
Immediately after breakfast next morning, Queen Mary and her party re-assembled at the usual place, where Ingomar was ordered to resume his narrative. All of the maskers were in their places, eager to hear the balance of the story; and Ingomar, without loss of time, began as follows:

“As soon as Dabbs and Tadpoddle left the office Harry began to pace the floor rapidly, with his head hanging on his breast, while I could see from the working of the muscles of his face that he was making a desperate effort to get his feelings under control. After walking the floor for some time in silence he abruptly confronted me, and fixed his eyes on me as if to read my thoughts, then said:

“‘She is guilty, and my career is nearly ended. I cannot survive it, and to tell you the truth, I do not wish to, for I never shall have confidence in any woman again. I shall even lose confidence in Lottie.’

“‘Stop, Harry, I pray you; don’t talk so; you will be sorry for this one of these days. Let us not abandon all hopes yet. It is possible that this is a mistake, after all.’

“‘No, no; I understand your motive, and appreciate it, but it is useless to dodge the question; Viola is lost—lost forever! Oh, God! have mercy on this poor girl. But for the sin of the thing, I would kill myself now, and be rid of this intolerable suffering. There is a burning fire in my bosom, and I can feel its consuming flames devouring my vitals. Oh, how I did love that girl! how I worshiped her! So beautiful. So enchanting! How could one so lovely be so wicked? My doom is sealed—the blow to me is fatal. I feel it here. Let it come—the sooner the better. Bowles must die, though. It is a mystery to me why such men should be tolerated in a city like this, where they can rob and murder men, and ruin innocent girls with impunity. If a poor wretch whose wife and children are starving steals a side of bacon to keep the dear ones alive, he is hurried off to the penitentiary in double-quick time; but the well-dressed thief who steals his thousands, corrupts youth, ruins young girls, and dines his friends, is permitted to walk the streets as the lion of the day. It is not only so in Memphis, but I am told it is so in many other cities. How such unscrupulous wretches should be permitted to ply their avocations of robbery among people who make pretensions to civilization is a puzzle to me. But I mean to have a settlement with Mr. Bowles. He is the same fellow who, many years ago, insulted Lottie at our camp, then committed perjury when I was on trial. I have that little affair scored against him; but that is nothing compared with the late business.’

“‘Harry, I would advise you not to let Viola know that you think she is guilty, because if you do she certainly will discard you forever. I am sure she never would forgive you the second time. You have not forgotten what trouble you had to get her to pardon your first error; and you had better be very cautious how you act now. She is as proud and sensitive as you are, and if you offend her again she never will forgive you.’

“‘I will, under no circumstances, attempt to conceal my opinions; if she asks me for the truth, you may be assured she will hear it. I adhere to the doctrine that honesty is the best policy. I never have told a deliberate falsehood, and never will.’

“‘Would it not be best, then, for you not to see her until we know more about the case? for she will be certain to find out what you think, and then, my word for it, she will discard you.’

“‘Do you think I would care if she did? You don’t imagine that I expect to marry her, do you?’

“‘But suppose you go and tell her you think she is guilty, and then afterward, when it is too late, you find out that she is innocent—don’t you see what an awkward predicament you then would be in?’

“‘Eddie, please don’t try to deceive me. You know she is guilty. Is not the proof overwhelming? Didn’t I cling to the idea of her innocence until the last prop was knocked away? But I am determined to see her and demand an explanation. It is but fair to give her a chance. She shall know what we have heard, and she then must tell what she knows about it.’

“‘Harry, you will live to regret this step, and I want you to understand that you take it contrary to my advice and wishes. If you would let the whole matter rest in the hands of the detectives until the evidence shall be brought out I think it would be better.’

“‘Let the responsibility rest on me. I must and will see Viola once more, and then leave her in the hands of Him who knows the secrets of all hearts. I will go and see her now; meantime you go and talk to Mr. Rockland, and don’t think about me at all. I must now steer my own canoe. My mind is made up, and no power on earth can change it.’

