Chapter. Page.
Introductory 13
I. History of the Art 17
II. Outfit—Tools and Materials 21
III. Preservative Preparations, Formula, etc. 38
IV. Panels, Shields and Natural and Artificial Mounts 48
V. Field Work, Collecting 59
VI. Skinning and Preserving Skins 64
VII. Making Scientific Skins 77
VIII. Preparing Dry and Wet Skins for Mounting 84
IX. Mounting Small and Medium Birds 87
X. Mounting Large Birds 98
XI. Tanning, Cleaning, and Poisoning Skins 102
XII. Making Animal Fur Rugs 110
XIII. Fur Robes and How to Make Them 123
XIV. Mounting Entire Small Animals 131
XV. Mounting Large Animals 141
XVI. Mounting Heads of Small Animals, Birds and Fish 151
XVII. Mounting Heads of Large Game 155
XVIII. Mounting Horns and Antlers 165
XIX. Mounting Feet and Hoofs 173
XX. Mounting Fish 178
XXI. Mounting Fish—Baumgartel Method 185
XXII. Mounting Reptiles, Frogs and Toads 203
XXIII. Skulls and Skeletons 206
XXIV. Sportsmen's Trophies 211
XXV. Odds and Ends, Taxidermy Novelties 216
XXVI. Groups and Grouping 221
XXVII. Animal Anatomy 224
XXVIII. Casting and Modelling 227
XXIX. Market Trophy Hunting 233
XXX. Collecting and Mounting for Sale 238
XXXI. Prices for Work 241


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