Chapter. | | Page. | | Introductory | 13 | I. | History of the Art | 17 | II. | Outfit—Tools and Materials | 21 | III. | Preservative Preparations, Formula, etc. | 38 | IV. | Panels, Shields and Natural and Artificial Mounts | 48 | V. | Field Work, Collecting | 59 | VI. | Skinning and Preserving Skins | 64 | VII. | Making Scientific Skins | 77 | VIII. | Preparing Dry and Wet Skins for Mounting | 84 | IX. | Mounting Small and Medium Birds | 87 | X. | Mounting Large Birds | 98 | XI. | Tanning, Cleaning, and Poisoning Skins | 102 | XII. | Making Animal Fur Rugs | 110 | XIII. | Fur Robes and How to Make Them | 123 | XIV. | Mounting Entire Small Animals | 131 | XV. | Mounting Large Animals | 141 | XVI. | Mounting Heads of Small Animals, Birds and Fish | 151 | XVII. | Mounting Heads of Large Game | 155 | XVIII. | Mounting Horns and Antlers | 165 | XIX. | Mounting Feet and Hoofs | 173 | XX. | Mounting Fish | 178 | XXI. | Mounting Fish—Baumgartel Method | 185 | XXII. | Mounting Reptiles, Frogs and Toads | 203 | XXIII. | Skulls and Skeletons | 206 | XXIV. | Sportsmen's Trophies | 211 | XXV. | Odds and Ends, Taxidermy Novelties | 216 | XXVI. | Groups and Grouping | 221 | XXVII. | Animal Anatomy | 224 | XXVIII. | Casting and Modelling | 227 | XXIX. | Market Trophy Hunting | 233 | XXX. | Collecting and Mounting for Sale | 238 | XXXI. | Prices for Work | 241 |