“He then abruptly left the office and went toward the jail. I trembled to see the strange wild look in his eyes as he passed out. Mischief was brewing, and I could see it as plain as daylight—but how to prevent it I knew not. I remained in my seat for some time, undecided as to the best course to be pursued. I knew that I must act promptly, but what or how to do I could not decide. After Harry had been gone about thirty minutes, it occurred to me that I ought to go and talk to Lottie and let her know the bad news we had heard, and persuade her to keep Harry and Viola apart until something more definite could be ascertained. I knew that if Harry should see Viola while his mind was in its present condition, something serious would be sure to transpire. I hastened to the jail, but was too late to prevent the meeting. Lottie met me at the entrance, and I saw from her looks that she had suspected something.

“‘Oh, Eddie,’ she said, as she held out both hands for me to shake, ‘what on earth is the matter with Harry? He came here just now, looking for all the world just like a ghost. He was as pale as death, and I thought he was going to fall down and die at my feet. He staggered from one side of the hall to the other like a drunken man, told me he wished to be alone with Viola, and requested me to stay out of the room until he called me. His eyes showed a wild, unsettled expression, such as I have seen mad men have. What does it mean?’

“‘Lottie, something awful has happened; but I can’t stop to tell you now. We must look after Harry—get him away from here as soon as possible. Go in; you must persuade him to go home with you.’

“‘Good Heavens! did you hear that groan? That was Viola—come, quick!’

“I followed her into the room, and at a glance perceived that we had come too late—the mischief had been done. That Harry was absolutely crazy for the time being was as plain as could be. Viola was leaning against the bed-post, pale and trembling, while Harry was passing across the room like an angry tiger in its cage. Lottie was by Viola’s side in an instant.

“‘What is it?’ she inquired, as she took hold of her arm. ‘Tell me what has happened, I beseech you!’

“‘Your gallant brother there I think could tell you better than I could,’ replied Viola, as she drew herself up to her full height. She looked like a queen who had received an insult from one of her subjects. Such a look of scorn as she cast upon Harry as she spoke I never had seen flash from a woman’s eyes before. Her cheeks were red with anger, and her frame seemed to grow taller. ‘Yes, Lottie, your gallant brother can enlighten you as to what has happened.’ Then addressing herself to Harry, she said: ‘Why, Mr. Wallingford, didn’t you tell your sister how you sat quietly in your chair and heard those two penitentiary birds say that I was the mistress of a blackleg gambler, and didn’t kill them? You saved my life when I was a child, and I thought you were a brave hero. Every story I read where a hero was described I coupled your name with, and my childish mind pictured you as greater and braver than all of them. I loved you for your courage; I thought of you by day—I dreamed about you at night. My love grew as I grew, until my poor heart was full to overflowing. The followers in Mohammed never had stronger faith in him than I had in you. Your image floated before my young mind as my beau ideal of all that was brave, noble, generous and kind. I studied by day and by night, in order to make myself worthy of such a hero. My love grew into worship, and if every man, woman and child on earth had told me you were not a brave, generous hero, I would not have believed it. I wore your image next to my heart, and no heathen ever worshiped his idol with half the devotion that I worshiped you. My love was my life—it was my happiness—it was my religion—it was my all! You told me you loved me—you took me to your heart and whispered sweet words of love into my ear—you almost killed me with joy. Then you cast me off and declared that you were joking, and that you never could think of marrying me. I was crazed with grief; and as soon as I got so I could bear the awful affliction, you came and renewed the protestations of love. You offered excuses for your former conduct. I believed you. You swore in the most solemn language that you always had loved me. I credited it, and you asked me to be your wife. I yielded because I loved—nay, the word love is too weak a term to be used—I worshiped you—I adored you. I thought my love was returned—I thought you were perfection itself. In view of all these things, how could you sit and hear my name blackened by a pair of penitentiary convicts, and not kill them? You heard them say I was the mistress of a common blackleg gambler, and did not resent it. Is this the brave hero whose picture I have worn on my heart for ten long years? How could I have been so blinded as to worship such an object? And then, to cap the climax, you come here and ask me to explain why I was in the habit of visiting the apartments of Mr. Bowles continually. Leave me and my affairs in the hands of God—to Him I will render an account of my conduct in this business, but to you never! I have no fears as to my fate. Death to me now would be welcome—why should I wish to live where no one will befriend me? Let them hang me high as Haman—let my name be bandied about the streets as the vilest of the vile. Why should I care, since the only one I loved or cared for thinks me guilty? Let them hang me first and then throw my body in a felon’s grave. God, who knows the secrets of all hearts, will take care of my soul. You may go now, Mr. Wallingford; I have no more to say, only to demand that you desist from any further interference in my affairs. Make out an account of all expenses you have incurred and present them to my guardian, and I will see that they are paid. You may go, now, as I wish to be left alone.’

