
Abbeville, 24-26.
Acheux, 29.
Achiet-le-Grand, 136.
-le-Petit, 167, 170.
Acquin, 107.
Adams, Lieut. F., 277.
Aicken, Rfm., 96.
Aisne, battle of the, 15.
Aisne House, 116.
Aire, 63.
Albert, H.M. King of Belgians, 259.
Albert, 137.
battle of, 298.
-Arras Road, 48, 50.
-Bapaume-Cambrai Road, 126, 127, 129, 139, 147, 148, 153-155, 157, 158.
Amiens, 22, 136, 221, 243.
defences, 23.
-Ham-St. Quentin Road, 181, 182, 229.
-Roye Road, 250.
Ancre, River, 23, 29, 31, 35-37, 44-48, 51-56, 65, 91, 120.
Andechy, 221-224, 228, 229.
Anneux, 154-156.
Chapel, 156.
Annois, 210, 211.
Anseghem, 289.
Anthoine, Gen., 110.
Anton's Farm, 65.
Antrim, Co., 7.
Ararat O.P., 200.
Argyll & S. Highlanders, 10th, 128.
Armagh, Co., 7.
ArmentiÈres, 234, 253.
Armies, First, 250.
Second, 67, 68, 79, 84, 87, 122, 166, 243, 249, 272.
Third, 26, 27, 160, 167, 187, 193, 259.
Fourth, 43, 250.
Fifth, 108, 110, 187, 202, 209, 230.
First French, 110, 228, 250.
Sixth French, 43.
Belgian, 245.
Fourth German, 122.
Eighteenth German, 191.
Armin, Gen. Sixt von, 102.
Army Corps, II., 114, 234, 240, 245, 260, 262, 263, 265, 272, 273.
III., 146, 149, 150, 155, 170, 176, 186, 200, 202, 204.
IV., 133, 137, 146, 149, 155, 163, 165-167, 169.
V., 146, 157, 179.
VII., 170.
VIII., 44, 55.
IX., 70, 75, 80, 83, 94, 97, 98, 104, 122, 240.
X., 44, 47, 55, 290.
XVII., 167.
XVIII., 183, 185, 190, 191, 206, 221, 231.
XIX., 108, 111.
Australian, 243.
II. Anzac, 85, 101.
XVI. French, 246.
Portuguese, 234.
ArquÈves, 23.
Arras, 109, 167, 169.
Artemps, 202-204.
Artois, 108.
Arvillers, 227.
Asquith, Mr. H. H., 4 (foot-note).
Aubigny, 210, 213, 214.
Auchonvillers, 35.
Ault, 232.
Authuille, 39, 48, 61.
Auxi-le-ChÂteau, 63.
Aveluy Wood, 42, 48, 50, 51, 54, 58.
Avesne, 202.
Aviatik Farm, 114.
Avre, River, 219, 221, 226.
Avricourt, 218, 219.
Bacquencourt, 206.
Bailey, Pte., 205.
Bailleul, 65, 78, 79, 89, 103, 239, 236, 248, 251.
Ballycastle, 17.
Ballykinlar, 7, 11.
Bancourt, 170.
Bapaume, 35, 68, 125, 130, 167.
Barastre, 142, 167.
Battery Valley, 194.
Battle Zone, Artillery Group (at St. Quentin), 194.
Bavichove, 276, 281.
Bayenghem, 64.
Beaucamp, 126, 170.
Beaucourt, 44.
Station, 44, 46, 53.
Beaulencourt, 167, 181.
Beaulieu-les-Fontaines, 211-213.
Beaumetz, 157, 166.
Beaumont-en-Beine, 212, 216.
Beaumont-Hamel, 28, 44.
Becelaere, 263-265, 267.
Becher, Lieut.-Col. C. M. L., 287.
Belfast, 6-8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 299.
Bell, Capt. E. N. F., 59.
Belle Eglise Farm, 38.
