[References are to pages; f. signifies “and following page”; ff. signifies “and following pages.”] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A for on (a-fishing), 147, 149.
- A or an, 77 ff.;
- About, with infinitive, 105, 135.
- Absolute construction, 144. See Nominative.
- Absolute use of transitive verbs, 92.
- Abstract nouns, 29 f.
- Accusative, 52.
- Action, nouns in -ing, 145 ff.
- Active voice, 107 ff. See Passive.
- Adjective, 5, 75 ff.;
- descriptive and definitive, 5, 75 f.;
- proper, 75;
- compound, 75;
- pronominal, 76 (cf. 62 ff.);
- attributive, appositive, predicate, 76 f.;
- articles, 77 ff;
- comparison, 79 ff., 88 f.;
- numerals, 89 f.;
- noun as adjective, adjective as noun, 9, 78;
- participle as, 143;
- adjective in exclamations, 155 f.;
- as modifier of subject, 192 f.
- See Adjective pronoun, Predicate adjective.
- Adjective clauses, 20, 66, 86, 157 f.;
- place or time, 163 f.;
- as modifiers of subject, 192 f.;
- of complement, 206.
- Adjective phrases, 16, 157;
- comparison of, 89;
- as modifiers of subject, 192 f.;
- as complements, 204;
- as modifiers of modifiers, 207.
- Adjective pronouns, 62 ff.;
- demonstrative, 62 ff.;
- indefinite, 64 f.
- Adverb, defined, 7;
- classification, forms, and use, 83 ff.;
- relative or conjunctive, 86;
- interrogative, 86;
- comparison, 87 ff.;
- numeral, 89 f.;
- in exclamations, 155 f.;
- as modifier, 196 f., 206, 208.
- Adverbial clauses, 20 f., 86, 158 f.;
- place or time, 163 f.;
- causal, 164;
- concessive, 164 f.;
- purpose or result, 166 f.;
- conditional, 167 ff.;
- comparison, degree, manner, 173;
- indirect question, 180;
- as modifiers of predicate, 196 f.;
- of complement, 206;
- of modifiers, 207 f.
- Adverbial objective, 53;
- clause as, 158 f.;
- as modifier, 198.
- Adverbial phrases, 16, 53, 142, 158;
- numeral, 90;
- as modifiers of predicate, 196 f., 198 ff.;
- of complement, 206;
- of modifiers, 207 f.
- Advising, verbs of, with infinitive clause, 138.
- Affirmative, 85.
- A-fishing, etc., 147, 149.
- After, preposition, 148;
- Agreement, of predicate nominative with subject, 41, 57 f.;
- of appositive, 42, 47, 53, 57;
- of pronoun with antecedent, 55, 65;
- of relative with antecedent, 68, 102;
- of verb with subject, 97, 100 ff.
- All, 65.
- Alternative conditions, 168;
- Although. See Though.
- Analysis, 183 ff.;
- structure of sentences, 183 ff.;
- analysis, with models, 188 ff.;
- simple sentences, 188;
- compound, 188 f.;
- complex, 189 f.;
- compound complex, 190;
- modifiers, 191 ff.;
- complements, 200 ff.;
- modifiers of complements and of modifiers, 205 ff.;
- independent elements, 209;
- combinations of clauses, 210 ff.;
- elliptical sentences, 224 ff.
- See further under these several heads.
- Anglo-Saxon, xv, 316 f.
- Animals, names of, gender, 32;
- Another, 64 f.
- Antecedent of pronoun, 4;
- agreement, 55, 65, 68, 102;
- unexpressed, 71 ff.;
- what, 71;
- compound relatives, 72 f.
- Any, anything, 64 f.
- Apodosis, 168.
- Apostrophe, 43 ff., 56, 311.
- Appear, with predicate nominative or adjective, 6 f., 76, 93.
- Apposition, 42. See Appositive.
- Appositive, case of, 42, 47, 53, 57;
- Appositive adjective, 76.
- Appositive phrase, 195.
- Archaisms, xvii. See Old.
- Articles, 77 ff.;
- generic, 77;
- repeated, 78;
- with verbal noun, 147.
- As, relative pronoun, 67;
- relative adverb, 86, 153;
- conjunction, 153;
- in concession, 165;
- in clauses of degree, 173.
