Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2, No. 23, August, 1921 / America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and Filosophy


Drippings From the Fawcett

Our Movie Gossip

Limber Kicks

Bobbed Hair Genii

Questions and Answers

Our Monthly Drammer

Whiz Bang Editorials

Smokehouse Poetry

Our Rumor Department

Pasture Pot Pourri

Classified Ads

Our Rural Mail Box

Arthur Neale's Page

Our Winter Annual

A Trip to the Battlefields

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Title page image

Captain Billy’s
Whiz Bang

America’s Magazine of
Wit, Humor and

AUGUST, 1921 Vol. II. No. 23

Published Monthly
W. H. Fawcett, Rural Route No. 2
at Robbinsdale, Minnesota

Entered as second-class matter May 1, 1920, at the postoffice at Robbinsdale, Minnesota, under the Act of March 3, 1879

Price 25 cents $2.50 per year

Contents of this magazine are copyrighted. Republication of any part permitted when properly credited to Capt. Billy’s Whiz Bang.

“We have room for but one soul loyalty and that is loyalty to the American People.”—Theodore Roosevelt.

Copyright 1921
By W. H. Fawcett

Edited by a Spanish and World War Veteran and dedicated to the fighting forces of the United States


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