Jordan's General Bacteriology


A Text-Book of General Bacteriology. By Edwin O. Jordan, Ph.D., Professor of Bacteriology in the University of Chicago and in Rush Medical College. Octavo of 623 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $3.00 net.


Professor Jordan's work embraces the entire field of bacteriology, the non-pathogenic as well as the pathogenic bacteria being considered, giving greater emphasis, of course, to the latter. There are extensive chapters on methods of studying bacteria, including staining, biochemical tests, cultures, etc.; on the development and composition of bacteria; on enzymes and fermentation-products; on the bacterial production of pigment, acid and alkali; and on ptomaines and toxins. Especially complete is the presentation of the serum treatment of gonorrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, and tetanus. The relation of bovine to human tuberculosis and the ocular tuberculin reaction receive extensive consideration.

This work will also appeal to academic and scientific students. It contains chapters on the bacteriology of plants, milk and milk-products, air, agriculture, water, food preservatives, the processes of leather tanning, tobacco curing, and vinegar making; the relation of bacteriology to household administration and to sanitary engineering, etc.

Prof. Severance Burrage, Associate Professor of Sanitary Science, Purdue University.

"I am much impressed with the completeness and accuracy of the book. It certainly covers the ground more completely than any other American book that I have seen."


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