| PAGE | If it ain't Right, I'll make it all Right in the Morning, | 33 | Don't you believe in 'em, | 37 | The Old Black Bull, | 38 | Dobbs makes "a Pint," | 42 | Used up, | 43 | The Greatest Moral Engine, | 50 | The Story of Capt. Paul, | 51 | Hereditary Complaints, | 58 | Nights with the Caucusers, | 59 | Affecting Cruelty, | 64 | The Wolf Slayer, | 65 | The Man that knew 'em All, | 74 | A severe Spell of Sickness, | 79 | The Race of the Aldermen, | 80 | Getting Square, | 85 | People do differ, | 89 | Bill Whiffletree's Dental Experience, | 90 | A-a-a-in't they Thick? | 96 | A desperate Race, | 101 | Dodging the Responsibility, | 107 | A Night Adventure in Prairie Land, | 108 | Roosting Out, | 114 | Rather Twangy, | 119 | Passing around the Fodder, | 120 | A Hint to Soyer, | 123 | The Leg of Mutton, | 124 | A Chapter on Misers, | 129 | Dog Day, | 133 | Amateur Gardening, | 138 | The two Johns at the Tremont, | 139 | The Yankee in a Boarding School, | 144 | A dreadful State of Excitement, | 149 | Ralph Waldo Emerson, | 154 | Humbug, | 158 | Hotel keeping, | 159 | "According to Gunter," | 164 | Quartering upon Friends, | 165 | Jake Hinkle's Failings, | 174 | What's going to Happen, | 176 | The Washerwoman's Windfall, | 177 | We don't Wonder at it, | 181 | Old Maguire and his Horse Bonny Doon, | 182 | Getting into the "Right Pew," | 187 | A circuitous Route, | 192 | Major Blink's first Season at Saratoga, | 193 | Old Jack Ringbolt, | 198 | Who killed Capt. Walker? | 199 | Practical Philosophy, | |   |