I The Raising and Training of the Division: September 1914 to September 1915 1
Lord Kitchener and Sir Edward Carson—Sir Edward Carson's Appeal—Formation of the Division—A Commander appointed—Training begins—The Clan Spirit—Realities of War—The Move to England—Lord Kitchener's Tribute—His Majesty's Review.
II The Division in France: October 1915 to June 1916 22
First Experiences—Picardy—107th Brigade in Line—The Division enters Line—Holding a Quiet Front—Rations—The Brighter Side—Preparation for Offensive—Reorganization of Artillery.
III The Battle of the Somme: July 1st, 1916 41
New Aspect of Warfare—Plans for the Attack—Artillery Programme—A Successful Raid—Anniversary of the Boyne—Attack North of Ancre—Advance of 107th Brigade—A Desperate Situation—July 2nd—Causes of Failure—Move to Flanders.
IV From the Somme to Messines: July 1916 to June 1917 64
In Line before Messines—Warfare Underground—Trench Mortar Battles—The Policy of Raids—Lieutenant Godson's Ambush—A Series of Raids—La Plus Douve Farm—A Growth of Activity—Shelling of Ulster Camp.
V Messines: June 1917 82
Preparation for the Offensive—Plans for the Attack—Second Army Methods—Medical Arrangements—Waiting for Zero—First Objective reached—Wytschaete captured—Artillery moves Forward—Pack Transport—Death of Captain Gallagher—German Commander's Problem—Von Richthofen.
VI The Battle of Langemarck: August 1917 107
Plans of the Allies—107th Brigade enters Line—Wieltje Dug-outs—Barrage Plans—Failure of 108th Brigade—The Division's Losses—Causes of Failure—General Nugent's Suggestions.
VII Ypres to Cambrai: September to November 1917 125
The Hindenburg Line—Fighting at Yorkshire Bank—Raiding Activity—The Livens Projector—Life amidst Desolation—British Organization—Problem of Man-power—Work in the Mist.
VIII Cambrai and After (I): November 20th to 22nd, 1917 143
Plans for Cambrai—Task of 109th Brigade—Tanks move up—Capture of Spoil Heap—Defence of FlesquiÈres—Results of November 20th—Gains of November 21st—Moeuvres: November 22nd—A New Phase.
IX Cambrai and After (II): November 23rd to December 31st, 1917 162
Plans for Nov. 23rd—The Grapple at Bourlon—Relief of 36th Division—The German Counter-offensive—British Withdrawal—Defence of 9th Inniskillings—Attack of 11th Inniskillings—Relief in a Blizzard—Summary of the Battle.
X The German Offensive on the Somme (I): January to March 22nd, 1918 181
The New Line—Reorganization of Division—System of Defence—Dispositions—The Weeks of Waiting—Morning of March 21st—The German Assault launched—Defence of Le Pontchu—Break-through to the South—Defence of Racecourse Redoubt—Heroic Action of Lieutenant Knox—The Second Withdrawal—Open Warfare begins.
XI The German Offensive on the Somme (II): March 23rd to 30th, 1918 208
Sights in Ham—Both Flanks turned—Dawn of March 24th—2nd Rifles at Cugny—Relief of 36th Division—Horrors of the Retreat—A Gap between the Allies—Colonel Place captured—Counter-attack at Erches—What the Division achieved—Action of the Artillery—Defence of XVIII. Corps.
XII Flanders: The 108th Brigade in the Messines-Kemmel Battle: April to June 1918 232
Back to Ypres—108th Brigade on Messines Ridge—Fighting at Wulverghem—A Black Day—Withdrawal from Poelcappelle—German Rebuff in Flanders—Changes in Command—Back after a Rest.
XIII Back to the Messines Ridge: July to September, 1918 248
Successful Raids—The Enemy withdraws—A Fighting Retreat—September 3rd and 4th—Attack of September 6th—Move to Ypres—The Hope of Victory.
XIV The Advance to Final Victory (I): September 28th to October 17th, 1918 262
Attack of September 28th—Advance of September 29th—Menin-Roulers Road reached—Review of Situation—Death of Captain Bruce—Attack of October 14th—A Great Day—Courtrai entered—Difficulties of Supply.
XV The Advance to Final Victory (II): October 18th to November 11th, 1918 280
Plan for Forcing the LysR


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