The following regulations are laid down for observance in the Bacteriological Laboratories under the direction of the author. Similar regulations should be enforced in all laboratories where pathogenic bacteria are studied. Guy's Hospital.BACTERIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT. HANDLING OF INFECTIVE MATERIALS. The following Regulations have been drawn up in the interest of those working in the Laboratory as well as the public at large, and will be strictly enforced. Their object is to avoid the dangers of infection which may arise from neglect of necessary precautions or from carelessness. Everyone must note that by neglecting the general rules laid down he not only runs grave risk himself, but is a danger to others. REGULATIONS. 1. Each worker must wear a gown or overall, provided at his own expense, which must be kept in the Laboratory. 2. The hands must be disinfected with lysol 2 per cent. solution, carbolic acid 5 per cent. solution, or corrosive sublimate 1 per mille solution, after dealing with infectious material, and before using towels. 3. On no account must Laboratory towels or dusters be used for wiping up infectious material, and if such towels or dusters do become soiled, they must be immediately sterilised by boiling. 4. Special pails containing disinfectant are provided to receive any waste material, and nothing must be thrown on the floor. 5. All instruments must be flamed, boiled, or otherwise disinfected immediately after use. 6. Labels must be moistened with water, and not by the mouth. 7. All disused cover-glasses, slides, and pipettes after use in handling infectious material, etc., must be placed in 2 per cent. lysol solution. A vessel is supplied on each bench for this purpose. 8. All plate and tube cultures of pathogenic organisms when done with, must be placed for immediate disinfection in the boxes provided for the purpose. 9. No fluids are to be discharged into sinks or drains unless previously disinfected. 10. Animals are to be dissected only after being nailed out on the wooden boards, and their skin thoroughly washed with disinfectant solution. 11. Immediately after the post-mortem examination is completed each cadaver must be placed in the zinc animal-box—without removing the carcase from the post-mortem board—and the cover of the box replaced, ready for carriage to the destructor. 12. Dead animals, when done with, are cremated in the destructor, and the laboratory attendant must be notified when the bodies are ready for cremation. 13. None of the workers in the laboratory are allowed to enter the animal houses unless accompanied by the special attendant in charge, who must scrupulously observe the same directions regarding personal disinfection as the workers in the laboratories. 14. No cultures are to be taken out of the laboratory without the permission of the head of the Department. 15. All accidents, such as spilling infected material, cutting or pricking the fingers, must be at once reported to the bacteriologist in charge. |