I. From Australia to the Fray 1
II. From Australia to the Fray 15
III. Gallipoli 35
IV. The Ghastly Landing 48
V. Holding On 64
VI. Giving Up Gallipoli 79
VII. Compliments of the King 97
VIII. An Intermission 106
IX. No Quarter 113
X. Trapping Sappers 126
XI. Spotting 143
XII. Razzle Dazzle 157
XIII. Moquet Farm 167
XIV. Spies 185
XV. Woodfighting 201
XVI. The Play Side of War 220
XVII. The Rat in the Night 233
XVIII. The Worst Ordeal 248
XIX. Blighty 274
XX. Honored by the King 287
XXI. The Gray Mother 298


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