CANDY MEDICATION has given such delightful results in practice among children that the author believes it should be more widely known and used. A formulary to serve as the common meeting ground for the prescribing physician and the dispensing pharmacist seems absolutely necessary to make this form of medication more generally available; and it is mainly to supply this formulary that this little book has been published. Researches conducted by the author in the Pharmacologic Laboratory of the University of Illinois during the past five years, as well as the experience gained by the use of this form of medication in private practice, form the basis of this publication. To give the best results, the sweet tablets described in this formulary should be freshly prepared on physician's order; thereby securing efficiency and palatability to the highest degree, and enabling the physician to prescribe the dose and combination needed for the particular case in hand. To bring these tablets into the category of extemporaneous preparations, the author has elaborated the process of "fat covering" which makes the preparation of these tablets no more difficult than the making of pills or of suppositories. In the pages that precede the formulary, an attempt has been made to present the principles that have been used in the elaboration of the Concise directions on the care and use of the tablet machine have been included, to enable any pharmacist equipped with an inexpensive tablet machine to prepare these tablets without difficulty. The author is keenly aware of the fact that there are probably still some imperfections in the formulae given herein; though he has spared neither time nor labor in making them as perfect as possible. Therefore, comments and criticisms, as well as suggestions, are most welcome, and will receive careful consideration. It is the author's hope that this booklet may be instrumental in robbing childhood of one of its terrors, namely, nasty medicine; that it may lessen the difficulties experienced by nurse and mother in giving medicament to the sick child; and help to make the doctor more popular with the little ones. BERNARD FANTUS, M.D. Chicago, March, 1915. |