

An anatomical and physiological description of the human body
Sect. I. Of the composition and close connection of parts in the human body 2
Sect. II. Of the brains and nerves 5
Sect. III. Of the heart and lungs 9
Sect. IV. Of the circulation of the blood 12
Sect. V. Of the joint connection of the brains, heart, lungs, &c. 15
Sect. VI. Of chylifaction, and nutrition 19
Sect. VII. Of the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and their connection. 28
A skeleton of the human body 31
Sect. VIII. Of the urinary organs and genital parts 35
Sect. IX. Of the skin 40
Sect. X. Of the external senses 43


On the requisite means and medicines towards restoring health.
Sect. I. Of the pulse 50
Sect. II. Of the effects of bleeding 55
Sect. III. Of the operation of bleeding 58
Sect. IV. Of the requisite medicines useful at sea 63
A plan of a medicine box64. Of utensils, and medicines65. Lancets, ibid. scissars, probe, spatula66. Bistouries, and incision lancets, teeth instruments, syringes67. Clyster pipes and bladders, clyster syringe, scales and weights68. Splints69. Bandages, rags, tow, lint, tape, needles, thread and pins70. Camomile flowers, balm, sage, sassafrass71. Oatmeal, cinamon, allum, chalk72. Salts, diachylon plaister73. Mercurial plaister, blistering plaister74. Spirits of wine and camphire75. Liniment of soap, sweet oil, sweet spirit of nitre76. Honey, yellow basilicon; elixir of vitriol77. Elixir proprietatis, lenitive electuary78. Turner’s Cerate, fever powders, stomachic powder79. Calomel80. Precipitate81. Mercurial ointment82. Rhubarb, jalap, ipecacuanha, liquid laudanum83. Essential oil of peppermint, Turlington’s balsam 84