Bellewaarde Lake, 263.
Belt, Capt. C. B., 117.
Berchen, 287.
Bergstraat, 289.
Berguette, 63.
Berlancourt, 217, 218.
Bernard, Col. H. C., 55, 59.
Bernard, Lieut.-Col. J., 50.
Bernaville, 24, 62, 63.
Bertincourt, 182, 185, 211, 226, 271.
Bruges, 109.
Brunyate, Lieut. W., 282.
Brush, Lieut.-Col., 43.
Bryans, Capt. J. C., 215, 216.
Buchoire, 218.
Bullecourt, 127, 146.
Bull Ring, 74, 80.
Bus-les-Artois, 141.
Busseboom, 78.
Byng, Gen. Hon. Sir J., 145.
Calais, 245.
Cambrai, 43, 129, 139, 146, 156, 167, 179, 180, 183.
battle of, 139 et seq.; 186, 300.
Campbell, Lieut.-Col., 140.
Canal du Nord, 127, 128, 139, 145, 146-148, 152-154, 157-160, 163-165.
line, 157.
Canaples, 24.
Candas, 27.
-Acheux Railway, 37.
Cannectancourt, 229.
Canny-sur-Matz, 229.
Canopus Trench, 243.
Cantaing, 153, 156, 171.
Cantigny, 228.
Capricorn Keep, 118.
Carporetto, battle of, 143.
Carson, Sir E., 2-5, 19.
Cassel, 243, 249.
Casualty Clearing Station, 40th, 7.
Cather, Lieut. G., 59.
Cavalry Corps, the, 146.
Regiment, IX. Corps, 98.
Cavan, Co., 7.
Cayeux, 26, 35.
Champagne, 186.
French Offensive, 1917, 82, 109, 143.
ChÂteau-Thierry, 243, 250.
Clairfaye Farm, 41, 48.
Clandeboye, 7, 11.
Clements, Cpl. T., 74.
Clements, Lieut.-Col. S. U. L., 165.
Cochrane, Brig.-Gen. J. K., 202, 211, 213, 214, 219.
Cochrane, Rfm., 96.
Coffin, Maj.-Gen. C., 244, 252, 266, 280, 281, 291, 296.
Cole-Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. C. G., 201.
CollÉzy, 216.
Cologne, 294.
Comyn, Lieut.-Col. L., 136.
Conn, Cpl. J., 60.
Contay, 181.
Contescourt, 198, 200.
Conteville, 63.
Conway, Pte., 205.
Corbie, 181, 182.
Couchman, Brig.-Gen. G. H. H., 10, 24.
Couillet Wood, 150, 171, 175.
Coullemelle, 228.
Courcelles-le-Comte, 167, 170.
Courtrai, 276-278, 283, 290.
-Ghent Road, 281, 282, 285.
-Ghent Railway, 285, 286.
-Ingelmunster Railway, 272, 273, 276.
Craig, Capt. C., 59.
Craig, Sir J., Bt., 3-6, 9.
Crawford, Lt.-Col. J., 205.
CrÈvecoeur, 146.
Crisolles, 217.
Croix de Poperinghe, 248.
Crown Prince, the German, 187.
Croydon, 8.
Crucifix (at Thiepval), 45, 46, 57, 60.
Cuerne, 276.
Cugny, 205, 210, 211, 214-216.
Cumming, Lieut. A. E., 198, 223.
Custom House (at Neuve Eglise), 254.
Cyclist Company, 36th Divisional, 7, 11, 35.
Regiment, VIII. Corps, 273.
Dadizeele, 265, 270.
Dallon, 200.
Davenescourt, 227.
Daylight Corner, 83.
D.C.L.I., 7th, 204, 205, 211, 213, 214.
DÉbeney, Gen., 228.
Despard, Capt. C. B., 239.
De Broeken, 253.
Deconinck Farm, 104.
Deerlyck, 285, 287.