“If Harry heard what she had been saying, he paid but little attention to it; but when she ceased, instead of leaving the room as she had ordered him to do, he stood like a statue, gazing vacantly before him.

“‘Mr. Wallingford, again I tell you I wish to be left alone.’ As she spoke she pointed toward the door, and her manner was such as to convince me that it would be better for Harry to leave. Acting upon that conclusion, I led him from the room, and went with him to his office. He spoke not, nor did he make any objections to being taken away—in fact, I didn’t think he exactly comprehended what had been said, though he afterward spoke of it as if it were a painful dream. I had often seen him under the influence of excitement, but I had never beheld him in such a state as he was then, and I was afraid to leave him alone, for I imagined that he would seek Bowles immediately. Mr. Rockland came into the office soon after we arrived, and I sought a private interview with him, and in as few words as possible informed him what had happened, and requested him to try to get Harry home as soon as he could. Mr. Rockland was deeply moved when he began to realize the situation. He loved Harry devotedly, and was as much alarmed at his condition as I was; he at once requested him to accompany him home. Harry followed Mr. Rockland without objection, and I went back to the jail at once to see Lottie. I wanted to have a talk with her about the new turn matters were taking, for I had more confidence in her cool judgment than all the rest. She was the only one of us who could look at both sides of a case with an impartial eye. The fact is, she had more sound, practical judgment than Harry and I put together. Nothing could throw her temper off its guard, and I knew that I must look to her for help, because Harry was no longer to be depended on. As soon as I entered the gate in front of the jail, Lottie came out of Viola’s room and beckoned me to her side.

“‘Don’t go in there—I wish to have a private chat with you. Viola is asleep now; I had to send for Doctor Dodson soon after you and Harry left. The doctor was obliged to give her an opiate before he could get her to sleep. He fears there is danger of brain fever, but thinks it may be avoided by proper treatment. Why did you let Harry come here to-day when you knew what a condition his mind was in?’

“‘I did my very best to keep him away, but he wouldn’t listen to me. I think he is mad. I told him above all things not to tell Viola what he had heard.’

“‘But what is it you have heard? You must remember that I am totally ignorant as to the cause of all this trouble.’

“I then gave her a full statement of the facts as detailed to us by Dabbs and Tadpoddle. I saw a strange light flash from her beautiful eyes, and her cheeks flushed instantly with a rush of red blood to them. Her pretty little mouth was at once drawn down at both corners.

“‘And you and brother Harry swallowed this magnificent story as a child of five years would the hobgoblin story told by its nurse—that is, you believed it, of course.’

“‘Lottie, how could we help believing it, when the proof was so plain? What was Viola doing with Bowles’ letter in her dress pocket? What was she visiting his apartments at the dark hours of night for? Were they not planning schemes of murder? Does not the letter prove this beyond all question? What is the use of clinging to an idea that has no foundation to rest on? If I owned all the money in the world I would give it to know Viola was not guilty.’

“‘Eddie, I love you too much—I wish I didn’t, for I had made up my mind to give you a real good scolding; but how can I have the heart to abuse my old booby when I love him so? But let me tell you one thing now, and be very sure you don’t forget it—if ever you hint or insinuate in my presence again that you think Viola Bramlett is anything but a pure, honest, virtuous, persecuted orphan girl, I’ll make such a rattling storm in your ears as you never have heard in all the days of your life.’

“‘If I were to see her murder a brigade, I’d never say so before you.’

“‘Very good; you had better try to remember that, for I tell you, Mr. Booby, I know her to be innocent; and that is not all, by a long jump—I know exactly who is guilty. You and Harry imagine yourselves to be exceedingly clever. You bring penitentiary birds from Philadelphia, and pay them large rewards to blacken the name of a pure, honest girl. I declare, you ought to congratulate yourselves on the success of your enterprise!’

“‘Lottie, for Heaven’s sake, if you know who committed that cruel murder, why do you let Viola remain in jail? Why don’t you expose the guilty one, and let the innocent one go free?’

