CHAP. | | PAGE |
I | The Raising and Training of the Division: September 1914 to September 1915 | 1 |
| Lord Kitchener and Sir Edward Carson—Sir Edward Carson's Appeal—Formation of the Division—A Commander appointed—Training begins—The Clan Spirit—Realities of War—The Move to England—Lord Kitchener's Tribute—His Majesty's Review. |
II | The Division in France: October 1915 to June 1916 | 22 |
| First Experiences—Picardy—107th Brigade in Line—The Division enters Line—Holding a Quiet Front—Rations—The Brighter Side—Preparation for Offensive—Reorganization of Artillery. |
III | The Battle of the Somme: July 1st, 1916 | 41 |
| New Aspect of Warfare—Plans for the Attack—Artillery Programme—A Successful Raid—Anniversary of the Boyne—Attack North of Ancre—Advance of 107th Brigade—A Desperate Situation—July 2nd—Causes of Failure—Move to Flanders. |
IV | From the Somme to Messines: July 1916 to June 1917 | 64 |
| In Line before Messines—Warfare Underground—Trench Mortar Battles—The Policy of Raids—Lieutenant Godson's Ambush—A Series of Raids—La Plus Douve Farm—A Growth of Activity—Shelling of Ulster Camp. |
V | Messines: June 1917 | 82 |
| Preparation for the Offensive—Plans for the Attack—Second Army Methods—Medical Arrangements—Waiting for Zero—First Objective reached—Wytschaete captured—Artillery moves Forward—Pack Transport—Death of Captain Gallagher—German Commander's Problem—Von Richthofen. |
VI | The Battle of Langemarck: August 1917 | 107 |
| Plans of the Allies—107th Brigade enters Line—Wieltje Dug-outs—Barrage Plans—Failure of 108th Brigade—The Division's Losses—Causes of Failure—General Nugent's Suggestions. |
VII | Ypres to Cambrai: September to November 1917 | 125 |
| The Hindenburg Line—Fighting at Yorkshire Bank—Raiding Activity—The Livens Projector—Life amidst Desolation—British Organization—Problem of Man-power—Work in the Mist. |
VIII | Cambrai and After (I): November 20th to 22nd, 1917 | 143 |
| Plans for Cambrai—Task of 109th Brigade—Tanks move up—Capture of Spoil Heap—Defence of FlesquiÈres—Results of November 20th—Gains of November 21st—Moeuvres: November 22nd—A New Phase. |
IX | Cambrai and After (II): November 23rd to December 31st, 1917 | 162 |
| Plans for Nov. 23rd—The Grapple at Bourlon—Relief of 36th Division—The German Counter-offensive—British Withdrawal—Defence of 9th Inniskillings—Attack of 11th Inniskillings—Relief in a Blizzard—Summary of the Battle. |
X | The German Offensive on the Somme (I): January to March 22nd, 1918 | 181 |
| The New Line—Reorganization of Division—System of Defence—Dispositions—The Weeks of Waiting—Morning of March 21st—The German Assault launched—Defence of Le Pontchu—Break-through to the South—Defence of Racecourse Redoubt—Heroic Action of Lieutenant Knox—The Second Withdrawal—Open Warfare begins. |
XI | The German Offensive on the Somme (II): March 23rd to 30th, 1918 | 208 |
| Sights in Ham—Both Flanks turned—Dawn of March 24th—2nd Rifles at Cugny—Relief of 36th Division—Horrors of the Retreat—A Gap between the Allies—Colonel Place captured—Counter-attack at Erches—What the Division achieved—Action of the Artillery—Defence of XVIII. Corps. |
XII | Flanders: The 108th Brigade in the Messines-Kemmel Battle: April to June 1918 | 232 |
| Back to Ypres—108th Brigade on Messines Ridge—Fighting at Wulverghem—A Black Day—Withdrawal from Poelcappelle—German Rebuff in Flanders—Changes in Command—Back after a Rest. |
XIII | Back to the Messines Ridge: July to September, 1918 | 248 |
| Successful Raids—The Enemy withdraws—A Fighting Retreat—September 3rd and 4th—Attack of September 6th—Move to Ypres—The Hope of Victory. |
XIV | The Advance to Final Victory (I): September 28th to October 17th, 1918 | 262 |
| Attack of September 28th—Advance of September 29th—Menin-Roulers Road reached—Review of Situation—Death of Captain Bruce—Attack of October 14th—A Great Day—Courtrai entered—Difficulties of Supply. |
XV | The Advance to Final Victory (II): October 18th to November 11th, 1918 | 280 |
| Plan for Forcing the LysR