A Text-Book of Embryology. By John C. Heisler, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia. Octavo volume of 435 pages, with 212 illustrations, 32 of them in colors. Cloth, $3.00 net. THIRD EDITION—WITH 212 ILLUSTRATIONS, 32 IN COLORSThis edition represents all the advances recently made in the science of embryology. Many portions have been entirely rewritten, and a great deal of new and important matter added. A number of new illustrations have also been introduced and these will prove very valuable. Heisler's Embryology has become a standard work. G. Carl Huber, M.D., Professor of Embryology at the Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylania. "I find this edition of 'A Text-Book of Embryology,' by Dr. Heisler, an improvement on the former one. The figures added increase greatly the value of the work. I am again recommending it to our students." |