Topography of the Land. | Report of Bu. of An. Ind. 1885. p. 362. |
People. The U.S. Census Report. Interviews with old settlers. |
Cattle and Cattle Feeding. | Report of Bu. of An. Ind. 1885. p. 365. |
Cattle Feeding Industry. | Wallace's Farmer. 1913. |
Thesis by Garver: "History of Dairy Industry in Illinois." |
The Breeder's Gazette. July. 1913; Feb. 1894. |
Lecture by Professor Rusk. |
Chicago Market. | "Facts and Figures" by Wood Brothers, >Live Stock Commission Merchants, Chicago. 1906. |
Report of Bu. of An. Ind. 1884. |
The Prairie Farmer. 1887. p. 160. |
Life of Tom C. Ponting. |
Scientific American. The Meat Industry of America. 1909. |
Bu. of An. Ind. Report. 1885-86. |
Cattle Barons and Pioneer Drovers. | Bu. of An. Ind. Report. 1885. |
The Breeder's Gazette. July 16, Aug. 6, 1913. |
Story of Tom Ponting's Life. |
The Range Industry. | The Breeder's Gazette. July 16, 1913. |
Farm, Field and Stockman. 1880. |
Texas Cattle. | The Prairie Farmer. July 18, 1885. p. 452. |
The Pure Bred Industry. | The Prairie Farmer. May 9, 1885. p. 292 Feb. 1, 1885. p. 84; Nov. 14, 1885. p. 741. 1895. |
The Country Gentleman. Dec. 4, 1879. |
Sanders' History of Herefords. p. 348. |
Bu. of An. Ind. Report. 1885. |
The Country Gentleman. July 30, 1857, 1858. |
The Cultivator and The Country Gentleman. 1857. |
Sale Catalog of Anderson and Findley-Angus Herd. 1901. |
Sanders' History of Herefords, p. 348; 352-357. |
Cattle Plagues. | Bu. of An. Ind. Report. 1884. p. 16, 1886. |
The Feed Industry of the United States. | An address by Geo. A. Chapman, President of the American Feed Manufacturers' Association. Delivered at Washington, D. C., Nov. 17, 1913. |
Statistics. | U. S. Census Reports. U. S. Yearbooks of the Department of Agriculture. |