Abandoned farms, 52.
Acacia tree, gum arabic made from, 95.
Adobe soil, 58.
Æolian soil, 66.
Africa, need for protection of animals in, 180.
Agassiz Associations, work of, 207.
Air, importance of pure, 10.
Alaska, protection of fish in waters about, 170.
Alkali soil, 59.
Alluvial soil, 64.
Animals, the first domestic, 5;
careless destruction of, 12, 49;
court of birds and, 188-194;
predatory, 203.
Antelope, disappearance of, 179;
in Yellowstone Park, 205.
Appalachian Forest, the, 133-134.
Arabs, life of the, 25.
Arbor Day, celebration of, 210.
Argentine ant, a plague, 153.
Australia, rabbits as pests in, 152.
Aztec Indians, 20.
Bacteria in soil, 59-60.
Balance of nature, 151;
effects of upsetting, 151-154.
Barren Lands, 101.
Bears, in early times, 21;
in Yellowstone Park, 205.
Beaver, trapping of, 179;
protection of, 205.
Big trees of California, 49, 99.
Bird Day, observance of, 210.
Bird of paradise, nearly extinct, 187.
Bird refuges, 187, 208-209;
patrols for, 209-210.
Birds, 21;
extinct species of, 22;
destruction of, 49, 176-182;
hunting of, for millinery purposes, 183-187;
court of the, 188-< html@files@26935@26935-h@26935-h-4.htm.html#page165" class="pginternal">165.
Game preserves, 204-205.
Gas, waste connected with, 157-161.
Glacial soil, 65.
Goats, forests injured by, 111.
Grand CaÑon National Park, 140.
Grasshoppers, plagues of, 109, 151.
Great plains, 96.
Grizzly bears, destruction of, 179, 192;
in Yellowstone Park, 205.
Gusher in California oil field, 158, 159.
Gypsy moth, 106-107, 151.
Hardwood trees, 98.
Hawks, arguments for and against, 189-190.
"Heart of the Tree, The," 139.
Hens, early ancestors of, 5.
Herons, hunting of, for their plumage, 185.
Herring, waste in capture of, 166-167.
Hessian fly, 153.
Houses, the first, 3.
Huckleberry shrub, cutting of, 147, 149.
Humming birds, use of skins of, for capes, 186.
Humus, in soil, 57;
destruction of, by forest fires, 123, 125.
Indians, life of, 19-23;
uses found by, for wood, 90;
fishing methods of, 163.
Insect enemies of trees, 106, 109, 110, 152-154;
warfare waged against, by forest rangers, 136-137;
eaten by birds, 197-202.
"In the Heart of the Woods," 24.
Iron, found in quartz sand, 58.
Irrigation, storage of water for, 84, 85, 87.
Italy, results of destruction of forests in, 77, 79;
wild chestnuts valued in, 49;
changes in climate in ascent of, 101, 103;
usefulness of woodpeckers in, 199.
Silt, 75.
Skunks, friends and enemies of, 193.
Soda in soil, 59.
Soil, care of the, 11-12;
effect of destruction of forests upon, 37-38, 40-42;
renewal of, by nature, 45;
story of formation of, 51-56;
real wealth of world formed by, 56;
things of which made, 57-60;
plant food in, 60;
how made, 61-66;
how vegetation holds, 67-72;
our most valuable possession, 74;
evil effects upon, of no protecting carpet of vegetation, 74-80;
effect of, on growth of trees, 101.
Songbirds, hunting of, for their plumage, 185.
Southern states, destruction of soil in, 77;
turpentine from pine forests of, 93.
Spain, waste of resources of, 25-26;
results in, of loss of soil, 79;
treatment of birds in, 196.
Spruce forest, destruction of, by forest fires, 126.
Squirrels, nuts of trees eaten by, 109;
ground, as pests, 152.
Stone, implements of, 3.
Sturgeon, destructive fishing of, 167.
Subsoil, 64.
Sugar pines, 99;
nuts of, eaten by squirrels, 109;
careless cutting of, 115.
Swallows, insects eaten by, 199.
Switzerland, care of wood in, 93, 114.
Syria, destruction of vegetation in, 79.
Tamarack forests, use of, 126.
Trees, destruction of, 12;

Edited by John W. Ritchie


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