Fossil skull of Zinjanthropus, nearly 2,000,000 years old, discovered in 1959 by Dr. L. S. B. Leakey in Olduvai Gorge. Accurate dating of this earliest human ancestor was possible by using the potassium-argon method. One of the most talked-about age measurements in recent years was the determination of the unexpectedly great age of fossil ancestors of man, found by the British Time periods as short as two million years are not easy to measure by potassium-argon. The amount of argon produced in that time is extremely small, and contamination by argon from the air is a serious problem. Still, the measurements were repeated, the rocks were studied again, and the result did not change: The fossils were still about 2 million years old. In cases like this, one tries to find some other method to check the results in an independent way. After many attempts it was discovered that the same rock strata dated by potassium-argon also contained some pumice—a porous volcanic glass—and that this glass was suitable for uranium fission-track dating. The measurements were made in the General Electric Research Laboratory. What was the result? Just about 2 million years! When such altogether different techniques give the same number, one can have some confidence that the number is exact. It would be difficult to imagine a disturbance in nature that would cause these unrelated methods to give the same wrong number—in both cases by a factor of two. The double check simply means the Olduvai man is 2 million years old. There is not much doubt about it. The Geologic Time ScaleMuch of historical geology is based on a relationship called the Diagram illustrating the law of superposition. Each rock bed is younger than the strata under it. In essence the system of establishing age by this concept is this: Somewhere a large and easily recognized layer of sedimentary rock was known. It had a characteristic color, texture, gross composition, and overall appearance. Let us call it bed M. This bed could be traced across the countryside until a place was reached where it could be seen that bed M rested on another, different layer of rock, which we might call bed L. Bed L could also be traced some distance and ultimately could be observed resting on a still different stratum, which we shall call bed K. Some of these beds had fossils in them, and it was eventually realized that rocks with the same kinds of fossils are of the same age, even though they may differ in other respects—in color or composition, for instance. If bed M was followed in another direction, perhaps a point was reached where it dipped down a little, and here, was found still another layer—call it bed N—on top of M. Obviously, the sequence of beds from oldest to youngest was K-L-M-N. Their relative ages were now established. Over the years, hundreds of geologists described various rock layers and identified the fossils in them. By the middle of the nineteenth century, this “layer-cake” structure of sedimentary rocks was well-known in western Europe. (One may say, parenthetically, that America was geologically a vast unknown at that time. Today we know much more about the geology of Antarctica than anyone a hundred years ago knew about the geology of the United States.) A system of nomenclature for the “layer-cake” was developed and refined. Gradually this nomenclature was accepted internationally. Long-range correlations between beds of the same age, distant halfway around the globe from each other, were made possible as the science of A geologist carefully maps the layers of soil in which ancient flint tools have been found. Exact correlation of the tool-bearing strata with material datable by carbon-14 analysis must be accomplished before the age of the tools can be determined. Even this process wasn’t entirely without problems. The difficulty lay in the fact that ordinary sedimentary rocks (shale, sandstone, and limestone) cannot be dated by the usual nuclear methods because they present no suitable closed systems. Only some volcanic sediments can be Steeply dipping sandstone strata from the Cretaceous Period near Gallup, New Mexico. This photo, taken in 1901 (note the horse-drawn wagon), was made on an early government survey of Western lands. Fossils of bird tracks in sandstone in Death Valley, California. The most important of these indirect time points are furnished by what geologists call Now on top of the intrusive rock, we may find another sedimentary rock, deposited on top of the intrusive after it cooled and was exposed by the erosion of overlying materials, perhaps millions of years later. This new sediment may also contain fossils and thus furnish an upper limit for the age of the intrusion. The measured age of the intrusive rock thus can be used to set upper and lower limits on the absolute ages of the two sediments. If we are lucky, the two sediments will bracket a relatively short interval, making our measurement quite precise. Idealized sketch of a bracketed intrusive. The igneous (molten) rock must be younger than the sedimentary rock (A) it intrudes, and older than the rock (B) that overlies it. The relative age of the sedimentary beds is known from their fossils. Facsimile reprint of the famous time scale proposed by Arthur Holmes in 1959.
Using measurements made in many laboratories, and interpolating between them by using the relative thicknesses of sediments, the great British geologist, Arthur Holmes, established the time scale that is in general use today. His original scale is shown on the preceding page. Small changes can be expected to be made in this scale from time to time, but major alterations are not likely, except perhaps in the Cambrian Epoch where the present data are unreliable because they are not complete. (A scale showing the epochs or periods as often given now is on page 4.) Precambrian StratigraphySo far we have talked only about rocks that are of the Cambrian Epoch or younger—rocks that may contain fossils. Yet there are vast areas (most of Canada, for example) that are covered with rocks older than the Cambrian formation. Some Precambrian fossils have been found, but they are so rare that they are useless for dating the strata containing them. Long-range correlation of Precambrian rocks must rely on nuclear measurements. Therefore it has been only in the last dozen or so years that some order could be established for the Precambrian rock sequences. The elaborate Precambrian stratigraphies (arrangements of strata in sequence) proposed in the past, most of them based on superficial similarities of the rocks in one place to those in another place, now have been drastically altered and in some cases completely overturned by nuclear measurements. We are still far from understanding the sequence of all the events in that vast span of time we call the Precambrian. Many thousands of nuclear age determinations will have to be made to lighten the dark corners of our ignorance. Folded strata of Precambrian rocks, including limestones and shales, in Glacier National Park, Montana. |