Demicourt, 126, 130, 140, 155, 168.
-FlesquiÈres Road, 147, 151, 152, 154, 162.
Dessart Wood, 171.
Desselghem, 281, 283.
Dickebusch, 78.
Diependaal Beek, 84.
Dieppe, 178.
Divisions, Guards', 166, 167, 169.
1st, 233.
2nd, 168, 296.
4th, 16, 23, 24, 27-29, 133.
6th, 171.
8th, 184.
9th, 123, 126, 128, 234, 235, 239, 243, 249-251, 262-269, 272, 276, 280, 285, 288, 294.
10th, 5.
11th, 84, 98, 100, 104.
12th, 62.
14th, 185, 189, 196, 199, 200, 202, 204, 207, 210, 212, 214, 216.
16th, 84, 85, 94-96, 101, 114, 117, 134.
19th, 84, 234-236.
20th, 65, 199, 206, 217.
25th, 84, 94, 96, 97, 134, 235-237.
29th, 44, 169, 170, 184, 254-256, 260, 262, 263, 265, 266, 269 (foot-note), 249, 257, 260, 271, 290, 294, 299.
61st, 115.
Divisional Amm. Column, 36th, 8, 10, 39, 102, 244.
Canteen, 136, 295.
Head Q., 36th, 22, 24, 29, 51, 80, 86, 100, 104, 106, 112, 135, 137, 138, 155, 182, 206, 212, 232, 233, 246, 248, 249, 252, 260, 263, 292, 297.
Supply Column, 36th, 33, 102, 212.
Train, 36th, 11, 50, 112, 212, 259, 279.
Doignies, 155, 157, 166, 168.
Domart-en-Ponthieu, 24, 27.
Donegal, Co., 7.
Dorsetshire Regt., 1st, 39.
Douchy, 183.
Doullens-Arras Road, 177.
Douve, River, 65-67, 77, 253, 257.
Down, Co., 7.
Dranoutre, 78, 80, 89, 90, 253.
Drei Masten, 278.
Dries, 206, 218, 221.
Ellis, Maj.-Gen., 145.
Elverdinghe, 113.
Emerson, Lieut. J. S., 173, 174.
Enfer Farm, 88.
Wood, 93, 97, 99.
Englebelmer-Martinsart Road, 51.
Enniskillen, 15.
Entrenching Batts.,
21st, 184, 205, 209, 222.
22nd, 184.
23rd, 184, 209.
Eperlecques, 64.
Epine de Dallon Redoubt, 198.
Erches, 219, 222-226.
Erskine Arty. Group (March 1918), 206, 217, 218.
Ervin, Pte., 74.
Escaut, River, 278, 286, 287, 289, 290, 295.
Canal de l', 145, 146, 160, 179.
Esmery-Hallon, 212.
Esquelbecq, 64.
Essertaux, 228.
Essex Regt., 2nd, 35.
Essigny, 189, 191, 199.
Estaires, 105, 234.
Estouilly, 202.
Etricourt, 127.
Falkiner, Lieut. F. E. R., 95, 96.
Farnham. Lieut.-Col. Lord, 201.
Fay Farm, 200.
Fayolle, Gen., 43.
FÉmy Wood, 131.
Fermanagh, Co., 7.
Field Ambulance,
108th, 7, 11, 19, 48, 89.
109th, 7, 11, 89.
110th, 7, 11, 25, 48, 89.
Field Company,
121st, 7, 10, 26, 62, 88, 97, 167, 203, 222, 224, 241, 273, 281, 282, 285, 294.
Field Company,
122nd, 7, 10, 26, 37, 48, 62, 88, 99, 222, 241, 273, 277, 278, 294.
150th, 10, 48, 62, 88, 97, 100, 108, 203, 241, 273, 282, 283, 285, 294.
Finner, 7, 11.
Fisher, Admiral Lord, 292.
Fitzgerald, Col., 18.
