
(Harding's Magazine)

174 E. Long Street Columbus, Ohio

Home Manufacture of Furs and Skins

A book of practical instructions telling how to tan, dress, color and manufacture or make into articles of ornament; use or wear.

Home Manufacture of Furs and Skins

The author, who has been in close touch with trappers, hunters and other outdoor people for more than twenty years as a practical tanner, furrier and taxidermist in the introduction says: "Probably one of the oldest human industries is Home Dressing and Manufacturing of Furs and Skins, as this method of clothing the body has persisted from the early days (even back to the stone age) to the present time. As a happy combination of dress and ornament furs will always continue to lead. At the present time the manufacture of furs has been highly developed, with the aid of machinery and specialized workmen it is conducted on a scale which compares favorably with any business activity. However, the principals remain the same, and good results can still be attained by hand labor. To the average outdoor man it is a positive pleasure to see the stiff, dirty, raw skin develop into the soft, clean, flexible material, and later to shape it into a protection from the cold and an ornament combined."

This new, practical and only book on the subject contains 285 pages, 91 illustrations, 34 chapters, and offers at a small cost a way for you to learn a pleasant and profitable business enabling you to tan, dye, dress and manufacture not only your own catch but to engage in the business if you wish. Read the chapter headings, which will show you how complete the book is:

  1. Some Facts and General Principles for Fur and Skin Workers.
  2. Correct Modes of Skinning Fur Animals.
  3. Stretching and Curing.
  4. Handling Other Skins and Hides.
  5. Storing and Shipping Raw Furs.
  6. Indian Skin Dressing.
  7. Indian Fur Robes.
  8. Tools and Appliances.
  9. Tanning Materials and Terms.
  10. Tanning Formulas and Recipes.
  11. Preliminary Work, Soaking, Fleshing, Degreasing.
  12. Softening, Cleaning Skins.
  13. Small or Light Furs.
  14. Heavy Furs.
  15. Deer Skins, Buckskin.
  16. Sheep and Goat Skins.
  17. Miscellaneous Skins, Gator, Snake, Birds.
  18. Fur Dyeing, Uses and Principles.
  19. Dyeing Material and Appliances.
  20. Colors and Formulas.
  21. Furriers' Tools and Supplies.
  22. Making Up Furs and Garments.
  23. Fur Robes.
  24. Fur Rugs, With and Without Mounted Heads.
  25. Trimmings and Natural Heads and Tails.
  26. Collars, Cuffs and Odd Pieces.
  27. Coats and Capes.
  28. Caps, Mittens, Gloves.
  29. Muffs and Neckpieces.
  30. Moccasins and Pacs.
  31. Utilizing Fur Waste.
  32. Cleaning, Repairing and Storing.
  33. Prices for Tanning and Other Fur Work.
  34. Appendix.

If you like to handle furs, skins and hides HOME MANUFACTURE OF FURS AND SKINS will show you how to make more money out of your catch or buy by tanning, dyeing and manufacturing into articles for which there is usually a ready market at prices much higher than the raw skins will bring. This book like others on hunting, trapping, etc., that I publish is practical and written so that it is easily understood.

Price, postpaid, cloth bound, to any address, $1.50
A. R. HARDING. Pub., Columbus, O.


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