Luscious Limericks

There was a young man from Art Creek,
Who went around dressed in batik,
When they asked, “Are you well?”
He replied, “Ain’t it hell?
But in Art it’s the very last shriek.”
* * *
Another young chicken named Mary
Was in love with a youngster named Larry,
And when it was dark
They went to the park,
And there they did tarry and tarry.
* * *
There was a young feller named Aster
Who went in a wild bullock’s pasture;
The sweater he wore
Made the poor bully sore,
And so he ran faster and faster.
* * *
A sculptor made nymphs and bacchantes,
Omitting the coaties and panties,
Till a kind-hearted Madam,
Who knew where they had ’em.
Donated some warm Ypsilantis.

* * *

The Impulsive Cuss

A maiden not lacking in pride
Went out with her beau for a ride.
She said, “Tell me, Joe,
How far do you go?”
“The sky is my limit!” he cried.
* * *
There was an old sculptor named Phidias,
Whose knowledge of art was invidious.
He carved Aphrodite
Without any nightie,
Which shocked all the people fastidious.
* * *
There was a young lady named Florence,
Who for kissing professed great abhorrence.
At last she was kissed,
And said: “My! What I’ve missed!”
And cried till the tears fell in torrents.
* * *
This story may be overdrawn,
But now that my ink is all gone,
I’ll say goodby, guys,
And cease with my lies;
’Tis yours very truly,—Bull Kahn.
* * *

Even the repeal of the Eighteenth amendment wouldn’t do the brewers any good. Everybody knows how to make his own, now.

* * *

I Like ’em, God Bless ’em

These widowers are an elusive lot,
I like ’em!
They make you forego the sense you’ve got,
I like ’em!
They call you young, they think you’re green,
For blasÉ women they’re beaucoup keen,
They’re the worst darn pests I’ve ever seen,
I like ’em.
—By Flo.
* * *
The best man that ever lived
Must take his child on faith alone,
But the worst woman that ever lived
Knows that her child’s her own.
* * *

That Osculating Thing

A little kissing now and then
Is why we have the married men.
A little kissing, too, of course,
Is why we have the quick divorce.
* * *

The Alphabet of Love

A is the art of man and maid;
B is the blush, so fair, displayed;
C is the challenge in the eyes;
D the dare that soon replies;
E but why the rest recall?
The rest is E-Z, that’s all.

* * *
A buzz ran ’round the party,
Some maids were e’en in tears;
A blasÉ girl—ye Gods, the shame—
Had left exposed her ears.
* * *
The melancholy days have come,
The saddest of the year.
There’s no coal in the cellar,
And no goodness in the beer.
* * *
If I had a girl and she was mine,
I’d paint her back with iodine;
And on her ankles I’d place this sign,
“Keep off the lunch, they’re mine, they’re mine.”
* * *


Let me live in a house
By the side of the road
Where the races of men go by;
The men who are good
And the men who are bad,
Just as good and as bad as I.
I would not sit on the scorner’s seat
Or hurl the Cynic’s ban;
But let me live in a house
By the side of the road
And be a friend to man.

* * *


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A bull


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