{1} A small or moderate-sized spider found among foliage.—Translator’s Note.{2} LÉon Dufour (1780-1865) was an army surgeon who served with distinction in several campaigns and subsequently practised as a doctor in the Landes. He attained great eminence as a naturalist.—Translator’s Note.{3} The Tarantula is a Lycosa, or Wolf-spider. Fabre’s Tarantula, the Black-bellied Tarantula, is identical with the Narbonne Lycosa, under which name the description is continued in Chapters iii. to vi., all of which were written at a considerably later date than the present chapter.—Translator’s Note.{4} Giorgio Baglivi (1669-1707), professor of anatomy and medicine at Rome.—Translator’s Note.{5} ‘When our husbandmen wish to catch them, they approach their hiding-places, and play on a thin grass pipe, making a sound not unlike the humming of bees. Hearing which, the Tarantula rushes out fiercely that she may catch the flies or other insects of this kind, whose buzzing she thinks it to be; but she herself is caught by her rustic trapper.’{6} ProvenÇal for the bit of waste ground on which the author studies his insects in the natural state.—Translator’s note.{7} ‘Thanks to the Bumble-bee.’{8} Like the Dung-beetles.—Translator’s Note.{9} Like the Solitary Wasps.—Translator’s Note.{10} Such as the Hairy Ammophila, the Cerceris and the Languedocian Sphex, Digger-wasps described in other of the author’s essays.—Translator’s Note.{11} The desnucador, the Argentine slaughterman whose methods of slaying cattle are detailed in the author’s essay entitled, The Theory of Instinct.—Translator’s Note.{12} A family of Grasshoppers.—Translator’s Note.{13} A genus of Beetles.—Translator’s Note.{14} A species of Digger-wasp.—Translator’s Note.{15} The Cicada is the Cigale, an insect akin to the Grasshopper and found more particularly in the South of France.—Translator’s Note.{16} The generic title of the work from which these essays are taken is Entomological Memories, or, Studies relating to the Instinct and Habits of Insects.—Translator’s Note.{17} A species of Grasshopper.—Translator’s Note.{18} An insect akin to the Locusts and Crickets, which, when at rest, adopts an attitude resembling that of prayer. When attacking, it assumes what is known as ‘the spectral attitude.’ Its forelegs form a sort of saw-like or barbed harpoons. Cf. Social Life in the Insect World, by J. H. Fabre, translated by Bernard Miall: chaps. v. to vii.—Translator’s Note.{19} .39 inch.—Translator’s Note.{20} These experiments are described in the author’s essay on the Mason Bees entitled Fragments on Insect Psychology.—Translator’s Note.{21} A species of Wasp.—Translator’s Note.{22} In Chap. VIII. of the present volume.—Translator’s Note.{23} Jules Michelet (1798-1874), author of L’Oiseau and L’Insecte, in addition to the historical works for which he is chiefly known. As a lad, he helped his father, a printer by trade, in setting type.—Translator’s Note.{24} Chapter III. of the present volume.—Translator’s Note.{25} A species of Dung-beetle. Cf. The Life and Love of the Insect, by J. Henri Fabre, translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos: chap. v.—Translator’s Note.{26} A species of Beetle.—Translator’s Note.{27} Cf. Insect Life, by J. H. Fabre, translated by the author of Mademoiselle Mori: chaps. i. and ii.; The Life and Love of the Insect, by J. Henri Fabre, translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos: chaps. i. to iv.—Translator’s Note.{28} Chapter II.—Translator’s Note.{29} .39 inch.—Translator’s Note.{30} The Processionaries are Moth-caterpillars that feed on various leaves and march in file, laying a silken trail as they go.—Translator’s Note.{31} The weekly half-holiday in French schools.—Translator’s Note.{32} Cf. Social Life in the Insect World, by J. H. Fabre, translated by Bernard Miall: chap. xiv.—Translator’s Note.{33} Cf. Insect Life, by J. H. Fabre, translated by the author of Mademoiselle Mori: chap. v.—Translator’s Note.{34} The Scolia is a Digger-wasp, like the Cerceris and the Sphex, and feeds her larvae on the grubs of the Cetonia, or Rose-chafer, and the Oryctes, or Rhinoceros Beetle. Cf. The Life and Love of the Insect, by J. Henri Fabre, translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos: chap. xi.—Translator’s Note.{35} Cf. Social Life in the Insect World, by J. H. Fabre, translated by Bernard Miall. chap. xiii., in which the name is given, by a printer’s error, as Philanthus aviporus.—Translator’s Note.{36} Or Bird Spiders, known also as the American Tarantula.—Translator’s Note.{37} .059 inch.—Translator’s Note.{38} The Ichneumon-flies are very small insects which carry long ovipositors, wherewith they lay their eggs in the eggs of other insects and also, more especially, in caterpillars. Their parasitic larvae live and develop at the expense of the egg or grub attacked, which degenerates in consequence.—Translator’s Note.{39} One of the largest families of Beetles, darkish in colour and shunning the light.—Translator’s Note.{40} The Iulus is one of the family of Myriapods, which includes Centipedes, etc.—Translator’s Note.{41} A species of Land-snail.—Translator’s Note.{42} Jacques Bernouilli (1654-1705), professor of mathematics at the University of Basel from 1687 to the year of his death. He improved the differential calculus, solved the isoperimetrical problem and discovered the properties of the logarithmic spiral.—Translator’s Note.