Waiting on the Corner(From the Des Moines Register.) Will the elderly gentleman, owner of the Cadillac sedan, who left young widow on Sixth avenue, a week before Christmas, let me hear from him through this paper? Strictly confidential. * * * Convalescent(From the Montezuma, Colo., Journal) A. O. Lindquist, who was married three weeks ago, is able to be out again and will likely be able to assume his duties as a carpenter and contractor soon. * * * Come One, Come All(From the Marengo Republican-News) Baptist Church, 7:30 p. m.—Popular evening service. Subject, “Fools and Idiots.” A large number are expected. * * * The Church Was Packed(From the Miller, S. D., Press) Next Sunday morning the minister is going to, in his sermon, reveal: “How To Meet the Demand for Wine.” The superintendent of the Sunday School announces that the supplies for the quarter are at hand and may be secured by the teachers at the church. * * * Oh, Very Well!(From the Kewanee Star-Courier) Notice—I have been getting numerous calls for nursing. I wish not to be called as my health does not permit me to overdo. Especially I have two canaries and house flowers to care for. I may, when weather gets warmer take a few cases. Mrs. Lizzie Hague, 638 Pine. * * * Add Signs of Spring(From the Omaha World-Herald.) Female cinnamon color canary wants to mate. Walnut 1936. * * * Accommodating(From Seattle Times) Mrs. Hausman can accommodate 2 or 3 young men. 721 9th Ave. Elliott 2161. * * * Or Any Old Color(From Pittsburg Press) BLACK OR WHITE?—What about it? Margaret Livingston, Ince movie star, says white stockings make the legs appear larger and more shapely. She’d get our vote in red ones. Some negligee, Peggy has. No, dear, you’re wrong—negligee is wearing apparel. * * * And a Child Shall Lead Them(From Memphis Commercial Appeal) Housekeeper wanted at once; must have a child, by a widower 60 years of age. Nice furnished home and farm. Will give an interest. Wood Lawn Farm, Havana, Ark. * * * West Side or Out Side(From Grand Rapids Press) WANTED—Breast milk; must be on west side.—66101. * * * The Way It Was Done(From East Peoria Post.) New Years Day our young friends, Miss Hattie Cochran and Mr. Elias King without any ceremony at all were united in the bonds of holy wedlock. * * * They Make the Best Kind(From the Oberlin, O., Tribune.) WANTED—A husband; must be a sinner; none other need apply. P. O. Box 61, Oberlin. |