The Gallery in Lady Bountiful's House. Enter Mrs. Sullen and Dorinda. Mrs. Su., Ha! ha! ha! my dear sister, let me embrace thee! now we are friends indeed; for I shall have a secret of yours as a pledge for mine—now you'll be good for something, I shall have you conversable in the subjects of the sex. Dor. But do you think that I am so weak as to fall in love with a fellow at first sight? Mrs. Sul. Psha! now you spoil all; why should not we be as free in our friendships as the men? I warrant you, the gentleman has got to his confidant already, has avowed his passion, toasted your health, called you ten thousand angels, has run over your lips, eyes, neck, shape, air, and everything, in a description that warms their mirth to a second enjoyment. Dor. Your hand, sister, I an't well. Mrs. Sul. So—she's breeding already—come, child, up Dor. The man's well enough. Mrs. Sul. Well enough! is he not a demigod, a Narcissus, a star, the man i' the moon? [21] Dor. O sister, I'm extremely ill! Mrs. Sul. Shall I send to your mother, child, for a little of her cephalic plaster to put to the soles of your feet, or shall I send to the gentleman for something for you? Come, unlace your stays, unbosom yourself. The man is perfectly a pretty fellow; I saw him when he first came into church. Dor. I saw him too, sister, and with an air that shone, methought, like rays about his person. [30] Mrs. Sul. Well said, up with it! Dor. No forward coquette behaviour, no airs to set him off, no studied looks nor artful posture—but Nature did it all— Mrs. Sul. Better and better!—one touch more—come! Dor. But then his looks—did you observe his eyes? Mrs. Sul. Yes, yes, I did.—His eyes, well, what of his eyes? [38] Dor. Sprightly, but not wandering; they seemed to view, but never gazed on anything but me.—And then his looks so humble were, and yet so noble, that they aimed to tell me that he could with pride die at my feet, though he scorned slavery anywhere else. Dor. Hem! much better, my dear.—Oh, here comes our Mercury! Enter Scrub. Well, Scrub, what news of the gentleman? Scrub. Madam, I have brought you a packet of news. Dor. Open it quickly, come. [51] Scrub. In the first place I inquired who the gentleman was; they told me he was a stranger. Secondly, I asked what the gentleman was; they answered and said, that they never saw him before. Thirdly, I inquired what countryman he was; they replied, 'twas more than they knew. Fourthly, I demanded whence he came; their answer was, they could not tell. And, fifthly, I asked whither he went; and they replied, they knew nothing of the matter,—and this is all I could learn. [61] Mrs. Sul. But what do the people say? can't they guess? Scrub. Why, some think he's a spy, some guess he's a mountebank, some say one thing, some another: but, for my own part, I believe he's a Jesuit. Dor. A Jesuit! why a Jesuit? Scrub. Because he keeps his horses always ready saddled, and his footman talks French. Mrs. Sul. His footman! [70] Dor. What sort of livery has the footman? Scrub. Livery! Lord, madam, I took him for a captain, he's so bedizzened with lace! And then he has tops to his shoes, up to his mid leg, a silver-headed cane dangling at his knuckles; he carries his hands in his pockets just so—[walks in the French air.—and has a fine long periwig tied up in a bag. —Lord, madam, he's clear another sort of man than I! [83] Mrs. Sul. That may easily be.—But what shall we do now, sister? Dor. I have it—this fellow has a world of simplicity, and some cunning, the first hides the latter by abundance.—Scrub! Scrub. Madam! Dor. We have a great mind to know who this gentleman is, only for our satisfaction. Scrub. Yes, madam, it would be a satisfaction, no doubt. Dor. You must go and get acquainted with his footman, and invite him hither to drink a bottle of your ale because you 're butler to-day. [95] Scrub. Yes, madam, I am butler every Sunday. Mrs. Sul. O' brave! sister, o' my conscience, you understand the mathematics already. 'Tis the best Scrub. O madam, you wrong me! I never refused your ladyship the favour in my life. Enter Gipsy. Gip. Ladies, dinner's upon table. Dor. Scrub, we'll excuse your waiting—go where we ordered you. Scrub. I shall. [Exeunt. |