Leathery People(From Mandan Daily Pioneer.) High Grade Bags for men and women of extra quality leather. * * * Make It Two, Please(From the Michigan Daily.) WANTED—Room from Thursday to Monday with woman student. * * * Especially in Edgetown(From the Momence Progress.) A box social will be hell at the Edgetown School District No. 37, on Saturday. * * * Is She Entertaining This Winter?(From the Dixon, Ill., Telegraph.) Found—Brown fur collar. Owner can have same by paying for ad and calling on Mrs. William Greig. * * * Engaged Couples Preferred(From the Oak Parker, Ill.) For Rent—Furnished front room; warm and sunny; twin beds; new house; to persons engaged; references. Call after 4 p.m. * * * Just a Rehearsal(From the Elgin News.) Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left immediately on a short honeymoon trip. The “real” honeymoon trip is soon to be made, into various parts of Virginia. * * * My Daughter, O My Daughter!(From the Indianapolis Star.) WOODRUFF PLACE, 571 E. Drive. Room and board; modern, home privileges; gentleman preferred. Daughter wishes congenial roommate. Woodruff 6110. * * * With Best Regards(From the Lancaster, Wis., Teller.) The low-down, scurvy halfbreed that swiped our log chain from the bridge where we were working does not need to bring it back, as we have another one, but if there is a hell for dogs I hope he gets a seat in the front row with my compliments. * * * A Few More Want AdsWANTED—Man to work in dog kennel; $12 a week; sleep in or out.—Pittsburg Post. WANTED—Good home for young lady who requires very little attention at night.—New Orleans Times-Picayune. FOR SALE—About 100 year old chickens.—Waterloo (Ia.) Courier. * * * Pitiless Publicity(From the Mount Vernon Argus.) —W. Harshbarger, of Pleasantville, is the guest of Mrs. A. E. Blackman, of North Fulton Ave. —A. E. Blackman is away on a hunting trip. * * * A Model HusbandThere is a man who never drinks, Nor chews, nor smokes, nor swears; Who never gambles, never flirts, And shuns all sinful snares. He’s paralyzed. There is a man who never does A thing that is not right; His wife can tell just where he is Morning, noon and night. He’s dead. |