| b.c. | Jehoiakim | 608-597 | Zedekiah | 597-588 | Jerusalem taken | 588 | Death of Nebuchadrezzar | 561 | Evil-merodach | 561 | Neriglissar | 559 | Laborosoarchod | 555 | Nabunaid | 555 | Capture of Babylon | 538 | Decree of Cyrus | 536 | Cambyses | 529 | Darius, son of Hystaspes | 521 | Dedication of the Second Temple | 516 | Battle of Salamis | 480 | Ezra | 458 | Nehemiah | 444 | Nehemiah's reforms | 428 | Malachi | 420 | Alexander the Great invades Persia | 334 | Battle of Granicus | 334 | Battle of Issus | 333 | Battle of Arbela | 331 | Death of Darius Codomannus | 330 | Death of Alexander | 323 | Ptolemy Soter captures Jerusalem | 320 | Simon the Just high priest | 310 | Beginning of Septuagint translation | 284 | Antiochus the Great conquers Palestine | (?) 202 | | b.c | | Accession of Antiochus Epiphanes | 176 | Dan. vii. 8, 20. | Joshua (Jason), brother of Onias III., gets the priesthood by bribery, and promotes Hellenism among the Jews | 174 | Dan. xi. 23-24, ix. 26. | First expedition of Antiochus against Egypt.—Murder of Onias III | 171 | | His second expedition | (?) 170 | | His plunder of the Temple and massacre at Jerusalem | 170 | Dan. viii. 9, 10; xi. 28. | Third expedition of Antiochus | 169 | Dan. xi. 29, 30. | Apollonius, the general of Antiochus, advances against Jerusalem with an army of 22,000.—Massacre.—The abomination of desolation in the Temple.—Antiochus carries off some of the holy vessels (1 Macc. i. 25); forbids circumcision; burns the books of the Law; puts down the daily sacrifice | 169-8 | Dan. vii. 21, 24, 25; viii. 11-13, 24, 25; xi. 30-35, etc. | Desecration of the Temple.—Jews compelled to pay public honour to false gods.—Faithfulness of scribes and ChasidÎm.—Revolt of Maccabees | 167 | Dan. xi. 34, 35; xii. 3. | Jewish war of independence.—Death of the priest Mattathias.—Judas MaccabÆus defeats Lysias | 166 | | Battles of Beth-zur and Emmaus.—Purification of Temple (Kisleu 25) | 165 | Dan. vii. II, 26; viii. | Death of Antiochus Epiphanes | 163 | | Judas MaccabÆus dies in battle at Eleasa | 161 | |