
We can think of the nucleus of an atom as a sort of drop—a bunch of NEUTRONS and PROTONS held together by very strong short-range forces. These elementary particles within a nucleus are not arranged in any fixed or rigid array, but are free to move about within the grip of these forces. These motions may be quite violent, but for most NUCLIDES found in nature, the nuclear forces are powerful enough to keep everything confined; thus the nuclei of these atoms hold together, and are said to be stable. If any one nucleus of a given ISOTOPE is stable, then all others are also stable, because what is true for one atom of a given kind is true for all others of the same kind.[5]

Some nuclides, both man-made and natural, are unstable, however. Their nuclei are in such violent turmoil that the nuclear forces cannot always hold them together, and various bits and pieces fly off. If we were to try to predict when one particular unstable nucleus would thus disintegrate, however, we could not succeed, because the instant any specific decay (or disintegration) event will occur is a matter of chance. Only if a large number of unstable nuclei of one kind are collected together can we say with certainty that, out of that number, a certain proportion will decay in a given time. It turns out that this proportion is the same regardless of any external conditions.

This property of nuclei to decay by themselves is called radioactivity. Radioactive nuclei decay at constant rates regardless of temperature, pressure, chemical combination, or physical state. The process goes on no matter what happens to the atom. In other words, the activity inside the nucleus is in no way affected by what happens to the ELECTRONS circling around it. (Only in very special cases can outside disturbances affect the radioactivity of a nucleus and then only slightly. For all practical purposes, rates of radioactive decay are constant.)

Most radioactive nuclides have rapid rates of decay (and lose their radioactivity in a few days, or a few years, at most); most of these are known today only because they are produced artificially. Some of them may have been present at the time the solar system was formed, but they have since decayed to such insignificant fractions of their original amounts that they can no longer be detected. Only a few radioactive nuclides decay slowly enough to have been preserved to this day, and so are present in nature. They are listed in Table II.

PARENT Element DAUGHTER Product HALF-LIFE (years) Type of Decay
Potassium-40 Argon-40 1.3 × 10? (total) ELECTRON CAPTURE
Calcium-40 BETA DECAY
Vanadium-50 Titanium-50 ~6 × 10¹5 (total) Electron capture
Chromium-50 Beta decay
Rubidium-87 Strontium-87 4.7 × 10¹ Beta decay
Indium-115 Tin-115 5 × 10¹4 Beta decay
Tellurium-123 Antimony-123 1.2 × 10¹³ Electron capture
Lanthanum-138 Barium-138 1.1 × 10¹¹ (total) Electron capture
Cerium-138 Beta decay
Cerium-142 Barium-138 5 × 10¹5 ALPHA DECAY
Neodymium-144 Cerium-140 2.4 × 10¹5 Alpha decay
Samarium-147 Neodymium-143 1.06 × 10¹¹ Alpha decay
Samarium-148 Neodymium-144 1.2 × 10¹³ Alpha decay
Samarium-149 Neodymium-145 ~4 × 10¹4? Alpha decay
Gadolinium-152 Samarium-148 1.1 × 10¹4 Alpha decay
Dysprosium-156 Gadolinium-152 2 × 10¹4 Alpha decay
Hafnium-174 Ytterbium-170 4.3 × 10¹5 Alpha decay
Lutetium-176 Hafnium-176 2.2 × 10¹ Beta decay
Rhenium-187 Osmium-187 4 × 10¹ Beta decay
Platinum-190 Osmium-186 7 × 10¹¹ Alpha decay
Lead-204 Mercury-200 1.4 × 10¹7 Alpha decay
Thorium-232 Lead-208 1.41 × 10¹ 6 Alpha + 4 beta[7]
Uranium-235 Lead-207 7.13 × 108 7 Alpha + 4 beta
Uranium-238 Lead-206 4.51 × 108 8 Alpha + 6 beta

In a large number of radioactive nuclei of a given kind, a certain fraction will decay in a specific length of time. Let’s take this fraction as one-half and measure the time it takes for half the nuclei to decay. This time it is called the HALF-LIFE of that particular nucleus and there are various accurate physical ways of measuring it. During the interval of one half-life, one-half of the nuclei will decay, during the next half-life half of what’s left will decay, and so on. We may tabulate it like this:

Elapsed time (Number of half-lives) Amount left of what was originally present
1 ½
2 ¼
3 ?
4 ¹/16
5 ¹/32
6 ¹/64
7 ¹/128
... ...

In other words, after seven half-lives, less than 1% of the original amount of material will still be radioactive and the remaining 99%+ of its atoms will have been converted to atoms of another nuclide. This kind of process can be made the basis of a clock. It works, in effect, like the upper chamber of an hourglass. Mathematically it is written:

N = N0e-?t

N = the number of radioactive atoms present in the system now,
N0 = the number that was present when t = 0, (in other words, at the time the clock started),
e = the base of natural (or Napierian[8]) logarithms (the numerical value of e = 2.718 ...),
? (lambda) = the decay rate of the radioactive material, expressed in atoms decaying per atom per unit of time,
t = the time that has elapsed since the origin of system, expressed in the same units.

Obviously, in ordinary computations that would not be enough information to calculate the time, because there still are two unknowns, N0 and t. In a closed system, however, the atoms that have decayed do not disappear into thin air. They merely change into other atoms, called daughter atoms, and remain in the system.

And at any point in time, there will be both PARENT and DAUGHTER atoms mixed together in the material. The older the material, the more daughters and the fewer parents. Some daughters are also radioactive, but this does not change the basic situation. Thus it follows that

N0 = N + D

where D = the number of daughter (decayed) atoms. We may then substitute into the first equation

N = (N + D) e-?t

and solve

t = 1/? · ln(1 + D/N)

where ln = the natural logarithm, the logarithm to base e.

This kind of system can be represented crudely by an old-fashioned hourglass, as shown in the figure, which has the parameters of these equations marked. (Keep in mind, however, that this is only a gross analogy. Nuclear clocks run at logarithmically decreasing rates, but the speed of a good hourglass is roughly constant.)

An hourglass illustrates an ideal closed system. Nothing is added and nothing is removed—the sand just runs from the top bulb to the bottom.

Remember that the decaying nucleus does not disappear. It changes into another nucleus, and this new nucleus forms an atom that may be captured and held fixed by natural processes. The decayed nuclei are thus collected, so that here we have the bottom chamber of the hourglass.

But sometimes we need only the top chamber of an hourglass.


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