I.— Introduces Mrs. James Preedy; hints at the trouble into which she has fallen; and gives an insight into her social position 1
II.— What was printed on the quarto bill: a proclamation by her Majesty’s Government 19
III.— Extracted from the “Evening Moon” 25
IV.— The examination of Mrs. Preedy, continued from the “Evening Moon” 33
V.— Contains further extracts from the “Evening Moon” relating to the Great Porter Square mystery 50
VI.— The “Evening Moon” speaks its mind 56
VII.— In which the “Evening Moon” continues to speak its mind 62
VIII.— The “Evening Moon” postpones its statement respecting Antony Cowlrick 88
IX.— In which the “Evening Moon” relates the adventures of its Special Correspondent 90
X.— The Special Reporter of the “Evening Moon” makes the acquaintance of a little match girl 121
XI.— The “Evening Moon” for a time takes leave of the case of Antony Cowlrick 142
XII.— Mrs. Preedy has dreadful dreams 147
XIII.— Mrs. Preedy’s young man lodger 154
XIV.— In which Becky commences a letter to a friend in the country 167
XV.— In which Becky continues her letter, and relates how she obtained the situation at No.118 175
XVI.— In which Becky writes a second letter to her friend in the country, and gives a woman’s reason for not liking Richard Manx 183
XVII.— In which Becky, continuing her letter, relates her impressions of Mrs. Preedy’s young man lodger 193
XVIII.— The “Evening Moon” reopens the subject of the Great Porter Square murder, and relates a romantic story concerning the murdered man and his widow 219
XIX.— The “Evening Moon” continues its account of the tragedy, and describes the shameful part enacted by Mr. Frederick Holdfast in his father’s house 244



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