McFarland's Pathology


A Text-Book of Pathology. By Joseph McFarland, M. D., Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. Octavo of 856 pages, with 437 illustrations, many in colors. Cloth, $5.00 net; Half Morocco, $6.50 net.


You cannot successfully treat disease unless you have a practical, clinical knowledge of the pathologic changes produced by disease. For this purpose Dr. McFarland's work is well fitted. It was written with just such an end in view—to furnish a ready means of acquiring a thorough training in the subject, a training such as would be of daily help in your practice. For this edition every page has been gone over most carefully, correcting, omitting the obsolete, and adding the new. Some sections have been entirely rewritten. You will find it a book well worth consulting, for it is the work of an authority.

St. Paul Medical Journal

"It is safe to say that there are few who are better qualified to give a rÉsumÉ of the modern views on this subject than McFarland. The subject-matter is thoroughly up to date."

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

"It contains a great mass of well-classified facts. One of the best sections is that on the special pathology of the blood."


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