Flanders, 30, 40, 63, 77, 121, 133, 134, 137, 143, 186, 250, 259, 291.
Flavy-le-Martel, 210, 211.
-le-Meldeux, 212.
FlesquiÈres, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 179.
Flesselles, 32.
FlÊtre, 79.
FluquiÈres, 204.
Foch, Marshal, 144 (foot-note), 292, 293.
Fontainehouck, 248.
Fontaine-les-Clercs, 186, 200, 201, 203.
-Notre-Dame, 156, 158, 163 164.
Forceville, 48, 61.
Fort Hill, 118.
Fosseux, 167.
Foucard Trench, 196.
Fox, Lieut. J. J., 258.
French Arty, (with 36th Div. July 1st, 1916), 42, 47, 56.
Regt., 133rd, 286.
FrÉniches, 206, 212, 218.
FrÉtoy-le-ChÂteau, 218.
FrÉvent, 63.
Frezenberg, 123, 263.
Furnell, Lieut.-Col. M., 223.
Gabion Farm, 257.
Gaffiken, Major G. H., 59.
Gallagher, Lieut, (later Capt.) H., 60, 101.
Gallipoli Copse, 114, 116.
Gamaches, 229, 232.
Gapaard, 104, 234.
Gauchy, 195.
Gaverbeek, 286.
Gavin, Capt. N. J., 120.
Geddes, Sir E., 77.
George the Fifth, H.M. King, 19, 21, 249.
Gheluvelt, 263.
Gheluwe, 266.
Ghent, 109, 296.
G.H.Q., 137, 138, 171, 187.
Gilmour, Rfm. J., 224, 225.
Givenchy, 234.
Godson, Lieut., 72.
Golancourt, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216.
Goldfish ChÂteau, 111.
Goldflake Farm, 272.
Gomiecourt, 167, 170.
Gonnelieu, 146, 169, 170.
Goodwin, Lieut.-Col. W. R., 159.
Gooseberry Farm, 255, 256.
Gough, Gen. Sir H., 108, 110, 187.
Gough, Brig.-Gen. J., 3.
Gouzeaucourt, 169.
Graincourt, 126, 153, 155, 157, 162, 171.
Grand Bois, 104.
Grandcourt, 57.
-Thiepval Road, 45.
-St. Pierre Divion Road, 46.
Grand Ravin, 127, 128, 154.
SÉraucourt, 189, 190, 203.
Grant Suttie, Major H. F., 258.
Gravenstafel Road, 115.
Green, Maj. (later Lieut.-Col.) S. H., 107, 136.
Green House, 115.
Greig, Col. F. J., 7, 18, 19.
GrÉvillers, 35.
Griffith, Brig.-Gen. C. R., 39, 46, 57, 100, 200, 222, 223, 234, 244, 245.
Grugies, 188.
Valley, 188, 192, 195.
Guerbigny, 219, 221, 223, 224.
Gulleghem, 272, 273, 275, 276.
Guiscard, 209, 214, 217, 219.
Guise, 191, 292.
Guy Farm, 97.
Haagedoorne, 79, 249, 253.
Hacket Pain, Brig.-Gen. G., 10, 39.
Haig. F. M. Sir D., 3, 37, 143, 182, 183, 228, 240, 296.
Haigh, Lieut. J. W., 175.
Halahan, Rev. F. J., 119.
Ham, 183, 206, 209, 210.
Hamel, 29-31, 36, 48, 61.
Hangest-en-Santerre, 227.
Happencourt, 202, 204, 208.
Harington, Maj.-Gen. C. H., 122.
Harman, Maj.-Gen. A. E., 216.
Harponville, 41.
Havre, 21, 26.
Havrincourt, 126-129, 142, 145, 150, 154, 155, 259.
Wood, 127, 129, 131, 133, 139, 140-142, 147, 149, 170, 53, 59, 72, 90, 112, 117, 132, 134, 157, 159, 160, 164, 177, 200, 212, 219, 235-237, 250, 255, 266, 272, 289.
