12, 390 Decatur, Stephen, 154 Declaration of Independence, 37, 48, 132, 167, 216, 325 Dent, Fred, 362 Desecration of Carpenters' Hall, 152 Desecration of the Capitol, 229 Dexter, Thomas, 69 Diaries: - of John Tudor, 19
- of Albigence Waldo, 182
- of George Washington, 21, 89, 218, 313
- of John Adams, 45
- of Robert Breck, 184
- of Tench Tilghman, 392
Dix, Dr. Morgan, 96 Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts, 68 Doughoregan Manor, Maryland, 216 Dowry of pine-tree shillings, 50 DuchÉ, Rev. Jacob, 150, 154 Duffield, Rev. George, 160 Dunlap, William, 137 Du Ponceau, Peter S., 176 Duston Garrison House, Haverhill, Massachusetts, 56 Duston, Hannah, 56 Duston, Thomas, 56 East India Company, 31 Eden, Governor Robert, 221 Edwards, Jonathan, 75 Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, 120, 139 Elmwood, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 36 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 33 Emlen House, Pennsylvania, 178 Emmanuel Church, Newcastle, Delaware, 204 Everett, Edward, 41 Expenses in raising the Tower of the State House, Philadelphia, 164 Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, 148 Faneuil, Andrew, 28 Faneuil, Peter, 28, 35 Faneuil Hall, Boston, 20, 28, 30, 31, 34 Fatlands, near Philadelphia, 187 Federal District, location of the, 226 Fernside Farm, Haverhill, Massachusetts, 54 First Baptist Church, Providence, Rhode Island, 80 Fitch, John, 234 Flag, American, 89 Flag, first American in British waters, 78 Flint, Ruth, 54 Flynt, Tutor, 51 Ford Mansion, Morristown, New Jersey, 126 Forks of the Delaware, 253 Kenmore, Virginia, 253 Greenway, Virginia, 257 Sherwood Forest, Virginia, 257 Nelson, Yorktown, Virginia, 270 Moore House, Yorktown, Virginia, 270 John Marshall's, Richmond, Virginia, 274 Sabine Hall, Virginia, 278 Westover, Virginia, 278 Shirley, Virginia, 280 Carter's Grove, Virginia, 280 Brandon, Virginia, 281 Gunston Hall, Virginia, 281 Montpelier, Virginia, 296 Shadwell, Virginia, 297, 322 Oak Hill, Virginia, 301 Red Hill, Virginia, 305 Monticello, Virginia, 322 Rebecca Motte's, Charleston, South Carolina, 336 Pringle House, Charleston, 336 Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee, 351 Ashland, Lexington, Kentucky, 355 Whitley's Station, Kentucky, 359 White Haven, St. Louis, Missouri, 362 "Hardscrabble," St. Louis, Missouri, 363 Abraham Lincoln's, Springfield, Illinois, 369 Harrison Mansion, Vincennes, Indiana, 374 Rufus Putnam's House, Marietta, Ohio, 377 Monument Place, Elm Grove, West Virginia, 381 Schuyler Mansion, Albany, New York, 391 Wentworth House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 395 Warner House, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 399 Longfellow House, Portland, Maine, 400 Houston, Sam, 347 Hovey, Dr. H. C., 77 Howe, Lord, 95, 192 Huguenot Church, Charleston, South Carolina, 335 Hull, Hannah, 50 Hutchinson, Ann, 50 Independence Bell, 169, 199 Independence, The Declaration of, 20 Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 151, 162 Independent Church, Savannah, Georgia, 340 Indians, attacked by the, 58, 361, 382 Institute of American Architects, 238 Jackson, Andrew, 233, 347, 351 James River Canal Company, 285 Jamestown, Virginia, 288 Jay, John, 98 Jefferson, Thomas, 170, 173, 260, 272, 269, 294 Randolph, John, 228 Read, George, 205 Red Bank, New Jersey, victory at, 181 Redemptioners, purchase of, 186 Red Hill, Virginia, 305 Revere, Paul, 23, 33, 53, 77 Rhode Island, 83 Ridgely, Dr. Charles Greenburg, 209 Rittenhouse, David, 198 Rittenhouse House, Philadelphia, 170 Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Duc de la, 325 Rodney, CÆsar, 208, 209 Roosevelt, Theodore, 233, 290 Ross, George, 204 Royall House, Medford, Massachusetts, 66 Royall, Isaac, 67 Royall, William, 67 Rufus Putnam's House, Marietta, Ohio, 377 Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 163, 171 St. John's Church, Richmond, Virginia, 264, 266 St. Luke's Church, Smithfield, Virginia, 318 St. Martins-in-the-Fields, London, 82 St. Michael's Church, Charleston, South Carolina, 333 St. Peter's Church, New Kent County, Virginia, 318 St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, 153 St. Philip's Church, Charleston, South Carolina, 335, 340 Salem, Massachusetts, 80 Savannah, Georgia, Siege of, 341 Schools, free, beginnings of, in Pennsylvania, 186 Schuyler, Catherine, 393 Schuyler, Elizabeth, 100, 127 Schuyler, General Philip, 100, 126 Schuyler Mansion, Albany, New York, 391 Scott House, Annapolis, Maryland, 220 Scott, Molly, 382 Scott, Upton, 220 Servants, problem of, in early days, 185 Severance, Frank H., 386 Sewell, Judge Samuel, 50, 74 Shadwell, Virginia, 297, 322 Sharpe, Horatio, 221 Shepherd, Moses, 381 Sherwood Forest, Virginia, 257, 261 Shippen, Dr. William, Jr., 162 Ships: Dartmouth, 24 - Somerset, 27
- Welcome, 145
- John and Sarah, 362
- White House, Washington, 230, 236
- Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania, 181
- Whitley's Station, Kentucky, 359
- Whittier, John G., 54, 79
- Whittier, Thomas, 54
- Wilkinson, General, 158
- William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia, 259, 289, 291
- Williamsburg Court House, Virginia, 262
- Williamsburg, Virginia, 289
- Williams, Roger, 80
- Wilson, Daniel Munro, 44, 47
- Winthrop, Governor, 34, 66
- Wirt, William, describes Patrick Henry's first public speech, 264
- Witherspoon, John, 132
- Wolfe, Colonel James, 220
- Women's Centennial Executive Committee, 339
- Wren, James, 249
- Wren, Sir Christopher, 82, 292
- Wythe, George, 290
- Yonkers, New York, 88, 91
- York, Pennsylvania, 174
- Yorktown, Siege of, 271, 279
- Zinzendorf, Count, 197