- As if, as though, 122, 153, 173;
- as to, with infinitive, 167.
- Asking, verb of, two objects, 50;
- retained object, 112;
- with indirect question, 179 ff. (cf. 160).
- Assertion, 2, 5, 13.
- Attribute. See Predicate adjective, Predicate objective.
- Attributive adjective, 76.
- Aught, naught, 65.
- Authorship, 43.
- Auxiliary verbs, 6, 91;
- in future, 102 ff.;
- in compound tenses, 106;
- in passive, 108 ff.;
- in progressive form, 113 f.;
- in emphatic form, 114;
- replacing subjunctive, 123;
- in potential verb-phrases, 124 ff.
- Be, 6 f., 93;
- conjugation, 99, 118 f., 300 f.;
- auxiliary of passive, 108 ff.;
- of progressive form, 113;
- ellipsis of, 114, 144, 164 f., 169, 224 f.;
- predicate pronoun after, 139.
- See Predicate nominative.
- Become, with predicate nominative or adjective, 6 f., 76, 93.
- Before, preposition, 148;
- relative adverb, 86, 157, 163 f.;
- with subjunctive, 122;
- with should, 130.
- Believing, verbs of, with infinitive clause, 138.
- Biblical style. See Solemn.
- Bid, with infinitive, 138.
- Both, pronoun, 64.
- Both ... and, 15, 153.
- But, adverb, 135.
- But, coÖrdinate conjunction, 152;
- subordinate, 153 f.;
- elliptical constructions, 154.
- But, preposition, 148;
- Calling, verbs of, two objects, 50;
- predicate nominative after passive, 111.
- Can, could, 124 ff., 299.
- Capital letters, 27 ff., 75;
- Cardinal numerals, 89 f.
- Case, 40 ff.;
- Cause, clauses of, 164;
- nominative absolute, 144.
- Chaucer, xv, 43, 49, 85, 317 f.
- Choosing, verbs of, two objects, 50;
- predicate nominative after passive, 111.
- Clauses, independent and subordinate, 16 ff.;
- as parts of speech, 19 ff., 157 ff.;
- infinitive, 137 ff.;
- simple, compound, complex, 210 ff.;
- combination of, 210 ff.
- See Adjective, Adverbial, Noun, Infinitive clause.
- Clauses, subordinate, classified according to meaning, 163 ff.;
- place and time, 163 f.;
- cause, 164;
- concession, 164 f.;
- purpose and result, 166 f.;
- conditional, 167 ff.;
- comparison and manner, 173;
- indirect discourse, 63;
- of relatives, 67;
- of compound relatives, 72;
- of interrogatives, 73.
- Defective verbs, 299.
- Definite article, 77 ff.
- Definitive adjectives, 5, 75 f.
- Degree, adverbs of, 84;
- Deity, words for the, 305.
- Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives, 62 ff.
- Dependent. See Subordinate.
- Descriptive adjectives, 4, 75;
- Desiring, verbs of, with infinitive, 137;
- Did. See Do.
- Direct address, nominative in, 42;
- independent element, 209.
- Direct discourse, 174 ff.
- Direct object. See Object.
- Direct quotations, 173 f.;
- Do, did, in questions, 114;
- in emphatic verb-phrases, 114;
- in imperative, 117;
- as substitute for some other verb, 114.
- Double comparison, 88;
- Doubting, verb of, with indirect question, 179 (cf. 160).
- Each, each other, 64 f.
- Editorial we, 57.
- Either, 64;
- Elder, eldest, 81.
- Elements. See Subject, Predicate, Modifiers, Complements, Independent.
- Ellipsis, understood words, etc., 3, 47, 58, 63, 69, 71, 114, 117, 19 f., 121 f., 133, 144, 149, 153 f., 155, 160, 164 f., 169, 107;
- Must, auxiliary, 124 ff., 299.
- My, mine, 59.
- Naming, verbs of, two objects, 50;
- predicate nominative after passive, 111.
- Naught, not, 65.
- Near, with objective, 52.
- Negative, neither, 64, 152;
- none, 64;
- not, 65;
- no, 85;
- statements and questions, 114;
- commands, 117;
- purpose or result, 166 f.;
- condition, 168.
- Neither, pronoun, 64;
- conjunction, with nor, 15, 152 ff.;
- number with, 100.
