Mushroom Cellar under a Barn, 16
Boxed-up Frame with Straw Covering, 19
Cross Section of the Dosoris Mushroom Cellar, 27
Ground Plan of the Dosoris Cellar, 28
Base-burning Water Heater, 32
Vertical Section of Base-burning Water Heater, 32
Mushroom House Built Against a North-facing Wall, 34
Section of Mrs. Osborne's Mushroom House, 35
Ground Plan of Mrs. Osborne's Mushroom House, 36
Interior View of Mr. S. Henshaw's Mushroom House, 38
Boxed Mushroom Bed under Greenhouse Bench, 41
Mushrooms Grown on Greenhouse Benches, 43
Wide Bed with Pathway Above, 44
Mushrooms on Greenhouse Benches under Tomatoes, 45
Mr. Wm. Wilson's Mushroom Beds, 51
Mushroom Bed Built Flat upon the Ground, 52
Ridged Mushroom Bed, 53
Banked Bed against a Wall, 53
Perspective View of the Dosoris Mushroom Cellar, 58
Bale of German Peat Moss, 66
Brick Spawn, 80
Flake, or French Spawn, 82
Brick Spawn Cut in Pieces for Planting, 97
A Perfect Mushroom, 116
Mushrooms Affected with Black Spot, 125
A Flock-Diseased Mushroom, 133
The Covered Ridges, 140
In the Mushroom Caves of Paris, 147
Gathering Mushrooms in the Paris Caves for Market, 149



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