Economic ZoÖlogy. By L. S. Daugherty, M. S., Ph. D., Professor of ZoÖlogy, State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., and M. C. Daugherty, author with Jackson of "Agriculture Through the Laboratory and School Garden." Part I: Field and Laboratory Guide. 12mo of 237 pages, interleaved. Cloth, $1.25 net. Part II: Principles. 12mo of 406 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $2.00 net. ILLUSTRATEDThere is no other book just like this. Not only does it give the salient facts of structural zoÖlogy and the development of the various branches of animals, but also the natural history—the life and habits—thus showing the interrelations of structure, habit, and environment. In a word, it gives the principles of zoÖlogy and their actual application. The economic phase is emphasized. Part I—the Field and Laboratory Guide—is designed for practical instruction in the field and laboratory. To enhance its value for this purpose blank pages are inserted for notes. |