[1]Fantus, B.—Candy Medication, Journal of the American Medical Association, September 14, 1912, Vol. LIX, p. 842.
[2]Sawyer, Sir James—The Lancet, August 12, 1911, p. 435.
[3]Fantus, B.—Tabellae Dulces, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, May, 1914, Vol. III.
[4]Fuller, Robert M.—Dose Dispensing Simplified, New Remedies, March, 1878, p. 69.
[5]Schleimer, A.—The National Druggist, February, 1909, p. 54.
[6]Fantus, B.—Candy Medication Formulary, Journal of the National Association of Retail Druggists, May 22 and 29, and June 12 and 13, 1913, Vol. XVI, pp. 407, 471, 599, 663.
[7]Fantus, B.—The Making of Tablets by the Retail Druggist, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, January, 1914, Vol. III, No. 1, p. 72.
[8]Wood, Joseph R.—Tablet Manufacture, J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
[9]Lloyd, John Uri—Lloyd's Reagent, Preliminary Announcement, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, May, 1914, Vol. III, No. 5, p. 625.