Such, avowedly, has been the language of Dr. Norris, of Stonyhurst; such also, unless my memory altogether fail me, has been the language of Dr. Doyle. Roma locuta est: causa finita est. Which, being interpreted, Is: Rome hath spoken: the cause, therefore, is determined.
These two divines seem, either themselves to have forgotten, or to have expected their opponents to forget; that the theologians of Trent, not only define DOCTRINES, but assert FACTS; not only assert FACTS, but assert them as THE AVOWED BASIS OF DOCTRINES.
The defined DOCTRINES being thus professedly made to rest upon the asserted FACTS, we should feel ourselves greatly obliged to Dr. Norris, and Dr. Doyle, if they would distinctly teach us; What becomes of the defined DOCTRINES, when the asserted FACTS themselves turn out to be mere shadowy non-entities?
Will a house continue to stand, when its foundations are removed? Can doctrines remain secure, when their professed basis of facts proves to be nothing better than the fabric of a vision? Concil. Trident. sess. xiii. a 3. p. 124. Ibid. sess. xiv. c. 5. p. 148. Ibid. sess. xiv. c. 7. p. 153. Ibid. sess. xxiii. c 1. p. 279. Ibid. sess. xxiii. a 3. p. 280. Ibid. sess. v. p. 12, 13. Here let the reader mark the circumstance, alluded to in a preceding note.
We have A DOCTRINAL SYSTEM professedly resting upon A BASIS OF ASSERTED FACTS.
The DOCTRINAL SYSTEM comprehends all the peculiarities of Popery: the BASIS OF ASSERTED FACTS is the unanimous teaching of those peculiarities both by Holy Scripture and by the whole body of the Fathers.
Now, if, simply as an historical matter of fact, the peculiarities of Popery be not taught by Holy Scripture, and by the whole body of the Fathers, will Dr. Norris and Dr. Doyle have the goodness to tell us; how, on the declared principles of the Council of Trent, we are to estimate the value of those same peculiarities? Faith of Cathol. p. 154, 155. Concil. Trident. sess. xiii. c. 1, 3, 4, 5. can. 1, 2, 3, 4. p. 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130. sess. xxii. c. 2. can. 1, 3. p. 239, 240, 244. John vi. 51–63. Matt. xxvi. 26–29. Thus formally interprets Theodoret. See below, § in. 9. (1.) 1. Corinth, xi. 23–28. Clem. Alex. Poedag. lib. ii. c. 2. Oper. p. 156. Ibid. p. 158. Tertull. de anim. Oper. p. 653. Tertull. de resurr. carn. § xxviii. Oper. p. 69. Tertull. adv. Marcion. lib. i. § 9. Oper. p. 155. Athan. in illud Evan. Quicunque dixerit. Oper. vol. i. 771, 772. Euseb. Demons. Evan. lib. viii. c. 2. p. 236. Ibid. p. 236. Ambros. Officior. lib. i. c. 48. Oper. col. 33. Macar. Ægypt. Homil. xxvii. For the scripturally determined sense of the word Antitype, see, in the original Greek, Heb. ix. 24. Gregor. Nyssen. in Baptism. Christ Oper. vol. ii. p. 801, 802. