When a radioactive nucleus disintegrates or decays, the resultant remaining nucleus may still be radioactive, and sooner or later it also will disintegrate and become still another kind of atom. This process continues through a series of distinct steps until a stable atom—one that is not radioactive—is formed. All natural radioactivity in the heavy elements proceeds by such a series of steps, and the series finally ends with a stable form of lead as its end product. In other words, any naturally radioactive heavy element eventually becomes nonradioactive lead. The nucleus of every atom (except hydrogen) contains one or more neutrons and one or more protons. The instability of the nuclei of the heavy atoms is related to the ratio of the number of neutrons to the number of protons in the nuclei. Radioactive decay is, in fact, a way of adjusting these ratios. The adjustment can occur in various ways. The most common is the emission of alpha particles or beta particles. An alpha particle is identical with the nucleus of a helium atom and has two neutrons and two protons bundled together. Loss of an alpha particle from a nucleus lowers the mass number (the total of protons and neutrons) of the parent nucleus by four and the atomic number (the number of protons) by two; the number of neutrons also is reduced by two. A beta particle is an electron and has a negative electric charge. When a beta particle is emitted from a nucleus, the nucleus is changed so that it has one more proton (which has a positive charge) and one less neutron (which has no charge); in effect, a neutron has changed into a proton as the nucleus lost a negative charge. Beta decay occurs in nuclei with a greater proportion of neutrons than is normal for the number of protons. Since beta emission increases the proportion of protons, the process raises the atomic number of the parent nucleus by one and leaves the mass number the same. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation. They are emitted when a nucleus shifts from one energy state to a lower energy state—the energy difference emerging as the gamma radiation. Gamma emission often accompanies alpha or beta emission, but the production of gamma rays does not itself alter the atomic number nor the mass number of the parent. Nuclei also can decay by emission of a positron, which is a positively charged electron. When this occurs, the new nucleus has one more neutron and one less proton than its parent; in effect a proton has become a neutron as the nucleus loses a positive charge. Positrons usually are emitted by nuclei that have a greater proportion of protons than is normal for the number of neutrons. Another process—internal electron conversion—sometimes occurs in connection with gamma-ray emission, usually in heavy elements when the gamma-ray energy is low. Instead of being emitted directly, the gamma ray strikes an orbital electron, knocking the electron out of the atom; the gamma ray then disappears. Another electron jumps into the “hole” in the orbit from which the first electron was emitted, and this jump—from a higher to a lower energy level—results in the emission of an X ray (which is similar to a gamma ray, but originates in the electron orbit region of the atom, not in the nucleus). Finally, a nucleus may be altered by electron capture. In a nucleus with a low ratio of neutrons to protons, the nucleus captures one of its own orbital electrons. This immediately combines with a proton to form a new neutron and emit a neutrino (a high-energy particle with neither mass nor charge). The process increases the neutron-to-proton ratio of the nucleus; the daughter has the same mass number as the parent, but has an atomic number one less than the parent. There are three series by which naturally radioactive nuclei decay to stable ones: The Uranium Series, the Thorium Series, and the Actinium Series. Man-made radioactive nuclei decay similarly, with bismuth as the end product, via the Neptunium Series. These can be illustrated in tabular form and diagrammatically. The Actinium Series (Uranium-235 Series), for example, proceeds like this:
The Uranium-235 Series The Uranium (Uranium-238) Series proceeds like this:
The Uranium-238 Series |