10th, 11.
Irish Rifles,
1st, 184, 198, 200, 206, 208, 210, 211, 214, 216, 226, 267, 274, 276, 284-287, 296.
2nd, 134, 165, 175, 184, 198, 210, 211, 215, 220, 226, 249, 257, 267, 277, 286, 287, 296.
7th, 134.
8th, 10, 27, 28, 46, 56, 57, 60, 85, 134.
9th, 10, 29, 46, 56, 59, 74, 85, 93, 134.
8/9th, 134, 11th, 10, 25, 46, 48, 50, 57, 75, 85, 98, 131.
12th, 10, 41, 46, 53, 85, 98, 118, 128, 131, 157, 159, 160, 164, 195, 197, 235-237, 240, 254, 255, 266, 267, 277, 286, 287, 296.
13th, 10, 46, 49, 50, 54, 56, 90, 112, 117.
11/13th, 134, 184.
14th, 11, 25, 45, 53, 85, 92-94, 112, 115, 117, 142, 151, 156, 172.
15th, 10, 27, 42, 46, 51, 54, 56, 85, 94, 95, 112, 132, 157, 158, 164, 165, 195, 201, 220, 250, 258, 274, 284, 285, 296.
16th (Pioneers), 11, 23, 26, 37, 42, 56, 59, 62, 76, 78, 98, 106-108, 115, 125, 130, 134, 142, 154, 167, 171, 185, 199, 205, 212, 222, 245, 273, 294, 295, 299.
17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, 11.
Irles, 35.
Itancourt, 183, 191.
Jacob, Lieut.-Gen. C. W., 260, 278, 291, 292.
Jacob's Ladder, 30.
Jeanne d'Arc Redoubt, 190, 196, 201.
Jew's Hill, 116.
Johnston, Capt. R., 49.
Johnston, Capt. L. J., 195-197.
Jones, Lieut.-Col. B. Y., 285.
Juliet Farm, 242, 244.
Jump Point, 88, 94, 97.
Jussy, 205, 207, 210.
Kangaroo Alley, 154.
Kelly, Lieut.-Col. P. E., 236, 239.
Kemmel, 78, 234, 238.
-Wytschaete Road, 65, 80, 104.
Hill, 81, 84, 86, 90, 92, 100, 103, 105, 237, 239, 242, 243, 246, 253.
Kennedy, Sir R., 297.
Kezelberg, 265, 266.
Kidd, Rfm., 74.
King, Lieut.-Col. W. A. de C., 81.
King Edward's Horse, 153, 154.
King's Liverpool Regt., 12th, 204, 214.
Kingsway, 237.
Kipling, Mr. R., 3.
Kitchener, Lord, 3, 4, 6, 18, 19, 21.
Kleineberg, 288, 289.
Klephoek, 266, 267, 272.
Knock, 286.
Knott, Lieut.-Col. J. E., 258.
Knox, Lieut. C. L., 203, 249.
Knox, Maj. (later Lieut.-Col.) R. S., 213.
Kortepyp, 64, 254.
K.O.Y.L.I., 4th, 58.
5th, 58.
K.R.R.C., 7th, 210.
Kruisstraat Cabaret, 74, 88, 257.
La Clytte, 234, 238.
L'Alouette, 255.
Lancashire Dump, 50.
Lancashire Fusiliers, 2nd, 25.
La Neuville-en-Beine, 214.
Langemarck, battle of, 111 et seq.; 125, 299.
La Vacquerie, 169.
Lavesne, 202.
Leader, Lieut.-Col., 56.
LÉalvillers, 41.
Lechelle, 142, 170.
L'Echelle St. Aurin, 221.
Ledeghem, 267, 268.
Ledlie, Lieut. J. C., 117.
Left Arty. Group (at St. Quentin), 194, 200.
