A Room in Bonifaces Inn. Enter Aimwell and Archer. Arch. Well, Tom, I find you 're a marksman. Aim. A marksman! who so blind could be, as not discern a swan among the ravens? Arch. Well, but hark'ee, Aimwell! Arch. Her face! her pocket, you mean; the corn, wine and oil, lies there. In short, she has ten thousand pounds, that's the English on't. Aim. Her eyes——— Arch. Are demi-cannons, to be sure; so I won't stand their battery. [Going. Aim.-Pray excuse me, my passion must have vent. Arch. Passion! what a plague, d' ye think these romantic airs will do our business? Were my temper as extravagant as yours, my adventures have something more romantic by half. [21] Aim. Your adventures! Arch. Yes, The nymph that with her twice ten hundred pounds, With brazen engine hot, and quoif clear-starched, Can fire the guest in warming of the bed—— There's a touch of sublime Milton for you, and the subject but an innkeeper's daughter! I can play with a girl as an angler does with his fish; he keeps it at the end of his line, runs it up the stream, and down the stream, till at last he brings it to hand, tickles the trout, and so whips it into his basket. Bon. Mr. Martin, as the saying is—yonder's an honest fellow below, my Lady Bountiful's butler, who begs the honour that you would go home with him and see his cellar. Arch. Do my baise-mains to the gentleman, and tell him I will do myself the honour to wait on him immediately. [Exit Boniface. Aim. What do I hear? [40] Soft Orpheus play, and fair Toftida sing! Arch. Psha! damn your raptures; I tell you, here's a pump going to be put into the vessel, and the ship will get into harbour, my life on't. You say, there's another lady very handsome there? Aim. Yes, faith. Arch. I 'm in love with her already. Aim. Can't you give me a bill upon Cherry in the meantime? Arch. No, no, friend, all her corn, wine and oil, is ingrossed to my market. And once more I warn you, to keep your anchorage clear of mine; for if you fall foul of me, by this light you shall go to the bottom! What! make prize of my little frigate, while I am upon the cruise for you!—— Aim. Well, well, I won't. [Exit Archer. Landlord, have you any tolerable company in the house, I don't care for dining alone? Bon. Yes, sir, there's a captain below, as the saying is, that arrived about an hour ago. [60] Aim. Gentlemen of his coat are welcome everywhere; will you make him a compliment from me and tell him I should be glad of his company? Bon. Who shall I tell him, sir, would— Aim. [Aside.] Ha! that stroke was well thrown in!— [Aloud.] I'm only a traveller, like himself, and would be glad of his company, that's all. Bon. I obey your commands, as the saying is. [Exit. Re-enter Archer. Arch. 'Sdeath I I had forgot; what title will you give yourself? [70] Aim. My brother's, to be sure; he would never give me anything else, so I'll make bold with his honour this bout:—you know the rest of your cue. Arch. Ay, ay. [Exit. Enter Gibbet. Gib. Sir, I 'm yours. Aim. 'Tis more than I deserve, sir, for I don't know you. Aim. And pray, sir, how came I by the honour of seeing you now? [81] Gib. Sir, I scorn to intrude upon any gentleman—but my landlord— Aim. O sir, I ask your pardon, you 're the captain he told me of? Gib. At your service, sir. Aim. What regiment, may I be so bold? Gib. A marching regiment, sir, an old corps. Aim. [Aside.] Very old, if your coat be regimental— [Aloud.] You have served abroad, sir? [90] Gib. Yes, sir—in the plantations, 'twas my lot to be sent into the worst service; I would have quitted it indeed, but a man of honour, you know—Besides, 'twas for the good of my country that I should be abroad:—anything for the good of one's country— I'm a Roman for that. Aim. [Aside.] One of the first; I 'll lay my life. [Aloud.] You found the West Indies very hot, sir? Gib. Ay, sir, too hot for me. Aim. Pray, sir, han't I seen your face at Will's coffee-house? [101] Gib. Yes, sir, and at White's too. Aim. And where is your company now, captain? Gib. They an't come yet. Aim. Why, d' ye expect 'em here? Aim. Which way do they march? Gib. Across the country.—[Aside.] The devil's in 't, if I han't said enough to encourage him to declare! But I'm afraid he's not right; I must tack about [111] Aim. Is your company to quarter in Lichfield? Gib. In this house, sir. Aim. What! all? Gib. My company's but thin, ha! ha! ha! we are but three, ha! ha! ha! Aim. You're merry, sir. Gib. Ay, sir, you must excuse me, sir; I understand the world, especially the art of travelling: I don't care, sir, for answering questions directly upon the road— for I generally ride with a charge about me. [121] Aim. Three or four, I believe. [Aside. Gib. I am credibly informed that there are highwaymen upon this quarter; not, sir, that I could suspect a gentleman of your figure—but truly, sir, I have got such a way of evasion upon the road, that I don't care for speaking truth to any man. Aim. [Aside.] Your caution may be necessary.—[Aloud.] Then I presume you're no captain? [129] Gib. Not I, sir; captain is a good travelling name, and so I take it; it stops a great many foolish inquiries that are generally made about gentlemen that travel, it gives a man an air of something, and makes the Aim. And pray, sir, what is your true profession? Gib. O sir, you must excuse me!—upon my word, sir, I don't think it safe to tell ye. Aim. Ha! ha! ha! upon my word I commend you. Re-enter Boniface. Well, Mr. Boniface, what's the news? [140] Bon. There's another gentleman below, as the saying is, that hearing you were but two, would be glad to make the third man, if you would give him leave. Aim. What is he? Bon. A clergyman, as the saying is. Aim. A clergyman! is he really a clergyman? or is it only his travelling name, as my friend the captain has it? Bon. O sir, he's a priest, and chaplain to the French officers in town. [150] Aim. Is he a Frenchman? Bon. Yes, sir, born at Brussels. Gib. A Frenchman, and a priest! I won't be seen in his company, sir; I have a value for my reputation, sir. Aim. Nay, but, captain, since we are by ourselves—can he speak English, landlord? Bon. Very well, sir; you may know him, as the saying is, to be a foreigner by his accent, and that's all. Aim. Then he has been in England before? Aim. Then you understand Latin, Mr Boniface? Bon. Not I, sir, as the saying is; but he talks it so very fast, that I 'm sure it must be good. Aim. Pray, desire him to walk up. Bon. Here he is, as the saying is. Enter Foigard. Foi. Save you, gentlemens, bote. Aim. [Aside.] A Frenchman!—[To Foigard.] Sir, your most humble servant. [170] Foi. Och, dear joy, I am your most faithful shervant, and yours alsho. Gib. Doctor, you talk very good English, but you have a mighty twang of the foreigner. Foi. My English is very veil for the vords, but we foreigners, you know, cannot bring our tongues about the pronunciation so soon. Aim. [Aside.] A foreigner! a downright Teague, by this light!—[Aloud.] Were you born in France, doctor? [180] Foi. I was educated in France, but I was borned at Brussels; I am a subject of the King of Spain, joy. Gib. What King of Spain, sir? speak! Foi. Upon my shoul, joy, I cannot tell you as yet. Foi. Oh, let him alone, dear joy; I am of a nation that is not easily put out of countenance. Aim. Come, gentlemen, I 'll end the dispute.—Here, landlord, is dinner ready? [190] Bon. Upon the table, as the saying is. Aim. Gentlemen—pray—that door— Foi. No, no, fait, the captain must lead. Aim. No, doctor, the church is our guide. Gib. Ay, ay, so it is. [Exit Foigard foremost, the others following. |