A beautiful queen named Miss Aster, Wore a bathing suit, tight as a plaster; She sneezed a big sneeze And felt a cool breeze, And knew she had met with disaster. * * * There was an old fellow named Fife, Who had a most wonderful wife, But he went to the “Follies” And winked at the dollies, And now she is off him for life. * * * There was a young lady from Natchez, Who fell in some nettleweed patches, With a heart full of gloom She sits in her room And scratches and scratches and scratches. * * * A giddy old maid, Miss O’Hare, Caught a man in her room unaware, “Come from under that bed,” She emphatically said, “And escape from this room if you dare!” * * * A doughboy who’d just come from France, At the clothes of the girls looked askance, He’d killed many a Hun And from bombs hadn’t run, But the skirts made his breath come in pants. * * * There once was a girlie from Litchen, Stood scratching herself in the kitchen, Her father said, “Rose, “Coots, I suppose”; |