Le Hamel, 189, 202, 203, 208.
Lejeune Trench, 196.
Lendelede, 280.
Le Pontchu Quarry, 196, 197.
Le Sars, 126.
Leveson-Gower, Brig.-Gen. P., 297.
Lewes, 8, 20.
Libermont, 221.
Liberty Hall, 11.
LigniÈres, 226.
Lille, 272, 278.
Lindenhoek, 83, 88, 99, 253.
Little Wood, 128, 135.
Lizerolles, 200.
Low, Major A., 212.
Lock 4 (on Canal du Nord), 157, 163.
Lock 5, 156, 158, 163, 164.
Lock 6, 152, 155, 156.
Locker-Lampson, Commander O., 5.
Locre, 90, 246.
Lombartzyde, 109.
London Territorial Arty., 1st/1st, 21, 26, 29.
Londonderry, Co., 7.
Loos, battle of, 24, 43.
Lucheux, 171, 181.
Ludendorff, Gen., 43, 109, 143, 187, 230, 243, 292.
Lumbres, 79.
Lumm Farm, 85, 88, 96, 97.
Lurgan, 7.
Switch, 134.
Lys, River, 234, 270, 272, 276, 277, 278, 280, 284-286, 291.
battle of, 234 et seq.; 242, 248.
McCalmont, Gen. Sir H., 17.
McCarthy-O'Leary, Lieut.-Col. H., 222, 226.
Machine-Gun Battalion,
36th, 185, 199, 206, 212, 224, 234, 265, 273, 299.
104th, 273.
Machine-Gun Company,
32nd, 87.
33rd, 87.
107th, 58, 158.
108th, 26, 87, 97.
109th, 26, 39, 173.
266th, 185.
Mackenzie, Capt. C. A., 300.
MacKenzie, Lieut.-Col. R. H., 258.
Macnaghten, Sir H., Bt., 60.
Macrory, Lieut.-Col. F. S. N., 52, 119.
Maedelstede Farm, 79.
Mailly-Maillet, 27, 35.
—Serre Road, 27-29.
Malone Park, 17.
Malmaison, battle of, 82.
Manancourt, 136.
Mangin, Gen., 109 (112, 118, 119, 122, 123, 128, 130, 148, 171, 177, 180, 182, 198-200, 202, 204, 205, 213, 219, 222, 228, 229, 244, 245, 297.
Offoy, 209.
Oise, River, 188, 230.
Oisy-le-Verger, 145, 161.
Oliphant, Major (later Lieut.-Col.) P. B., 57, 233 (foot-note).
OllÉzy, 182, 183, 202, 204, 206, 210, 211.
Omagh, 5, 6.
Oosttaverne, 84, 98, 99.
Ooteghem, 288.
Ordnance, 36th Div., 102, 300.
Orival Wood, 155, 156.
Ostend, 109.
Ouderdom, 78.
Outtersteene, 106.
Ovillers, 62.
Oxelaere, 249.
Oyghem, 281, 282.
Paris, 243, 295.
Passchendaele, 109, 143,

144, 238, 240, 261.
Patton, Capt. E., 227.
Peacocke, Major (later Lieut.-Col.) J., 38, 57, 200.
Peckham Farm, 84, 88, 90, 94.
Peronne, 127, 188.
PÉtain, Gen., 143.
Petite Douve Farm, 67, 75.
Piccadilly Trench, 65.
Picardy, 43.
Pick House, 88, 94, 235.
Pilkem, 110.
Pithon, 205, 206, 208.
Place, Lieut.-Col. C. O., 55, 88, 223, 233.
PlÉmont Hill, 229.
Ploegsteert, 78, 235, 259.
-Messines Road, 67.
Plug Street Wood, 64, 78, 254.
Plumer, Gen. Sir H., 67, 82, 122, 242.
Plus Douve Farm, 77, 253.