“‘I shall do that at the proper time. I have got a net set, and the guilty one is partially entangled in it now; but the time has not yet come to make the final drag. You and Harry have been on the wrong trail all the time, and so have your clever detectives.’

“‘Why don’t you tell Harry and me all about the case, so we can help you?’

“‘I mean to make you help me without telling you anything, because I think it is best to keep my secrets from you; and as to brother Harry, he never had the starch taken out of him until to-day. His ungovernable pride has caused all this trouble, but I think he will not ride such a tall horse any more. He is a dear, noble-hearted brother, but he never has put the curb on his temper—in fact, he never has tried to control his passions; and you know as well as I do that no one can be happy who can’t manage his passions.’

“‘Lottie, where did you manage to pick up such a store of good sense; it sounds like inspiration. I know it can’t be my love for you that makes me think like that—it is simply because it is so.’

“‘Not at all; I am nothing but a simple girl, but I have always tried to command my mind, and through it control my bad passions, and, to some extent, have succeeded; that’s all there is of it.’

“‘Will you tell me whether Bowles committed the murder or not?’

“‘He did not, though he is as guilty as the one who did, and I will have the proof on him when the trial comes off. I want the grand jury to find a bill against Viola, because her name has been stained with the charge, and these slanderous reports have been whispered about the streets against her; and she shall be vindicated in open court, and I assure you her fair name will shine so brightly that no spot will be left on it. The more I know of her the better I love her, and I know her to be as pure as the falling snow. She concurs in my views as regards a public trial, and will not shrink when the time comes. She is a greater heroine than any one would suppose who is not acquainted with her private character.’

“‘Who is assisting you to look up the evidence in the case?’

“‘That’s one of my secrets which I don’t mean to tell you just now; but it is one who can beat your Philadelphia detective very badly.’

“‘Why not tell Harry that you know Viola to be innocent? Don’t you know the idea that she is guilty is killing him? I am afraid that he will seek a quarrel with Bowles, and either kill him or get killed himself.’

“‘I did tell him that I knew she was not guilty; and I told you the same thing, yet both of you were ready to credit the first thing you heard against her. I would have revealed everything to him, but I could not depend on his judgment when he is so flustered. I was afraid he would act too hastily, and thereby overthrow the plans we had set on foot to entrap the guilty parties. I yet fear that he will commit some rash act which will frighten the real murderers, and prevent us from securing the proof necessary to convict. Our uncle has written him to come to California, and I think we had better get him to go at once. Uncle Stanley’s health has failed, and he wants Harry to go there to help him wind up his business, so he can come here to live. He urges Harry to come without delay, and the best thing we can do is to persuade him to go at once. He could get back in six months, and by that time Viola’s innocence will be established, and then we will all be happy once more. You had better see Mr. Rockland on the subject, and ask him to aid you in persuading Harry to go at once. In the first place, it is his duty to go and help our uncle while he is unable to look after his own business; and in the next place, it will furnish brother something to employ his mind and keep it from the subject that is destroying his happiness. If he stays here he will be sure to do something rash; therefore you must not lose a moment until you get him started.’

“‘Do you think Viola ever will forgive Harry?’

“‘What a dear old Booby you are! Did you ever hear of a woman’s forsaking a man, when she once loved him truly? It shows how little you know about a woman’s heart. I suppose men judge women by their own hearts; but let me tell you that the heart of a woman is no more like that of a man than day is like night. Man’s heart is as fickle and unreliable as the moon, and will change as often; but once let a woman give her heart away to a man, and he has it always. He may drag her down to the lowest precincts of misery and degradation, and she will cling to and love him still. He may beat her—he may starve her—he may disgrace her; but she will never cease to love him. She will go with him to a loathsome dungeon—she will follow him to the gallows; and when his neck is broken by the law, for crimes committed, she will weep over his dead body, and bury her broken heart in a felon’s grave with the unworthy man she loves. How is it with a man? Let the slightest breath of suspicion blow upon the woman he loves, and he forsakes her at once.’

“‘Lottie, do you think that anything ever could happen that would make me forsake you?’

“‘Yes; a hundred things could happen that would make you hate me, though I think you are the best sample of the lot; and if you should beat and starve me, I should be fool enough to go on loving you just the same.’

