Transcriber's Notes


Variant spelling and hyphenation have been preserved as printed; simple typographical errors have been corrected.

In the Table of Contents, the printed page numbers were all off by 10: page 7 should read page 17, page 21 should read page 31, and so on. The page numbers have been updated for the plain text version of this book. (The HTML and e-reader versions do not use page references in the ToC.)

The following changes were also made:

  • Page 86:
    dead and dry, however, never fresh ones. [added period]
  • Page 183, illustration:
    The fire was not exactly lit for us. [changed from colon]
  • Page 277:
    lines obliquely at angles of equal value. [added period]
  • Page 285, Index:
    habits of Red, or Amazon, [added comma]

All changes are also noted in the source code: search <!--TN:

Text of the terrible sum:

1 + 1/1 + 1/(1.2) + 1/(1.2.3) + 1/( + 1/( + etc.


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