Poelcappelle, 143, 233, 238, 240, 242.
Poix, 229.
Polygon Wood, 271.
Pommern Castle, 111.
Redoubt, 111.
Pond Farm, 115, 117, 118.
Pont Remy, 25.
Poperinghe, 108, 111, 245, 260, 271.
-Ypres Road, 108.
Potijze, 263, 269.
Potter Arty. Group (March 1918), 206, 217, 218, 221.
Powell, Maj.-Gen. Sir C. H., 9, 13, 18, 20.
Pratt, Lieut.-Col. A. C., 119.
Proven, 245, 246.
Puchevillers, 181.
Pys, 35.
"Q" of 36th Division, 136.
Quarry Redoubt, 200.
Wood, 163.
Queen Lane, 126.
Quesmy, 217, 218.
Quigg, Pte. R., 60.
Rabone, Capt. E. L., 217.
Racecourse Redoubt, 190, 195, 201.
Railway Wood, 130.
R.A.M.C. of 36th Div., 7, 11, 14, 19, 61, 119, 299.
Randalstown, 15.
R.A.S.C. of 36th Div., 7, 300.
Ravelsberg, 252, 253.
Rawlinson, Gen. Sir H., 43.
Recques, 64.
Redan, the, 28, 29.
Red Lodge, 64.
Redmond, Major W., 101.
R.E. Farm, 69, 70.
Rheims, 243.
Rhine, River, 294, 296, 297.
RibÉcourt, 126, 128, 140, 150, 154.
Ricardo, Capt. (later Lieut.-Col. and Brig.-Gen.) A., 5, 38, 52, 94, 121, 130, 135, 142, 147-149, 178, 245.
Ricardo Redoubt, 204, 205.
Richthofen, Lieut, von (German airman), 105.
Rifle Brigade, 1st, 27.
Right Arty. Group (at St. Quentin), 193.
RobÉcourt, Canal de, 218.
Roberts, Earl, 2, 4.
Rocourt, 183.
Rocquigny, 167, 170.
Rolleghem-Cappelle, 274.
Rose, Major R., 215.
Rose Wood, 104.
Rossignol-Messines Road, 73.
Roubaix, 272.
Roulers, 109, 265.
-Lys Canal, 281.
Round Trench, 163, 164.
Rouy, 218.
Roye, 220-222.
Roozebeek, 104.
RubemprÉ, 62.
Ruyalcourt, 127, 141.
Sains-lez-Marquion, 157.
St. Jans Cappel, 65, 100, 248, 252, 259.
St. Jean, 234.
St. Julien, 110, 111.
St. Omer, 63, 64, 107.
St. Pierre Divion, 46, 56.
St. Quentin, 182, 183, 191, 192, 197.
-La FÈre Road, 188, 195, 196.
Canal, 189, 194, 202, 204, 205, 207, 210, 211, 230, 231.
St. Simon, 188, 202, 203, 207.
Saleux, 229.
Sanders, Cpl., 59.
Sanderson, Lieut., 56.
Sanitary Section, 76th, 11.
Scheldt, River, see Escaut.
Scherpenberg, 83, 239, 243, 246.
Schuler Farm, 114-116.
Schwaben Redoubt, 44, 45, 56-58.
Scotch Street, 168.
Scott Farm, 93, 94.
Seaford, 17, 19, 22.
SensÉe, River, 127, 145, 146, 160, 179.
Sermaize, 217.
Serre, 35.
Sharman Crawford, Col. R. G., 11.
Sharp, Major R. R., 274.
Shuter, Brig.-Gen. R., 39, 45.
Siege Camp, 239.
Signal Company, 36th Divisional, 7, 11, 84, 107, 138, 155, 178, 299.
Simpson, Lieut.-Col. H. C., 147, 149, 168, 218.
Skip Point, 88, 93.
Smyth, Capt. (later Major) W., 213, 241.
Somerville, Lieut.-Col., 117, 119.
