
We have just finished reading Mr. Faulkner's book, called "From the Ball-Room to Hell," and we are profoundly moved by it. We believe every word of it is true, and that his characterization of the demoralization and ruin wrought by the modern dance is none too strongly put.

Surely nothing worse could have been found in Sodom than these Dancing Academies, as a reason why the righteous God sent fire and brimstone and destroyed them all. These exposures are as carefully and delicately written as could be, and yet not fail to be fully understood.

We hope the book will find a wide reading and help to open many eyes that are blind and startle many that are careless, and prove to be a barbed wire fence around many homes of the innocent.

May the Holy Spirit of God bless our Christian brother in his efforts to expose these hot-beds of vice. We advise all pastors and members of our Churches to read this book, and send it to friends.

Signed by the following ministers, of Los Angeles, California.

Rev. BRESEE, Pastor Simpson M. E. Church.
Rev. D. READ, Pastor First Baptist Church.
Rev. H. U. CRABBE, Pastor United Presbyterian.
Rev. M. H. STINE, First English Lutheran Church.
Rev. A. C. SMITHERS, Temple St. Christian Church.
Rev. F. V. FESHER, Vincent M. E. Church.
Rev. A. B. PHILLIPS, City and County Missionary.
Rev. J. H. COLLINS, Third Congregational Church.
Rev. A. ANDERSON, Universalist.
Rev. FATHER MORLEY, Catholic Priest.

Rev. O. Read writes—"You have photographed the ball-room correctly."

Rev. B. Fay Mills says: May God bless you in your work, and hope that great good will be accomplished by this book. I believe what you say is true. I know of such cases as you have described. It should be read by all Christians.

Capt. E. R. Jennings: "Among those who have spoken in praise of your powerfully written little book, 'From the Ball-Room to Hell,' let my name be enrolled."

Rev. E. S. Taylor writes: "Last evening I purchased a copy of 'From the Ball-Room to Hell.' I read it through at one sitting, and hasten to thank you for your noble utterance. I know from my own experience that every word is true."

Rev. S. E. Wilson, in a long and eulogistic letter, says: "This book fills a vacant niche in the temple of literature, not occupied by sermons or homilies."

Prof. Homes, ex-dancing master, writes: "This book is founded on facts."

The Rev. Father Morley, a Catholic Priest of California, writes: "Having carefully read your excellent book, 'From the Ball-Room to Hell,' I cannot forbear expressing my full approval, therefore I cheerfully endorse every line contained therein. You have opened, dear sir, a campaign against public evil. You can send to me one hundred copies, which I shall place in the hands of my followers."

"The author writes evidently under a deep conviction of the truth, and gives a voice of warning in terms that will nigh take away the breath of many parents who read it. We think that every pastor ought to see that one of these books should be placed in the hands of all members of their church."—California Christian Advocate.

The lady principal of one of the chief female educational establishments on the Pacific Slope writes: "Myself and lady friends of mine have read the book 'From the Ball-Room to Hell,' and think you have done a noble work, and think it ought to be read by all parents."

Prof. A. T. Sullivan, ex-dancing master, says: "Waltzing is the spur of lust."

"We feel pleased that there exists a pen bold enough to denounce the evil complained of in so masterly a manner and in such vigorous English. If we mistake not, it will work great good in the social world."—Los Angeles Evening Express.

"This book has created a greater flutter in social circles than anything published within our remembrance. Its pages should receive careful perusal of parents, and the equally careful attention of the young. We believe every word of it is true."—Los Angeles Times.



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