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. Mystag. v. p. 244. Ibid. iii. p. 235. August. cont. Adimant. c. xii. Oper. vol. v.. pi 69. August. cont. Maximin. lib. iii. c. 22. Oper. vol. vi. p. 275. August. Enarr. in Psalm. xcviii. Oper. vol. viii. p. 397. August de Doctrin. Christian. lib. iii. c. 15, 16. Theodoret. Dial. i. Oper. vol. iv. p. 17, 18. Ibid. Dial. ii. Oper. vol. iv. p. 84, 85. Gelas. de duab. Christ. natur. in Biblioth. Patr. vol. iv. p. 422. Vacund. Defens. Concil. Chalced. lib. ix. c. 5. Oper. p. 144. Ephroem. Theopolitan. apud Phot. Bibl. cod. ccxxix. p. 794. Bed. Comment. in Psalm. iii. Amalar. de Eccles. Offic. in PrÆfat. Amalar. de Eccles. Offic. lib. i. c. 24. Walaf. Strab de Reb. Eccles. c. xiv Raban. Mogunt. Epist. ad Heribald. de Euchar. c. xxxii. Bertram. de corp. et sanguin. Domin. p. 203, 205, 213, 214. Concil. Trident. sess. xxv. p. 505, 506. Profess. Fid. Trident. in Syllog. Confess. p. 4. Rev. xiv. 13 2 Macc. xii. 43–46. 2 Macc. xiv. 37–46; xv. 37, 38. 2 Macc. xii. 39–42. Concil. Trident. sess. xiv. c. 1, 5. p. 144, 148, 149. sess. xxv. p. 506. Melit. Sardens. apud Euseb. Hist. Eccles. lib. iv. c. 25. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. iv. p. 37, 38. Ruffin. Expos. in Symbol. Apost. ad calc. Cyprian. Oper. p. 26, 27. Hieron. Prolog. Scriptur. Galeat. Oper. vol. iii. p. 287. Epiphan. de mensur. et ponderib. Oper. p. 300. Athan. Epist. Festal. xxxix. Oper. vol. ii. p. 44, 45. Athan. Succinct. Script. Synop. Oper. vol. ii. p. 61–63, 101, 133. Gregor. Magn. Moral. in Job. lib. xix. c. 13. As if in bitter mockery of the popish proof of the doctrine of a Purgatory from the second book of Maccabees, Ruffinus tells us, in the fifth century, that, although the apocryphal books might be read in churches for edification, they were not to be controversially adduced as any authority for the settlement of a point of faith and doctrine. Pope Gregory says the same. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. iv. p, 37. Polycarp. Epist. ad Philipp. § 2, 7. Athenag. de Resurrect. Mortuor. Oper. p. 143–219. Iren. adv. hÆr. lib. v. c. 26. p. 356. Clem. Rom. Epist. ad Corinth. ii. § 8. Ignat. Epist. ad Magnes. § 5. Justin. Dial. cum Tryph. Oper. p. 270. Hippolyt. e libr. adv. GrÆc. Oper. vol. i. p. 220, 221. Cyprian. ad Demetrian. Oper. vol. i. p. 196. Tertull. de anim. Oper. p. 689. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. Mystag. v. p. 241. Ambros. Enarr. in Psalm l. Oper. col. 1286. August. de Fid. et Oper. c. xv. Oper. vol. iv. p. 28, 29. August de Ign. Purgat. serm. iv. Oper. vol. x. p. 382. August. de octo Dulcit. quÆst. Oper. vol. iv. p. 250. August. Enarr. in Psalm ciii. conc. 3. Oper. vol. viii. p. 430. August. de Civ. Dei. lib. x. c. 25, 26. Tertull. de. monogam. § 10. Oper. p. 578. Rev. xx. 4–6. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. Mystag. v. p. 241. Concil. Trident. sess. iv. p. 7, 8. Matt. xv. 3–6. See 1 Kings xix. 18. Job xxxi. 27. Hos. xiii. 2. See Orig. cont. Cels. lib. vi. p. 284. Arnob. adv. Gent. lib. vi. p. 195. Lactant. Divin. Instit. lib. ii. § 2. p. 141. Concil. Trident. sess. xxv. p. 507, 508. Coloss. ii. 6–8. Deut. iv. 2. Isaiah viii. 20. Galat. i. 8. 2 Tim. iii. 15–17. 2 Thess. iii. 6. Thess. ii. 15. Corinth. xi. 2. Iren. adv. hÆr. lib. iii. c. l. p. 169. Iren. adv. hÆr. lib. iii. c. 2. p. 169. Tertull. adv. Hermog. § 12. Oper. p. 346. Hippol. cont. Noet. § ix. Oper. vol. ii. p. 12, 13. Cyprian. Epist. lxxiv. Oper. vol. ii. p. 211. