The Gallery in the same house. Enter Aimwell and Dorinda. Dor. Well, well, my lord, you have conquered; your late generous action will, I hope, plead for my easy yielding; though I must own, your lordship had a friend in the fort before. Aim. The sweets of Hybla dwell upon her tongue!— Here, doctor— Enter Foigard with a book. Foi. Are you prepared boat? Dor. I 'm ready. But first, my lord, one word.—I have a frightful example of a hasty marriage in my own family; when I reflect upon't it shocks me. Pray, my lord, consider a little— [11] Aim. Consider! do you doubt my honour or my love? Dor. Neither: I do believe you equally just as brave: Aim. [Aside,] Such goodness who could injure! I find myself unequal to the task of villain; she has gained my soul, and made it honest like her own.— I cannot, cannot hurt her.—[Aloud.] Doctor, retire. —[Exit Foigard] Madam, behold your lover and your proselyte, and judge of my passion by my conversion!—I 'm all a lie, nor dare I give a fiction to your arms; I 'm all counterfeit, except my passion. Dor. Forbid it, Heaven! a counterfeit! [29] Aim. I am no lord, but a poor needy man, come with a mean, a scandalous design to prey upon your fortune; but the beauties of your mind and person have so won me from myself that, like a trusty servant, I prefer the interest of my mistress to my own. Dor. Sure I have had the dream of some poor mariner, a sleepy image of a welcome port, and wake involved in storms!—Pray, sir, who are you? Aim. Brother to the man whose title I usurped, but stranger to his honour or his fortune. [39] Dor. Matchless honesty!—Once I was proud, sir, of your wealth and title, but now am prouder that you Enter Foigard at one door, Gipsy at another-, who whispers Dorinda. [To Foigard.] Your pardon, sir, we shan't want you now.—[To Aimweil.] Sir, you must excuse me—I 'll wait on you presently. [Exit with Gipsy. Foi. Upon my shoul, now, dis is foolish. [Exit. Aim. Gone! and bid the priest depart!—It has an ominous look. Enter Archer. Arch. Courage, Tom!—Shall I wish you joy? [50] Aim. No. Arch. 'Oons, man, what ha' you been doing? Aim. O Archer! my honesty, I fear, has ruined me. Arch. How? Aim. I have discovered myself. Arch. Discovered! and without my consent? What! have I embarked my small remains in the same bottom with yours, and you dispose of all without my partnership? Aim. O Archer! I own my fault. [60] Arch. After conviction—'tis then too late for pardon.— You may remember, Mr. Aimwell, that you proposed this folly: as you begun, so end it. Henceforth I 'll hunt my fortune single—so farewell! Arch. Stay! what, to be despised, exposed, and laughed at! No, I would sooner change conditions with the worst of the rogues we just now bound, than bear one scornful smile from the proud knight that once I treated as my equal. [70] Aim. What knight? Arch. Sir Charles Freeman, brother to the lady that I had almost—but no matter for that, 'tis a cursed night's work, and so I leave you to make the best on't. [Going. Aim. Freeman!—One word, Archer. Still I have hopes; methought she received my confession with pleasure. Arch. 'Sdeath, who doubts it? Aim. She consented after to the match; and still I dare believe she will be just. [81] Arch. To herself, I warrant her, as you should have been. Aim. By all my hopes she comes, and smiling comes! Re-enter Dorinda, mighty gay. Dor. Come, my dear lord—I fly with impatience to your arms—the minutes of my absence were a tedious year. Where's this priest? Re-enter Foigard. Arch. 'Oons, a brave girl! Arch. Yes, yes, madam, I 'm to be your father. Dor. Come, priest, do your office. Arch. Make haste, make haste, couple 'em any way.— [Takes Aimwells hand.] Come, madam, I 'm to give you— Dor. My mind's altered; I won't. Arch. Eh! Aim. I 'm confounded! Foi. Upon my shoul, and sho is myshelf. Arch. What 's the matter now, madam? [100] Dor. Look'ee, sir, one generous action deserves another. —This gentleman's honour obliged him to hide nothing from me; my justice engages me to conceal nothing from him. In short, sir, you are the person that you thought you counterfeited; you are the true Lord Viscount Aimwell, and I wish your Lordship joy.