech on Women's Clauses of Representation of the People Bill, 144
- —— Miss Violet (now Lady Bonham Carter), 17
- —— Mrs., 17
- Astor, Lady, returned as M.P. for Plymouth, 162
- Balfour, Mr. A. J., 32, 114, 121-122, 167
- London, Bishop of, 149
- London School of Medicine for Women, 114
- Long, Mr. Walter, 114, 115, 136, 138
- Loreburn, Lord, 149
- Lyttelton, Hon. Alfred, 45
- Lytton, 5, 6, 72, 125, 149
- MacAdams, Miss, returned for L.A. of Alberta, 119
- Macassey, Sir Lynden, article by, in Quarterly Review, 113
- Markham, Miss Violet, 11, 117
- Martindale, Dr. Louisa, 24
- McKenna, Rt. Hon. R., 24-26, 60
- McLaren, Mr. Walter, M.P., 31
- McLaren, Mrs. Priscilla, 151
- Manners, Lord John, 32
- Maternity benefit paid to husbands, 69
- Midlothian by-election, 1912, 35
- Midwives Act, 1902, 157
- —— —— amended, 1918, 158
- Militantism, 5, 65, 67, 97
- Mill, John Stuart, 32, 153
- Milner, Lord, 149
- Montagu, Rt. Hon. E., 112
- Motor Traffic Legislation, 40-41
- Murray, Dr. Flora, 97
- Nineteenth Century and After, 81
- Norway, women's franchise in, 143
- Nurses, registration of, 163, 171
- N.U.W.S.S., intrigues in House of Commons against, 24, 26
- —— organization of, 54, 55
- —— addresses letter to Mr. Asquith on franchise situation, 1916, 127, 8
- —— recasts election policy, 29, 30-38, 43
- —— changes its name, 155, 160
- —— enlarges its objects, 161
- —— indignation of, on fiasco of Government Reform Bill, 1913, 50-53
- —— action on outbreak of war, 86-105