If it ain't Right, I'll make it all Right in the Morning, 33
Don't you believe in 'em, 37
The Old Black Bull, 38
Dobbs makes "a Pint," 42
Used up, 43
The Greatest Moral Engine, 50
The Story of Capt. Paul, 51
Hereditary Complaints, 58
Nights with the Caucusers, 59
Affecting Cruelty, 64
The Wolf Slayer, 65
The Man that knew 'em All, 74
A severe Spell of Sickness, 79
The Race of the Aldermen, 80
Getting Square, 85
People do differ, 89
Bill Whiffletree's Dental Experience, 90
A-a-a-in't they Thick? 96
A desperate Race, 101
Dodging the Responsibility, 107
A Night Adventure in Prairie Land, 108
Roosting Out, 114
Rather Twangy, 119
Passing around the Fodder, 120
A Hint to Soyer, 123
The Leg of Mutton, 124
A Chapter on Misers, 129
Dog Day, 133
Amateur Gardening, 138
The two Johns at the Tremont, 139
The Yankee in a Boarding School, 144
A dreadful State of Excitement, 149
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 154
Humbug, 158
Hotel keeping, 159
"According to Gunter," 164
Quartering upon Friends, 165
Jake Hinkle's Failings, 174
What's going to Happen, 176
The Washerwoman's Windfall, 177
We don't Wonder at it, 181
Old Maguire and his Horse Bonny Doon, 182
Getting into the "Right Pew," 187
A circuitous Route, 192
Major Blink's first Season at Saratoga, 193
Old Jack Ringbolt, 198
Who killed Capt. Walker? 199
Practical Philosophy,

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