Classified Ads

Some Lady
(From South Side Star.)

Wanted—To buy buggy by lady that is double seated and has patent leather top.

Ballad of the Brand
(From St. Peter News.)

Strayed or Stolen—Young heifer from farmer living east of town with XXXX branded on hind leg.

Where Do They Get It?
(From the Lake County Times.)

For Sale or Trade—A big paying hotel and boarding house; 45 roomers, always full.

Competing With St. Peter
(From the Clinton, Ia., Advertiser.)

Do you know W. L. Boyce? If not, you should, as he is the man that marks the mistakes of the doctors. The Monument Man.

Wealthy but Thrifty
(From the Muskogee Phoenix.)

Beautiful farmer’s daughter with 425 acres of land, very wealthy, would marry. Send stamp for a reply. Box ——, Tallahassee, Fla.

Nature Faker
(From the Leal Leader.)

For Sale—A cow will have calf soon, also some hogs.

A Bully Job
(From Minneapolis Journal.)

Girl for general housework; no laundry work; pleasant room, private bath; $10 a week. Mrs. B. S. Bull, Ken. 1898, 1627 W. 26th street.

Forecast: Continued Cool
(From the Gary Tribune.)

Wanted—Lady to sleep nights for company. Would allow use of kitchen if necessary. B-232

Regular Leap Year Ad
(From Vancouver Province.)

Middle-aged widow lady (girl six) wishes light duties, $10 monthly, country preferred, with respectable, good living man having nice, healthy home, piano.

How About a Middle-Aged Widow?
(From the Marion, Ind., Republican.)

To whom it may concern—Some men advertise for fine stock, but not the case with me; I am looking for a wife. I am a lone man keeping house. I work every day and do not have a chance to find a wife. Any lady wishing to marry will please address me at Johnston City, Ill. Very respectfully, W. C. South.

The Gentle Osteopath
(From the Osteopathic Physician.)

Wanted—An assistant. Must be good mixer. Lady of good appearance and one with the goods would do. Address ——, care The O. P.

A concern advertises in The Chicago Tribune for an “office boy, 16 years old, with large corporation.” Isn’t that asking a good deal of one so young?


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