- Abelard, all his books burnt, 5.
- Allen (Cardinal), 37.
- Archer (John), of All Hallows, Lombard Street, 106.
- Asgill (John), his book burnt by two Parliaments, 144-47.
- Attwood (William), the English Whig, 184.
- AubignÉ (D'), his Histoire Universelle, 19.
- Bale (Bishop), 29.
- Barnes, 29.
- Bastwick (the physician), 81-92.
- Beaumarchais, his Memoirs condemned to the flames, 22.
- Becon, 29.
- Bellarmine, his Tractatus condemned by the Parliament of Paris, 64.
- Bernier (AbbÉ) pseud., 13.
- Best (Paul), prisoner at the Gatehouse, 107-109.
- Bidle (a tailor's son), 110.
- Bissendorf burnt, as well as his books, 9.
- Boncerf, 21.
- Book-fires of the Sixteenth Century, 25-47.
- under James I., 48-68.
- under Charles I., 69-93.
- of the Rebellion, 94-116.
- of the Restoration, 117-135.
- of the Revolution, 136-169.
- (our last), 170-190.
- Boulanger, Christianisme dÉvoilÉ, 15.
- Boyse, his sermon burnt by the hangman, 166.
- Brecknock (Timothy), 181.
- Buchanan (David), 101.
- Buchanan (George), 58, 123.
- Burton, the divine, 81-92.
- Bury (Rev. Arthur), 141-43.
- Busenbaum (the Jesuit), 17.
- Calamy (Dr.), 131.
- Carr (William), 171.
- Cellier (Elizabeth), 134.
- Charles I.'s Book-fires, 69-93.
- Clarkson (Laurence), 114.
- Claude, his Plaintes des Protestants, 134.
- Clendon (John), 159.
- Coke (Sir Edward), 57.
- Constitutional Queries (1750), 175.
- Coppe (Ebiezer), 114.
- Coverdale (Bishop), 29.
- Coward (Dr.), 147, 148.
- Cowell (Dr.), 28, 54-59.
- Crisis, the Present (1775), 182, 186.
- Cumberland (Duke of), of Culloden, compared with Richard III., 175.
- Cutwode, his Caltha Poetarum, 41.
- Davies (Sir John), 41, 44.
- Declaration of James III., 174.
- Defoe (Daniel), 152-4.
- Delaune, his Plea for the Nonconformists, 130-34.
- Dering (Sir Edward), 98
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