
"You might call it a fight," Elizabeth said, "but they never actually laid a hand on each other."

Dr. Carew stared at her in puzzlement as she went on. "They threw every hard thing in the room at each other, without ever touching anything. It was like some ghastly, murderous game. A clock flew through the air like a cannonball, straight at Joseph's head, and some unseen force seemed to stop it. For a second it hung there and trembled in the air—with nothing under it; then it turned and flew like lightning at Quincy; he barely dodged it.

"Finally a vase did find its mark and Quincy fell to the floor. Joseph stepped over him and came toward me. I ran, slamming the door in his face, locking him in. He laughed evilly and called after me, 'Why waste time running away, Elizabeth? I'll come to get you, and you won't be able to resist me now!'"

This is one of the unforgettable scenes from MONARCH BOOKS' new fiction thriller—


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