- Angular Spider, web of, 269, 274-275
- Ants, battle between Red and Black, 59-60
- habits of Red, or Amazon, 58-59
- sense of direction of, 60-61
- Banded Spider, eggs and young of, 207-208
- Bees, Carpenter, prey of Tarantula, 214-215
- Cotton, 85-88
- Dioxys, 47
- doorkeeping, 69-77
- Gnats as enemies of, 67-69
- home-finding instinct of, 49-50
- Leaf-cutting, 47, 78-84, 86
- Mason, 37-46
- Osmia, 47
- Resin, 89-92
- victims of Crab-spider, 248-249
- Zebra, 62-77
- Beetles, Hoplia, 192
- Truffle-hunting, 171-176
- usefulness of, about Bees’ houses, 47-48
- Birds, sense of direction of, 57-58
- Bluebottle Flies, as scavengers, 134
- Bumble-bee, prey of Tarantula, 211-212
- Butterfly, hunted by Banded Spider, 200
- Cabbage-caterpillars, 161-166
- Caddis-worms, 17
- study of, 31-32
- use of defensive sheath by, 33-34
- viewed as insect submarine, 35-36
- Carpenter-bee, fight between Tarantula and, 214-215
- Caterpillars, Cabbage, 161-166
- Cats, home-finding instinct of, 52-57
- Clotho Spider, food of, 239
- Crab-spider, described, 249-250
- Crickets, prey of Yellow-winged Wasps, 106-112
- Dioxys-bee, 47
- Dog, truffle-hunting by, 171-173
- Doorkeeping Bees, 69-77
- Dragon-flies, 18
- prey of Banded Spider, 200
- Flesh-flies, Gray, as scavengers, 134
- Flies, as prey of Wasps, 113-118
- Bombylii, as parasites, 130-131
- scavenger work done by,