There was a young lady of Tottenham, Her manners—well, she had forgotten ’em. At tea at the Vicar’s She took off her knickers, And said she was too jolly hot in ’em. –––––––––– There was a young man in Drumheller; An ornery sort of a feller. He had cracks in his dome, But folks flocked to his home, On account of the crocks in his cellar. –––––––––– There was a young man from Bordeaux Who loved a young lady I kneaux; She was charming and fair, But she died in despair For the chap from Bordeaux was too sleaux. –––––––––– A maiden with stockings of lisle Passed a man and she gave him a smile. The lisle he could see All the way to her knee, And he followed her almost a misle. –––––––––– A Cannibal King saw his Mrs. Kissing a guard called Ulrs. The wicked old king Fricasseed the poor thing, And Ulrs. now Mrs. her Krs. –––––––––– A young man named Christopher Gunn Once married a girl “just for fun,” But soon a boy came Now dad’s not the same For the kid’s a young son of a Gunn! |