It is rumored around filmland that handsome (?) “Bull” Montana is shortly to be married. Doug Fairbanks, in lowbrow days before he married Mary, used to pal around with “Bull” and other ringside favorites, but ’tis said Mary ruled against Bull as being “declasse.” * * * It will be remembered that Viola Dana was a very close friend of Orma Locklear, the famous aviator, who was killed about a year ago. A few months later, she was often seen with Earl Daugherty, also a well known aviator, who maintains one of the finest flying fields in Southern California. Now Earl and Viola are never seen together. What happened, Viola? * * * ’Tis said on “Elinor Glyn Night” at the Ambassador Cocoanut Grove, our visiting English authoress ate her entire supper without once removing her long white gloves. Those were “great moments” when the olives, corn and asparagus came on! Elinor was again accompanied by that tall, youngish * * * Lois Wilson, Lasky star, has a brand new Chicago millionaire beau who seems to be quite serious in his intentions. Mildred Harris, who has also been playing over at the Lasky lot of late, is favoring a millionaire of brunette hue. * * * Mabel Normand went off on a farm in Vermont last winter and drank milk until she could again ask her friends how one could lose weight. Just now, a distinguished looking gentleman with gray hair is trotting Mabel about to the dance emporiums. * * * Bessie Love is often seen at the cafes, but almost always with “mama.” Lost your hunting license, Bessie? * * * The other evening when Clara Kimball Young stepped out with Harry Garson wearing a whole photoplay worth of ermine and diamonds, a very embarrassing thing happened. They danced of course, but in one of those floor jams, Clara suddenly found her lovely head parked on the shoulder of her ex-spouse, Jimmy Young. Gallant to the end, * * * Ruth Renick, film star, is in love with an unknown hero. While horseback riding the other day, she hurt her ankle and went into a drug store for aid. Then she grew faint and fell right over into the arms of a handsome stranger. He vanished when she woke up and that ends the story. Ruth and “we all” are hoping for developments. * * * Roy Stewart has been riding horseback of late with Miss Stanley Partridge, a young Los Angeles society girl. * * * Walter Morosco and Betty Compson are often seen stepping about together. * * * Yes, we admit that this item should have headline position. ’Tis true that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace MacDonald (Doris May), took a second-run honeymoon over at Catalina. * * * Bill Desmond and his own wife, Mary McIvor, often step out together and dance together all evening—because they like it. This same state of affairs exists with the Wesley Ruggles and Conrad Nagles as well as in the Bryant Washburn household. * * * Evelyn Nesbit, formerly Mrs. Harry K. Thaw, recently caused the arrest of four men on charges of disorderly conduct. She complained they entered the hallway outside of her apartment and that one seized her by the shoulders and made an insulting remark. The complainant said she knew none of the men. At the station house Miss Nesbit said that the men fled in a taxicab when she ran to the street yelling “fire” and calling for the police. The quartet returned later and encountered two policemen. * * * Can We Forgive Him?The London Post reports the following— There was fighting in the fo’c’sle; and the aggressor, a hard-faced, hard-fisted sailor man from Rotherhithe, was called upon to explain. “That square-headed Swede miscalled me,” he bellowed. “He said I was an Irishman, and I’m not. Me mother was a good Mexican lady and me father was two marines from Chatham!” The explanation cordially accepted. * * * Pithole FilosophyOne time I got mad at a sassy kid; I said, “There is enough brass in your face to make a large kettle.” He said “Yes, and there’s enough sap in your head to fill it.” * * * The Wails of a Wolstead WictimOh to spend “jack” like a Jackass; to have the “hips” of a hippo; the neck of a giraffe; the thirst of a camel and the “jag” of a jaguar. * * * Giving Him Fair WarningShe—“What are you thinking about?” He—“Just what you’re thinking about.” She—“If you do, I’ll scream.”—Phoenix. * * * The Way of a Lad With a LassHe—“Hu-nnnh?” She—“Nu’unnnh.” He—“Please.” She—“I told you NO!” He—“Hu’nnnnnnh?” She—“Nu’unnnnnnh.” He—“Huu’n n n n n nh?” She—“Nu—Unnnnnnn’huh.” Smack! * * * Modern LiteratureShe nestled against the two strong arms that held her. She pressed her flushed cheek against the smooth skin-so near-so tan-so glowing. “How handsome!” she cried, her eyes noting the fine straight back, the sturdy, well-shaped legs. “How handsome!” she repeated. “I adore a leather upholstered chair.” * * * Flapper BluesAin’t no use of living, nothing gained, Ain’t no use of eating just pain, Ain’t no use of kissing he’ll tell, Ain’t no use of nothing, Oh, well. * * * Djever Hear This One?An Englishman bragged that he was once mistaken for Lloyd George. The American boasted that he had been taken for President Wilson. Paddy said he had them all beat. “A fellow walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder and said ‘Great God, is that you?’” * * * Pink Pills for Pale PeopleLydia Pinkham recently received a love letter from the vegetable compound magnate reading as follows, our correspondents report: “Do you carrot all for me? My bleeding heart beets for you. My love is as soft as a squash, but as strong as an onion. You are a peach with your radish hair and turnip nose. Your cherry lips and forget-me-not eyes call me. You are the apple of my eye, and if we canteloupe lettuce marry for I am sure we would make a happy pear.” * * * Lovely Calves We’re Having!“Oh see the darling little cow-lets!” “Miss, those are not cow-lets, they’re bull-ets.” |