“‘Lottie, darling, if ever I do anything intentionally to cause you pain, I shall expect Satan to get my unworthy soul and roast it in his hottest blazes. But candidly tell me, Lottie dear, do you really think Viola ever will become reconciled with Harry? You know she is as proud as he is, and I never saw her in such a rage as she was to-day.’

“‘That’s all you know about it. Why, sir, in five minutes after Harry left her she broke completely down—fell on the bed and wept like a child; if he had come back then, he might have taken her in his arms with impunity. She would have nestled her head on his bosom and begged him to forgive her, instead of expecting him to beg her pardon. The truth of it is she is crazy about him, and would die if he were to abandon her. She is too good for this wicked world, anyway.’

“‘I must say that they are both very different from other people; they puzzle and perplex me. Sometimes they are as gentle and submissive as young lambs; then again they remind me of a tornado, sweeping everything to destruction as it goes. Sometimes they resemble the smooth, calm bosom of a lake; then they appear again like the boisterous billows of the ocean when lashed into fury by the storm.’

“‘True enough, Eddie, but it is because they love each other so much. If they did not love so strongly they would be less boisterous.’

“‘Why is it that you and I are getting along so smoothly and nicely?’

“‘That is owing to the fact that no trouble has come across our path. But suppose I were in jail, charged with murder, and you were to tell me to my face that you thought me guilty—don’t you think you would start a pretty extensive whirlwind?’

“‘If I were to do such a cowardly thing it ought to be a first-class tornado—one that would blow my worthless carcass out of the world.’

“‘Don’t make so many rash remarks; you know it is generally understood that the course of true love never runs smooth. We may have stormy weather yet before the voyage is ended; happiness like ours is too great to last, I’m afraid. But enough of this now—you must go to Harry and remain with him until you get him off to California; then come back to me—I wish to send you on a short journey on business of vast moment.’

“‘Tell me where it is you wish me to go, and what you want me to go for, so that I can have something to think about. It is so pleasant to be thinking of some way to serve you.’

“‘As soon as we can get Harry started, I shall send you to Vicksburg, Mississippi, on business connected with Viola’s case. You see, as I have already informed you, I am playing lawyer and detective both. There is certain evidence at Vicksburg that is essential in this affair, and you must go there to secure it. I think I may safely trust you thus far.’

“‘You may trust me implicitly in everything, Lottie, darling, and I’ll prove worthy of the trust. But have you any objections to telling me now the nature of the evidence you expect me to secure?’

“‘There is a certain woman in this city who formerly resided at or near Vicksburg, whose antecedents I wish to know something about.’

“‘Then you think it was a woman who poisoned young Bramlett?’

“‘What are you talking about? I said nothing of the sort. You must obey orders and not be so inquisitive—a good soldier, you know, always obeys orders without inquiring the reason of their issuance.’

“‘Very good! You issue orders and leave the rest to me, and I’ll bring up my part of the job all right. But what is the name of the person whose history you want?’

“‘She has so many names that you will find the greatest difficulty arises from that fact, though you must find out her real name, at all hazards. In order to do this, you must discover who are her parents; and it may be necessary to go to other places besides Vicksburg before you accomplish that. She came from Vicksburg to Memphis—how long she had been residing there I do not know, but suppose you are detective enough to find out who she is and where she was born and raised. But you must mind and not let any one know your business, because everything must be worked secretly. This woman claims to be a native of Mississippi, and was known by the name of Helen Herndon when she came to this city—that is, she was traveling under that name while coming here, but she dropped it and took another when she arrived here. Now, you will probably find that Helen Herndon is not her real name, but it is very likely that she has resided in Vicksburg under that name. This will aid you to determine who she really is. The main point to be gained is to find her parents and get the full history of her childhood. I suppose her age now is not over thirty, and she has been here five years. She must have covered up her tracks well, else you will be able to trace her back to her parents. You must not let any one know where you are going, nor what your business is. You must find out where she was educated (and, by the by, she has been well educated), and learn everything you can about her school-girl history. I must have some of her manuscript, and this, of course, you can get, if you can find her parents. You must put on your studying-cap, and try to be wise.’

“‘I’ll try, of course, but do you think I can succeed?’


“‘Ha, ha, dearest, you have the right to make sport of me as much as you please, and I rather think I like it.’