—Now, priest, you may be gone; if my Lord is pleased now with the match, let his Lordship marry me in the face of the world. Aim., Arch. What does she mean? [110] Dor. Here's a witness for my truth. Enter Sir Charles Freeman and Mrs Sullen. Sir Chas. My dear Lord Aimwell, I wish you joy. Aim. Of what? Sir Chas. Of your honour and estate. Your brother Arch. Hark 'ee, sir knight, don't you banter now? Sir Chas. 'Tis truth, upon my honour. Aim. Thanks to the pregnant stars that formed this accident! [121] Arch. Thanks to the womb of time that brought it forth!—away with it! Aim. Thanks to my guardian angel that led me to the prize! [Taking Dorindas hand]. Arch. And double thanks to the noble Sir Charles Freeman.—My Lord, I wish you joy.—My Lady, I wish you joy.—Egad, Sir Freeman, you're the honestest fellow living!—'Sdeath, I'm grown strange airy upon this matter!—My Lord, how d'ye?—A word, my Lord; don't you remember something of a previous agreement, that entitles me to the moiety of this lady's fortune, which I think will amount to five thousand pounds? Aim. Not a penny, Archer; you would ha' cut my throat just now, because I would not deceive this lady. Arch. Ay, and I 'll cut your throat again, if you should deceive her now. [139] Aim. That's what I expected; and to end the dispute, the lady's fortune is ten thousand pounds, we'll divide stakes: take the ten thousand pounds or the lady. Arch. No, no, no, madam! his Lordship knows very well that I 'll take the money; I leave you to his Lordship, and so we 're both provided for. Enter Count Bellair. Count Bel. Mesdames et Messieurs, I am your servant trice humble! I hear you be rob here. Aim. The ladies have been in some danger, sir. Count Bel. And, begar, our inn be rob too! [150] Aim. Our inn! by whom? Count Bel. By the landlord, begar!—Garzoon, he has rob himself, and run away! Arch. Robbed himself! Count Bel. Ay, begar, and me too of a hundre pound. Arch. A hundred pounds? Count Bel. Yes, that I owed him. Aim. Our money's gone, Frank. Arch. Rot the money! my wench is gone.—[To Count Bellair.] Savez-vous quelquechase de Mademoiselle Cherry? [161] Enter a Countryman with a strong-box and a letter. Coun. Is there one Martin here? Arch. Ay, ay—who wants him? Coun. I have a box here, and letter for him. Arch. [Taking the box.] Ha! ha! ha! what's here? Legerdemain!—By this light, my lord, our money [Reads. Mr. Martin, [170] My father being afraid of an impeachment by the rogues that are taken to-night, is gone off; but if you can procure him a pardon, he'll make great discoveries that may be useful to the country. Could I have met you instead of your master to-night, I would have delivered myself into your hands, with a sum that much exceeds that in your strong-box, which I have sent you, with an assurance to my dear Martin that I shall ever be his most faithful friend till death. CHERRY BONIFACE. There's a billet-doux for you! As for the father, I think he ought to be encouraged; and for the daughter—pray, my Lord, persuade your bride to take her into her service instead of Gipsy. [184] Aim. I can assure you, madam, your deliverance was owing to her discovery. Dor. Your command, my Lord, will do without the obligation. I 'll take care of her. Sir Chas. This good company meets opportunely in favour of a design I have in behalf of my unfortunate sister. I intend to part her from her husband—gentlemen, will you assist me? [192] Count Bel. Assist! garzoon, we all assist! Enter Squire Sullen. Squire Sul. What 's all this? They tell me, spouse, that you had like to have been robbed. Mrs. Sul. Truly, spouse, I was pretty near it, had not these two gentlemen interposed. Squire Sul. How came these gentlemen here? Mrs. Sul. That's his way of returning thanks, you must know. [201] Count Bel. Garzoon, the question be apropos for all dat. Sir Chas. You promised last night, sir, that you would deliver your lady to me this morning. Squire Sul. Humph! Arch. Humph! what do you mean by humph? Sir, you shall deliver her—in short, sir, we have saved you and your family; and if you are not civil, we 'll unbind the rogues, join with 'em, and set fire to your house. What