Abandoned farms, | 52. | Acacia tree, gum arabic made from, | 95. | Adobe soil, | 58. | Æolian soil, | 66. | Africa, need for protection of animals in, | 180. | Agassiz Associations, work of, | 207. | Air, importance of pure, | 10. | Alaska, protection of fish in waters about, | 170. | Alkali soil, | 59. | Alluvial soil, | 64. | Animals, the first domestic, | 5; | careless destruction of, | 12, 49; | court of birds and, | 188-194; | predatory, | 203. | Antelope, disappearance of, | 179; | in Yellowstone Park, | 205. | Appalachian Forest, the, | 133-134. | Arabs, life of the, | 25. | Arbor Day, celebration of, | 210. | Argentine ant, a plague, | 153. | Australia, rabbits as pests in, | 152. | Aztec Indians, | 20. | | | Bacteria in soil, | 59-60. | Balance of nature, | 151; | effects of upsetting, | 151-154. | Barren Lands, | 101. | Bears, in early times, | 21; | in Yellowstone Park, | 205. | Beaver, trapping of, | 179; | protection of, | 205. | Big trees of California, | 49, 99. | Bird Day, observance of, | 210. | Bird of paradise, nearly extinct, | 187. | Bird refuges, | 187, 208-209; | patrols for, | 209-210. | Birds, | 21; | extinct species of, | 22; | destruction of, | 49, 176-182; | hunting of, for millinery purposes, | 183-187; | court of the, | 188-<
html@files@26935@26935-h@26935-h-4.htm.html#page165" class="pginternal">165. | | | Game preserves, | 204-205. | Gas, waste connected with, | 157-161. | Glacial soil, | 65. | Goats, forests injured by, | 111. | Grand CaÑon National Park, | 140. | Grasshoppers, plagues of, | 109, 151. | Great plains, | 96. | Grizzly bears, destruction of, | 179, 192; | in Yellowstone Park, | 205. | Gusher in California oil field, | 158, 159. | Gypsy moth, | 106-107, 151. | | | Hardwood trees, | 98. | Hawks, arguments for and against, | 189-190. | "Heart of the Tree, The," | 139. | Hens, early ancestors of, | 5. | Herons, hunting of, for their plumage, | 185. | Herring, waste in capture of, | 166-167. | Hessian fly, | 153. | Houses, the first, | 3. | Huckleberry shrub, cutting of, | 147, 149. | Humming birds, use of skins of, for capes, | 186. | Humus, in soil, | 57; | destruction of, by forest fires, | 123, 125. | | | Indians, life of, | 19-23; | uses found by, for wood, | 90; | fishing methods of, | 163. | Insect enemies of trees, | 106, 109, 110, 152-154; | warfare waged against, by forest rangers, | 136-137; | eaten by birds, | 197-202. | "In the Heart of the Woods," | 24. | Iron, found in quartz sand, | 58. | Irrigation, storage of water for, | 84, 85, 87. | Italy, results of destruction of forests in, | 77, 79; | wild chestnuts valued in, | | 49; | changes in climate in ascent of, | 101, 103; | usefulness of woodpeckers in, | 199. | Silt, | 75. | Skunks, friends and enemies of, | 193. | Soda in soil, | 59. | Soil, care of the, | 11-12; | effect of destruction of forests upon, | 37-38, 40-42; | renewal of, by nature, | 45; | story of formation of, | 51-56; | real wealth of world formed by, | 56; | things of which made, | 57-60; | plant food in, | 60; | how made, | 61-66; | how vegetation holds, | 67-72; | our most valuable possession, | 74; | evil effects upon, of no protecting carpet of vegetation, | 74-80; | effect of, on growth of trees, | 101. | Songbirds, hunting of, for their plumage, | 185. | Southern states, destruction of soil in, | 77; | turpentine from pine forests of, | 93. | Spain, waste of resources of, | 25-26; | results in, of loss of soil, | 79; | treatment of birds in, | 196. | Spruce forest, destruction of, by forest fires, | 126. | Squirrels, nuts of trees eaten by, | 109; | ground, as pests, | 152. | Stone, implements of, | 3. | Sturgeon, destructive fishing of, | 167. | Subsoil, | 64. | Sugar pines, | 99; | nuts of, eaten by squirrels, | 109; | careless cutting of, | 115. | Swallows, insects eaten by, | 199. | Switzerland, care of wood in, | 93, 114. | Syria, destruction of vegetation in, | 79. | | | Tamarack forests, use of, | 126. | Trees, destruction of, | 12; | imp
NEW-WORLD SCIENCE SERIES Edited by John W. Ritchie
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