“I built several magnificent castles as I passed along the street from the jail to Mr. Rockland’s house. I can’t say that I absolutely completed any one of those splendid buildings, because my mind would become confused when I was about to put on the cornice, or the dome, or hoist the columns, and I would find that something was lacking to make the exact finish. A crack in the wall would appear, or a defect in the foundation, a column would tipple down, the dome would lean over to one side, turrets were too flat, the windows too short—something was sure to happen to prevent me from making an absolute finish of my great work. When I went to Mr. Rockland, I found him in his library, busy, as usual, with great heaps of papers before him, which he was examining, one by one. I made known to him the object of my visit, told him Lottie’s views, and requested his advice and assistance to get Harry off to California as soon as possible.

“‘That is another proof of Lottie’s good sense, Mr. Demar. The fact is, sir, that girl is a mystery, anyway. I can’t understand where she managed to gather up so much good, sound, practical common sense. It is true she reads a great deal, and has always been very industrious; but, sir, I believe she is the most talented woman I ever knew. Why, sir, would you believe it, she has made out many a brief for me, hunted up the law applicable to the case, and arranged everything as well as I could do it myself! For instance, look at that brief there, will you? She did that, and she did it as quickly as any lawyer could have done it. She copies all my papers, keeps my books and clerks for me generally. Demar, I don’t like to let you have her, at all, and if I thought you would take her away from me, I should be tempted to break off the match.’

“‘It pleases me beyond measure to hear you praise Lottie so, for she deserves it; but I shall never part her from you, if you prefer that we should stay here. I know that she could not be happy if she thought you were miserable.’

“‘I am very much obliged to you, Demar, for making that promise, because I don’t see how we could bear to part with our darling. I know I shall miss her valuable services as my amanuensis.’

“‘It is not my intention, Mr. Rockland, to deprive you of her services, so long as it may be agreeable to her to aid you. My aim will be to make her happy, and I dare say she would prefer to continue to help you. I think that this is the place where she managed to gather so much useful knowledge of the law, as well as a great store of general information. She has been with you so much, and heard you expound the law to others so often, that she has got her mind well stored with its mysteries.’

“‘Probably that is true to some extent, but she possesses an extraordinary mind. Mr. Demar, you have been quite lucky to win the heart of such a woman, indeed you have, sir. You have achieved a great victory. She is a valuable prize, I assure you.’

“‘I am sensible of the fact, sir, and shall endeavor to make her life a happy one. I feel thankful to Providence for bestowing such a blessing on me, humble and unworthy as I am; but if a life of devotion to her can make her happy, she shall certainly be so.’

“‘Enough of this, Mr. Demar; I could talk about Lottie all day, but we must not neglect other business. You were about to mention some newly discovered evidence that had been brought to light in Miss Bramlett’s case. I shall be glad to hear anything in her favor.’

“‘I am very sorry to be compelled to say that this newly found evidence is anything but favorable to her—to the contrary, if it is true, it establishes her guilt beyond doubt.’

“‘Poor girl, I am distressed to hear it! but let me know all at once.’

“I then proceeded to tell him everything that had been related to Harry and me by Dabbs and Tadpoddle.

“‘That proof will convict her beyond question, unless it can be overthrown by other proof, and it would have to be unquestionable evidence to do that. We shall be driven to the plea of insanity—this is the dernier ressort, and is rather a shaky foundation to build hopes upon. It is most unfortunate that Harry should have fallen in love with Miss Bramlett; poor fellow, it is a heavy blow to him, and I agree with you as to the propriety of getting him off to California as soon as possible. It is truly his duty to go to his uncle without delay, and I shall mention the subject to him as soon as his mind gets composed. He is in an unsettled condition just now.’

“‘Do you think he will go, Mr. Rockland?’

“‘Oh, yes, he will do anything I request him to. He has been a kind, obedient son to me, and my wishes have always been law with him. Ah, me! I love the dear boy, and it is causing me great pain to see him suffering so. He seems to be perfectly reckless since Miss Bramlett’s troubles began—neglects his duties, stares wildly at space for hours at a time in silence, eats scarcely anything and is as pale as a ghost. His mother is in despair about it, and a general gloom pervades the premises. Something must be done, and that without delay. He shall start to California next Monday. That will rouse him and take his mind off of this painful subject.’

“Having finished my business with Mr. Rockland, I went back to the jail to report progress to Lottie.


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