does the man mean? not part with his wife! [211] Count Bel. Ay, garzoon, de man no understan common justice. Mrs. Sul. Hold, gentlemen, all things here must move by consent, compulsion would spoil us; let my dear and I talk the matter over, and you shall judge it between us. Sir Chas. I am Sir Charles Freeman, come to take away your wife. [221] Squire Sul. And you, good sir? Aim. Thomas, Viscount Aimwell, come to take away your sister. Squire Sul. And you, pray, sir? Arch. Francis Archer, esquire, come—— Squire Sul. To take away my mother, I hope. Gentlemen, you 're heartily welcome; I never met with three more obliging people since I was born!— And now, my dear, if you please, you shall have the first word. [231] Arch. And the last, for five pounds! Mrs. Sul. Spouse! Squire Sul. Rib! Mrs. Sul. How long have we been married? Squire Sul. By the almanac, fourteen months; but by my account, fourteen years. Mrs. Sul. 'Tis thereabout by my reckoning. Count Bel. Garzoon, their account will agree. Mrs. Sul. Pray, spouse, what did you marry for? [240] Squire Sul. To get an heir to my estate. Sir Chas. And have you succeeded? Squire Sul. No. Arch. The condition fails of his side.—Pray, madam, what did you marry for? Sir Chas. Are your expectations answered? Mrs. Sul. No. [250] Count Bel. A clear case! a clear case! Sir Chas. What are the bars to your mutual contentment? Mrs. Sul. In the first place, I can't drink ale with him. Squire Sul. Nor can I drink tea with her. Mrs. Sul. I can't hunt with you. Squire Sul. Nor can I dance with you. Mrs. Sul. I hate cocking and racing. Squire Sul. And I abhor ombre and piquet. Mrs. Sul. Your silence is intolerable. Squire Sul. Your prating is worse. [260] Mrs. Sul. Have we not been a perpetual offence to each other? a gnawing vulture at the heart? Squire Sul. A frightful goblin to the sight? Mrs. Sul. A porcupine to the feeling? Squire Sul. Perpetual wormwood to the taste? Mrs. Sul. Is there on earth a thing we could agree in? Squire Sul. Yes—to part. Mrs. Sul. With all my heart Squire Sul. Your hand. Mrs. Sul. Here. [270] Squire Sul. These hands joined us, these shall part us. —Away! Mrs. Sul. North Mrs. Sul. East. Squire Sul. West—far as the poles asunder. Count Bel. Begar, the ceremony be vera pretty! Sir Chas. Now, Mr. Sullen, there wants only my sister's fortune to make us easy. Squire Sul. Sir Charles, you love your sister, and I love her fortune; every one to his fancy. [281] Arch. Then you won't refund; Squire Sul. Not a stiver. Arch. Then I find, madam, you must e'en go to your prison again. Count Bel. What is the portion? Sir Chas. Ten thousand pounds, sir. Count Bel. Garzoon, I 'll pay it, and she shall go home wid me. [289] Arch. Ha! ha! ha! French all over.— Do you know, sir, what ten thousand pounds English is? Count Bel. No, begar, not justement. Arch. Why, sir, 'tis a hundred thousand livres. Count Bel. A hundre tousand livres! Ah! garzoon, me canno' do't, your beauties and their fortunes are both too much for me. Arch. Then I will.—This night's adventure has proved strangely lucky to us all—for Captain Gibbet in his walk had made bold, Mr. Sullen, with your study and escritoir, and had taken out all the writings of your estate, all the articles of marriage with this [Gives Sir Charles Freeman a parcel of papers and parchments. Squire Sul. How, my writings!—my head aches consumedly.—Well, gentlemen, you shall have her fortune, but I can't talk. If you have a mind, Sir Charles, to be merry, and celebrate my sister's wedding and my divorce, you may command my house—but my head aches consumedly.—Scrub, bring me a dram. Arch. [To Mrs. Sullen.] Madam, there's a country dance to the trifle that I sung to-day; your hand, and we'll lead it up. Here a Dance. Twould be hard to guess which of these parties is the better pleased, the couple joined, or the couple parted; the one rejoicing in hopes of an untasted happiness, and the other in their deliverance from an experienced misery. Both happy in their several states we find, Those parted by consent, and those conjoined. Consent, if mutual, saves the lawyer's fee. Consent is law enough to set you free. [Exeunt omnes. |