- Neuter. See Gender.
- Next, 52, 82, 87.
- Nigh, next, 82.
- No, yes, 85.
- Nominative case, 41 f.;
- subject, 41;
- predicate, 41;
- direct address (vocative), 42;
- in exclamation, 42;
- absolute, 144, 198 f.
- Non-committal conditions, 170 f.
- None, 64.
- Nor, neither ... nor, number with, 100.
- Not, 65.
- Notwithstanding, preposition or conjunction, 152, 154.
- Noun, defined, 4;
- classification, 27 ff.;
- common and proper, 27 ff.;
- abstract and collective, 29 f.;
- compound, 30, 36, 47, 146 f.;
- inflection, 30 ff.;
- gender, 31 ff.;
- number, 34 ff.;
- person, 39;
- case, 40 ff.;
- numeral, 89 f.;
- verbal (participial), 145 ff.
- See Infinitive.
- Noun clauses, 20, 159 ff.;
- construction, as subject, object, etc., 159 ff.;
- purpose and result, 166 f.;
- indirect discourse, 174 ff.;
- indirect questions, 180 ff.;
- analysis, 106, 109;
- subjunctive, 121 f., 171;
- progressive, 125;
- in conditions, 121, 170 f.;
- in indirect discourse, 175.
- Past tense, 94 ff.;
- personal endings, 97 ff.;
- passive, 108;
- progressive, 113 f.;
- emphatic, 114;
- subjunctive, 118, 121 ff., 171 f.;
- indicative and subjunctive in conditions, 170 ff.;
- in indirect discourse, 175.
- Pending, 142, 149.
- Per, per cent, etc., 79, 149.
- Perceiving, verbs of, with infinitive clause, 138;
- indirect discourse, 174;
- indirect question, 179.
- Perfect infinitive, 107, 133;
- Perfect (or present perfect) tense, 106.
- Period, 306.
- Permission, 125 f., 129.
- Person of substantives, 39;
- of pronouns, 55 ff.;
- of relatives, 68;
- of verbs, 97 ff., 100 ff.
- Personal construction, 176.
- Personal endings, 97 f.
- Personal pronouns, 55 ff.;
- inflection, 55 ff.;
- gender and number, 56 f.;
- case, 57 ff.;
- self-pronouns, 60 ff.;
- as predicate nominative, 41.
- Personification, 28 f., 32.
- Phrases, 16;
- kinds of, 16 (see Noun-phrases, Adjective phrases, Adverbial phrases, Verb-phrases);
- as prepositions, 149;
- as conjunctions, 153;
- exclamatory, 155;
- in analysis, 191 ff.;
- as modifiers of subject, 192 f.;
- as complements, 204;
- as modifiers of complements, 41, 58.
- See 220 ff.
- See Noun, Adjective, Adverbial, Indicative, Subjunctive.
- Subordinate clauses, meanings of, 163 ff.;
- place and time, 163 f.;
- cause, 164;
- concession, 164 f.;
- purpose and result, 166 f.;
- conditional, 167 ff.;
- comparison and manner, 173;
- indirect discourse, 173 ff.;
- indirect questions, 179 ff.
- Subordinate (or subordinating) conjunctions, 151, 153 f., 157.
- Substantive, 4. See Noun, Pronoun.
- Substantive clauses. See Noun clauses.
- Such, 64;
- Superlative of emphasis, 88. See Comparison.
- Suppose, supposing, 168.
- Syntax, xiv, 25 ff.;
- summary of rules, 311 ff.
- Taste, with predicate adjective, 77.
- Telling, verbs of, direct and indirect object, 50;
- retained object, 112;
- object clause, 160;
- indirect discourse, 174.
- Tense, 94 ff. See Present, Past, Future, Compound tenses.
- Tenses, use in conditions, 121, 170 ff.;
- with ought, 126;
- in indirect discourse, 175, 177 ff.;
- in indirect questions, 179, 182.
- Termination. See Endings.
- Than, 87;
- case after, 173;
- clauses, 173.
- That, conjunction with subordinate clause, 20 f., 132, 137, 153, 157 ff., 160 ff.;
- in clauses of purpose, 122 f., 130, 166 f.;
- result, 166 f.;
- indirect discourse, 174 ff.;
- omitted, 153, 63.
- You and thou, 56 f.;