Abbeville, 115
Abolition of Inheritance, 200, 203
Academies, 27
America, 170
Amoeba, 15 et seq.
Antisthenes, 132
Aristides, law of, 232
Aristocracy, 36, 90, 137, 159
—— aptitude for government, 230
—— constitution which obeys laws, 88
—— demophil, 2, 232, 233
—— education under, 190
—— and examination system, 176
—— fusion with democracy, 231-233
—— impossible without merit, 31
—— old men under, 147
—— of Parliament, 172
—— permanent senators form, 58
—— and religion, 205, 207
—— result of indirect election, 19
—— and special jurisdictions, 98
Aristophanes, 126, 150
Aristotle, 14, 16, 31, 70, 78, 85, 88, 129, 131, 134-136, 153, 208, 215, 231, 234, 235
Arrondissement, 44
—— scrutin d', 83
Atheism, 207, 208
Athens, 17, 31, 37, 83, 113, 149, 163, 226, 232
Augier, 213
Austria, 49
BarthÉlemy, AbbÉ, 157
Barthou, M., 9, 118
Belgium, 170
Bismarck, 209
Bonald, 201
BrunetiÈre, 188
Busiris, 115
Calas, 115
Carnot, 93
Carthage, 16, 231
Caucus, 6
Chamber of Deputies, 44, 118, 172-174
Charlemagne, 149
Charondas, 87
Church, the, 98, 206
Cicero, 70
—— de Senectute, 149
Civility, 156 et seq
Civil Service, the, appointments to, 45-51
—— examinations for, 176 et seq.
Clergy, the, 169
Code, the, 75, 76, 163
Colbert, 43
Collectivism, 200-203
Communism, 200
CompÉtence par collation, 19, 22
Competitive examination, 175 et seq.
Conciliation Boards, 97
Concordat, 206
Constitution of 1873, 57
—— mixed, 231
Co-optation, 176
Cour de Cassation, 57, 101, 108, 176
Court of Appeal, 57, 107
Courts, ecclesiastical, 98
—— martial, 98
Criminal procedure, 83
—— jurisdiction, 99
Dandin, 184
Dandino-mania, 184
Decadence, 222, 223
Decrees, 84, 91, 208, 209
Demagogues, 85, 191, 213
Democracy, Aristotle on, 129-136
—— Athenian, 17
—— children under, 142-146
—— and direct government, 37 et seq.
Democracy, encouragement of incompetence under, 30, 92, 126
—— English, 170
—— evolution of a modern, 18 et seq.
—— fusion with aristocracy, 231-235
—— governed by decrees, 34, 91
—— and imperative mandate, 32
—— lack of respect under, 158-161
—— legislation under, 66, 79-81
—— magistrature, 110-122
—— Montesquieu on, 137-139
—— morality under, 139
—— Nietzsche on, 220-226
—— old men under, 146-153
—— Plato on, 127-129
—— and politicians, 34, 36
—— position of women under, 140-142
—— principle of, 14, 15
—— and private enterprise, 59-61
—— and reform, 216-219
—— Rousseau on, 136, 137
—— and schoolmasters, 191-215
—— and socialism, 61-65
—— and special jurisdictions, 98, 99
Demos, 56, 86
Demosthenes, 82
Deputy, 55, 174
—— mayors, 119
Despotism, principle of, 12
—— tendency of democracy towards, 62, 65, 96
D'Etalonde, 115
Diderot, 207
Division of labour, 15
—— —— in domestic life, 141
Divorce, 125
Germans, 67
Gerontocracy, 146, 153
Gladstone, Mr., 3, 5
Goncourt, 201
Greece, 222, 226
Greeks, 71, 73, 87
Greek philosophers, 126
Holbach, 207
Homer, 56
Horace, 152
Hugo, Victor, 209
Ideal legislator, the, 79
Imperative mandate, 32, 33
Indirect election, 19
Inequalities, artificial and natural, 30
Interpellation, 83
Italy, 170
Japy, Mme., 114
Jesuits in Paraguay, 62
JoannÈs, Baron, 68
Judges, appointment of, 46, 100-112
—— interpretation of the law, 163
Juge de paix, 111, 116 et seq.
Jurisdiction, criminal, 99
—— ecclesiastical, 97
—— military, 97
—— seignorial, 97
Jury, the 112-115, 168, 169
Kant, 153
La Barre, 115
LacedÆmon, 150, 231
Law, abolishing primogeniture, 124
—— abuse of, 110
—— of competence, 97
—— and decrees, 84-91
—— degree in, 116
—— doctors of, 108
—— ecclesiastical, 125
—— emergency, 82-89
—— fundamental, 89
—— governs men, 121
—— of July 12th, 1905, 117
—— made by the ideal legislator, 67-74
—— made by the people, 17, 18, 25, 40, 194-196, 234
—— must be ancient and unchanged, 77-79
—— not the same for rich and poor, 199
—— permitting divorce, 125
—— of proportion, 14
—— questions of, 113, 162
—— of Sunday observance, 75, 76
—— and tradition, 230
Legal profession, the, 60
Legislation, ancient, 87
—— English, 2, 4
—— party, 81-82
—— philanthropic, 6
—— predatory, 8
—— requires special knowledge, 18, 67
Legislator, essential qualifications for, 66-81
—— Greek, 73
Lestranger, M. Marcel, 164, 166
Liberty of association, 194, 196
Louis XIV, 21, 22, 150, 195, 204, 209
—— XV, 150
—— XVI, 133
Louvois, 175
Senators, 55, 172-175
—— irremovable, 57
Seneca, 129
Socialism, 61-65, 231
Socrates, 18, 88
—— on democracy, 144
Solon, 67, 73
Sovereignty of the People, 40, 45, 56, 177, 194-198, 204-209, 214
Specialisation of functions, 15-18, 31
Special jurisdictions, 97, 98
State control of children, 144
—— —— of magistrates, 100,101
—— —— of private enterprise, 60-61
—— danger of eminent man to, 131-137
—— intervention to restore public morality, 217-219
State policy, 110
—— services rendered to, 230
—— within a State, 196
Steinheil case, 114
Suidas, 103, 105
Sunday observance, 75
Sylla, 73
Synergy, 235, 236
Terence, 150
Thrasybulus, 132
Toulouse, 115
Tyranny, 135
Universal suffrage, 21, 173-175
University degrees, 20, 181-183
Upper chamber, suggestions for strong, 174
Usbek, 78
Virtue, civic, 14, 103, 104
—— the principle of a republic, 12, 13
Voltaire, 103-105,