Somerset L.I., 7th, 204, 210, 211.
Somme, Dept. of the, 22, 25, 26, 66.
River, 25, 26, 68, 71, 182, 186-188, 206, 270, 298.
Canal de la, 127, 188, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 217, 230, 231.
battle of the, 14, 41 et seq.; 72, 75, 89, 90, 110.
Farm, 115-117.
Sommette-Eaucourt, 204, 205, 210, 211.
Sorel-le-Grand, 71.
Sourdon, 227, 228.
South Midland Farm, 254.
Spanbroek (or Spanbroekmolen), 68, 75, 79, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92, 99, 235.
Spender, Capt. W. B., 9.
Speyside, 54.
Sphinx Wood, 183, 189, 195.
Spitael, 286, 287.
Spree Farm, 115.
Spriete, 283.
Square Copse, 154.
Staenyzer Cabaret, 85, 97.
Stapylton-Smith, Lieut. J. B., 203.
Station Redoubt, 200.
Steenbecque, 63.
Steenebeek, Stream (on Messines Ridge), 67, 86, 93, 94, 99.
Steenebeek, Stream (at St. Julien), 240-242.
Steenwerck, 254.
Stinking Farm, 256.
Straete, 283.
Strazeele, 106.
Strohm, Lieut. E. C., 215.
Sunken Road, see Thiepval-Hamel Road
-Wytschaete Road,
69, 74, 79, 84.
Wytschaete, 85, 86, 88, 95, 98, 108, 235, 238.
York and Lancs Regt., 4th, 58.
Yorkshire Bank, 128, 129, 131, 132, 154.
York Town, surrender of, 230.
Young, Lieut. R., 224.
Ypres, 35, 67,

130, 176, 232-234, 242, 245, 248, 259, 261, 263, 268, 271, 295.
Canal, 103-105, 241, 242.
-Menin Road, see Menin Road.
-Zonnebeke Road, 110, 262, 269.
Salient, 78, 105, 106, 108, 110, 119, 125, 126, 130, 232, 240, 269.
first battle of, 15, 66.
second battle of, 15.
third battle of, 108, 262.
Yser Canal, 109.
Ytres, 128, 135, 136, 141, 155, 167.
Zeebrugge, 109.
Zonnebeke, 263.
Zuidhoek Copse, 266.

printed by
M'Caw, Stevenson & Orr, Ltd.
the linenhall press


The original text has a dot under the superscripts, for example under the 'th' in 36th, which has been removed in the etext.

The format of time in the original text (with a hyphen) has been retained. For example, 11-45 a.m.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Footnote [14] is referenced twice from pg 15.

Except for those changes noted below, misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, battle-field, battlefield; break-through, break through; field-gun, field gun.

Pg 26. 'sucking pig' replaced by 'suckling pig'.
Pg 35. 'couples of mile' replaced by 'couple of miles'.
Pg 75. 'Jasus, what what' replaced by 'Jasus, what'.
Pg 82. 'the the first place' replaced by 'the first place'.
Pg 95. 'droping' replaced by 'dropping'.
Pg 180. 'in being, handled' replaced by 'being handled'.
Pg 206. 'bur there' replaced by 'but there'.
Pg 246. 'emergiences' replaced by 'emergencies'.
Pg 290. 'cane a wire' replaced by 'came a wire'.
Appendix II.
Pg 321. Missing unit name 'R.F.A.' added to 'Huskisson' entry.
Pg 329. Missing unit name 'R. Innis. Fus.' added to 'Dickson, Sgt. J.' entry.
Pg 331. 'Humpherys' replaced by 'Humphreys'.
Pg 332. 'M'Alpine' replaced by 'McAlpine'.
Pg 341. Missing unit name 'Genl. List.' added to 'Rogers, Maj. V. B.' entry.
Armies, Fifth: duplicate '202' removed.


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