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. iv. p. 30. Athan. Orat. cont. gent. Oper. vol. i. p. 1. Athan. ad Serap. Oper. vol. i. p. 359. Athan. de incar. Christ. Oper. vol. i. p. 484. Athan. Epist. Fest. xxxix. Oper. vol. ii. p. 45. Athan. Epist. ad Serap. Oper. vol. ii. p. 29. Athan. de S. Trin. dial. ii. Oper. vol. ii. p. 172. Basil. de Ver. Fid. Oper. vol. ii. p. 386. Basil. Homil. de Trin. xxix. Hieron. adv. Helvid. c. ix. Oper. vol. ii. p. 116. Hieron. ad Demet. de virgin. Oper. vol. ix. p. 4. August. cont. Crescon. lib. ii. c. 32. Oper. vol. vii. p. 160. Concil. Trident. sess. xiv. c. 9. p. 158, 159. Luke xvi. 10. Luke xviii. 10–14. Rom. ii. 27, 28. Rom. iv. 2–5. Rom. v. 1. Rom. x. 3. Isaiah lxiv. 6. Clem. Roman. Epist. ad Corinth, i. § 32. Epist. ad Diognet. in Oper. Justin Martyr. p. 386. Ambros. Comment. in Psalm. cxviii. (cxix.) serm. xx. ver. 4. Oper. col. 1595. Ambros. de poenit. lib. ii. c. 8. Oper. col. 191. August. Enarr. in Psalm. lxx. Oper. vol. viii. p. 277. Concil. Trident. sess. xxv. p. 507, 508. S. Thom. Aquin. part. iii. q. 25. art 4. Jacob. Naclant. Ciug. Expos. Epist. ad Roman. cap. i. Gabriel. Biel. super Can. Miss. lect. xlix. Pet. de Medran. Roset. Theolog. p. 311. Aring. Rom. Subt. lib. v. c. 4. Ibid. vol. ii. p. 464. Breviar. Rom. Hebdom. 4. Quadrag. die sabbat. Collect. in Hor. ad usum Sarum. fol. 30. Ibid. fol. 33. Offic. parv. beat. Mar. p. 127. Collect. in Hor. ad. usum Sarum. for. 77. Ibid. fol. 77. Ibid. fol. 80. The Devotion of the sacred heart of Jesus, including the Devotion to the sacred heart of the blessed Virgin Mary; with an Appendix and the indult of Pope Pius VII. in favour of it; for the use of the midland district. Edit. 12. p. 212, 213. Keating and Brown, 1821. Ibid. p. 206. See also p. 293. You pagans allege, says Arnobius, that YOU WORSHIP THE GODS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF IMAGES—You tell us, that THEY RECEIVE YOUR PRAYERS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF A SORT OF GO-BETWEENS. Arnob. adv. gent. lib. vi. p. 1 95. We do not fear the images themselves, the Pagans tell us, says Lactantius; but those beings, after whose similitude they are fashioned, and by whose names they are consecrated. Lactant. Divin. Instit. lib. ii. § 2. p. 141. Exod. xx. 4–6. Deuter. xxvii. 15. Isa. xliv. 9. See also Psalm cxxxv. 15–18. Isa. xliv. 19. Habak. ii. 18, 19. Mat. lv. 10. Coloss. ii. 18. Rev. xxii. 8, 9. Acts xiv. 10–15. Epist. Eccles. Smyrn. § 17, 18. Clem. Alex. Strom. lib. vii. Oper. p. 714. Clem. Alex. Admon. ad Gent. Oper. p. 34. Minuc. Fel. Octav. p. 91. Ibid. p. 284. Orig. cont. Cels. lib. viii. p. 389. Ibid. lib. vi. p. 284. Concil. Elib. can. xxxvi. Athan. cont. Arian. Orat. iv. Oper. vol. i. p. 275. August. de ver. relig. c. lv. Oper. vol. i. p. 317. August de. morib. Eccles. Cathol. lib. i. c. 34. Epiphan. cont. hÆr. lib. iii. tom. ii. hÆr. 79. Concil. Trident. sess. vii. p. 87. sess. xiv. c. 3. p. 162. sess. xxii. c. 8. p. 243. Profess. Fid. Trident. in syllog. Confess. p. 5. Matt. xvi. 18, 19. Iren. adv. hÆr. lib. iii. c. 3. p. 170, 171. Constit. Apost. lib. vii. c. 46. Scalig. in. Joan. xviii. 