- Address, illuminated, 171–7
- Advertisement, design for, 192
- Advertisements, lettering for, 72, 192, 196–9
- Air bubbles in raising preparation, 158
- Alcuin Bibles, 89
- Alfred the Great, 90
- Alizarin crimson, 127
- Alphabet, its development, 32
- the Roman, 32, 70–83
- from the Book of Kells, 66
- Alphabets for study, 60–9
- Altar tablets, 169
- Aluminium leaf, 147
- paint, 147
- Ambrosian Iliad, 85
- Anglo-Celtic illumination, 87, 102
- Armenian Bole, 143–4
- Arsenic, sulphide of, 115
- Art paper, 232
- Arzica, 120, 121
- Athelstan’s Psalter, 90
- Æthelwold, Benedictional of, 91
- Aureolin, 124
- Azurite, 115
- Azzuro della magna, 121
- oltre marino, 121
- Babylonian characters, 25
- Backgrounds, diaper, 95
- Barium sulphate, 130
- Beauty, 222
- Bedford Book of Hours, 98
- Benedictional of Æthelwold, 91
- Biacca, 121, 142
- Bianco Sangiovanni, 121
- Bible of Robert de Bello, 95
- Bible History, moralised, 95
- Bichromate of potash, 208
- Binding MSS., a simple method of, 225–231
- Black pigments, 129
- Blocks, line, 178–9
- half-tone, 180
- three-colour, 180–1
- Blood, dragon’s, 116, 120
- Blue pigments, 127
- Body-colours, 135
- Bole, Armenian, 143, 144
- Book, the illuminated MS., 216–24
- printed, illumination of, 232–37
- printed, decoration of, 238–47
- Book-hands, the study of, 60–9
- Bookplate, 201
- Borders, 245
- Bridget, St., 87
- British Museum publications, 91
- Gospels, The Lindisfarne, 37, 88, 102
- Green pigments, 128
- Gum, for mixing colours, 133
- Half-tone blocks, 180
- Half-uncials, 36
- Irish, 36
- English, 37
- Handwriting, ordinary, 24
- Harleian Psalter, 91
- Heraldry, 175
- Hiberno-Saxon illumination, 102
- Hieroglyphic and hieratic characters, 27
- Holding the pen, 44–6
- Honey, mixed with colours, 131
- in raising preparation, 186
- Ichneumon brush, 158
- Iliad, Ambrosian, 85
- Illumination, the study of, 23, 166, 248–51
- classical and Byzantine, 84–6
- Celtic and Anglo-Celtic, 87–9, 102
- Carlovingian, 89
- Winchester, 89–92
- twelfth-century, 93–4
- thirteenth-century, 94–6
- fourteenth-century, 96–7
- fifteenth-century, 97–9
- Italian, 99
- in black and red, 107–14
- with gold and colours, 152–60
- the further development of, 161–70
- Illuminated MS. book, 216–24
- Illustrations, lettering under, 234
- Indaco baccadeo, 121
- Indian ink, 129
- Indigo, 116, 121
- Influence of the tool, 23–31
- Initial letter, 101–6
- Ink, 44
- classical, 117
- mediÆval, 119
- Invitation cards, 190
- Isidore, St., 28
- Ivory black, 129
- Japanese brush, 208–9
- Jehan le BÈgue, MS. of, 119
- Joshua Rotulus, 86
- Kells, Book of, 88, 101
- Kermes, 116
- Kildare, Book of, 87
- Kneaded rubber, 160
- Knife for cutting the pen, 73–4
- Rose madder, 127
- Rubber, kneaded, 160
- Rustic capitals, 33
- S, THE LETTER, 57–8
- Sable writer, 83, 212
- Saffron, 121–2
- St. Bridget, 87
- Columba, 88
- Isidore, 28
- Swithin, 90
- Salt green, 118
- Sap of Iris, 118
- Saucers for colour, 135
- Scarlet madder, 127
- Schedula Diversarum Artium, 117
- Scraper, 133, 135
- Scriptoria, the two Winchester, 90
- Sections for MS. books, 217
- Sepia, 129
- Service books, 169
- Service, Marriage, 170
- Set square, 107–8
- Setting out page, 107–8
- Seventh-century writing, 36
- Sewing sections, 226–7
- Show-cards, 214–5
- Sienna, burnt, 127
- raw, 125
- Silver leaf, 147
- Simeon Metaphrastes, 86
- Sinopia, 120
- Sixteenth-century writing, 83
- Size and raising preparation, 158–9
- parchment, 140
- Sketch book, the use of a, 166
- Skins of animals as writing material, 28
- Slope for writing, 49
- Somme le Roi, 95
- Spacing words and letters, 57
- Spanish green, 118
- Spring dividers, 107
- for pen, 43
- Square capitals, 33
- Stretching paper, 154
- vellum, 154
- Stylus, the use of the, 25–6
- Success in illumination, 248
- Tablets, writing, 28
- Tail-pieces, illuminated, 235
- printed, 244–5
- Tea, for tinting paper, 153
- Tee square, 107–8
- Tenth-century writing, 38, 62
- Texts for churches, 170
- Theophilus, 117
- Theophrastus, 115
- Thirteenth-century illumination, 94