- AchÆan, curious mode of warfare, 131
- Alexander II. of Russia, 3, 10
- Armed neutrality, the, 86
- Armour, 55, 224
- Ashantee battle song, 86
- Balloonists in war, 148
- Battles, allusions to:
- Agincourt, 201, 262
- Bouvines, 194
- Camperdown, 80
- Crecy, 9, 54
- Dover, 84
- Musselborough, 56
- Navarette, 59
- Neerwinden, 6
- Nicopoli, 56
- Nile, 81
- Otterbourne, 196
- Pavia, 141
- Poitiers, 207
- Tel-el-Kebir, 253
- Bearskin hats, 223, 224
- Becon, Thomas, on military service in the sixteenth century, 208
- Bishops in war, 35, 52-3, 193-8, 261
- Blinding of prisoners, 42-3
- Blockade, effective, 92
- Bloodhounds used in war, 171-2
- Bombardment, theory and practice of, 12, 15, 17, 106, 116
- Bounties for scalps, 156
- Brigand, meaning of, 57
- Britons, love for military life, 156
- Brussels Conference on laws of war, 10, 94, 95, 105, 123, 130, 141-6-7-8, 158
- Bullinger, limits to right of military service, 208, 263
- Cannons, 5
- Cannon-shot oath, 130
- Capitulations, 100-1
- Chain-shot, 6
- Chivalry, age of, 32
- Church, influence of, on war, 52, 185-193, 204-16, 252
- Churches, destruction of, 48
- 13, 14, 172-3
- Poisoning the air, 49
- Poisoning water, 14, 29
- Press, influence of, in war, 112, 177, 182, 253
- Prisoners, treatment of, 17, 18, 40, 85, 99, 113
- Prisoners, beheaded, 97, 106
- — blinded, 43
- — burnt, 103, 111
- — drowned, 101-2-6
- — hung, 46, 101-3
- — maimed, 43, 103
- — massacred, 41, 111
- — tortured, 194
- Privateering, 70-9
- — Lord Nelson on, 77
- Prizes and prize-money, 70
- Prize Court, 76
- Punishments, military, 221-6
- Purificatory battle rites, 250
- Pursers on privateers, 76
- Recruiting, difficulty of, 240
- — former system of, in France and Germany, 241
- Red, the military colour, 223
- Red-hot shot, 5, 83
- Reprisals, 93-118
- — savage German, 117-8
- Right of search, 88
- Right of wreck, 89
- Roman warfare, 114, 132, 271-2
- Sacred buildings in war, 16, 48-9
- Sea battles, 80, 83
- Scalping enemies, 170
- Sentry-go, 229
- Slavery, influence of its cessation on war, 112
- Socialism, chief cause of, 245-8
- Soldiers of mark:
- Alaric, 204
- Alexander the Great, 107-10, 133
- Barbarossa, 100
- Bayard, 6, 57, Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square, London.
Transcriber's notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. Page 11, footnote: like England should have been heard an inquiry of which like England should have been heard at an inquiry of which Page 78: which abolished privateering beween the signatory Powers, which abolished privateering between the signatory Powers, Page 244: such an expositon as the following of the relation between such an exposition as the following of the relation between |