31. Concil. Trident. sess. xiii. cap. l. p. 123. Johan. Scot. in 4 sent. dist. xi. q. 3. Biel. in Can. Miss. lect. 40. Occam. Centil. lib. iv. q. 6. et in 4 sent. dist. xi. q. 6. Petr. ab. Alliac. Camerac. in 4 sent. dist. xi. q. 6. art. 1, 2. Cajet. in Th. p. 3. q. lxxv. art. l. q. xlv. art. 14. Fisher. Roffens. cont. Luther. de capt. Babyl. c. 1. Concil. Trident. sess. xxv. p. 505, 506. Trevern’s Discuss. Amic. vol. ii. p. 242. Fisher. Roffens. cont. Luther. art. xviii. Oper. p. 496. Barn. Catholico-Rom. Pacif. sect. ix. litt. D. ad fin. Paralip. Picherell. de Miss. c. ii. p. 150. Concil. Trident sess. xxv. p. 507. Petav. Dogmat. Theol. lib. xv. c. 13. n. 3. See Stillingfleet’s Rational Account of the Grounds of Protest. Relig. part. iii. chap. 3. § 19. p. 590. Albert. Pigh. Hierarch. Eccles. lib. vi. c. 1, 4. Concil. Trident. sess. v. p. 12, 13. sess. xxiii. c 3. p. 280. Pamph. p. 9, 10. For a full account of this fatal, though very true, acknowledgment, extorted from Mr. Husenbeth by my repeated demand of distinct evidence from the writers of the three first centuries, see my Difficulties of Roman. book i. chap. 7. 2d edit. The futile attempts of Bp. Trevern and Mr. Berington to bring, from the same early period, a shadow of testimony to their peculiarities, are, in the same Work, exposed and exploded. Should any of Mr. Husenbeth’s clerical brethren refuse to be bound by his confession, let them, if they can, come forward and trace their doctrines up to the Apostles through the successive writings of the Fathers of the three first centuries. Ind. Expurg. Belg. p. 54. For the original Latin, see Diff. of Rom. p. 346. 2d edit. See above, chap. ii. § III. 18. Ind. Expurg. Belg. p. 54. Hist. des Variat. livr. iv. § 32. Elfric has plainly borrowed both the turn and the sentiment of the present erased passage from Augustine. See above, chap. ii. § III. 9. (3.) See Soames’s Hist. of the Reform. vol. iii. p. 165, 166: and Stewart’s Protest. Layman. p. 322, 323, 324. Bp. Taylor’s Dissuasive from Popery, chap. i. sect. 1. See above, chap. ii. §. III. 10. (2.) Berington’s Faith of Cathol. p. 240. Trevern’s Ans. to Diffic. of Roman. p. 270. Husenbeth’s Reply to Supplem. p. 243. Cyril. Hieros. Catech. Myst. v. p. 241. Discuss. Amic. vol. ii. p. 87. Tract. de Sacram. lib. iv. c. 4. Discuss. Amic. vol. ii. p. 92. Cyprian. Epist. lv. vol. ii. p. 109, 110. Berington’s Faith of Cathol. p. 355. Trevern’s Discuss. Amic. vol. ii. p. 243. Husenbeth’s Defence of the Creed and Discip. of the Cath. Church. chap. iii. p. 69. Husenbeth’s Defence of Creed. chap. ii. p. 41, 42. Trevern’s Discuss. Amic. vol. i. p. 407. Trevern’s Answ. to Diff. of Rom. p. 202. Husenbeth’s Reply to Supplem. p. 273. See my Diffic. of Roman, p. 526–529. 2d. edit. Index Expurg. Madr. 1612. in indice libr. expurg. p. 39. Bp. Taylor’s Dissuasive from Popery, chap. i. sect. I. Sixtus Senensis, in Epistola dedicatoria ad Pium Quintum, laudat Pontificem in hÆc verba: Expurgari et emaculari curasti, omnium catholicorum scriptorum, ac prÆcipuÈ veterum Patrum, scripta. See Bp. Taylor’s Dissuas. from Poper. ch. i. sect. 1.